A fucking nigger family moved in next door. The previous owner was a gay asian guy that I barely saw, now this...

A fucking nigger family moved in next door. The previous owner was a gay asian guy that I barely saw, now this. Its a nice neighborhood, so if crime increases I know EXACTLY where to look. I really like it here I don't want to move :-(.

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It is said that if you make friends with them they are less likely to rob you, but don't let him get into your home, he might formulate a plan to rob it. Stay safe

just shoot him.
Problem solved

Blacks who move to a mostly white neighborhood are just looking to escape niggers. They'll be fine people, most likely.

They will test you.

As soon as they start to play loud music, or if you smell weed coming from their place, call the cops. Don't let anything slide. Don't let them get away with anything.

Thank Gd weed is legal here so nanny fucks like you can't mess with us.


Don't watch it. Hollywood runs on money. If the product doesn't make money then it'll prove a point.


That would probably make them even more mad and then they'll plot revenge.

Ill get a better idea if they're rowdy nigs or wholesome this weekend. Houses here are fairly pricey for the neighborhood, so they will probably be OK. Its their cousins and kids friends that steal and vandalize.

Enjoy degeneracy Jonah

>Houses here are fairly pricey for the neighborhood, so they will probably be OK.
if anything that makes it worse, they're probably either hideously underqualified affirmative action hires or some sort of "ontrapinour" with access to no bid contracts thanks to obama, they're going to be setting up a PA system and having their entire extended family uber in from the marcus garvey projects and have a party like they're some sort of rappers

If you smell weed there's cocaine as well

Call the cops if you smell weed

Even better, torrent it & freely distribute it to friends.

>Blacks escaping niggers
>"Fine" people
>Nothing to worry about

Come on you goys, haven't you all heard? We're all just human! OY, VEY!

White Flight again becomes the only option

This is what keeps white people saving and working and earning btw — make bank or get shot

don't move, do everything to make them move.

dont be seen as the instigator.

lighten up it's not like you're in cuckistan europe

I'm gonna guess you're probably the problem in the neighbourhood

I probably have the shittiest lawn so yeah.

Meet me by skytree at 3pm

Niggers are a pest. More will come.
The neighborhood will decline.
How do you think the ghettos became ghettos?
They weren't built that way.

WOW! So you people are actually real.

Since you like it, it's probably a nice neighborhood, so they're probably okay. Don't freak out. Also



>That would probably make them even more mad and then they'll plot revenge.

Wrong. Niggers, especially problem niggers, are cowards and only seek to commit crimes against those they think will not fight back. A single cop call can fix a coon problem for good, especially if the housing they live in is section 8, as the niggers will usually just leave and go elsewhere rather than deal with the police.

god you eurofags are so lucky to not have to deal with racial shit 24/7

just do yourself a favor and keep your egalitarian propaganda to yourself or enjoy it in (((movies))) or on those shit-tier BBC shows

the realities are...different in real life. once you import the critical level of shitskins needed to destroy all your schools, cities, etc youre all going to regret it. trust me

Why the fuck is section 8 in the suburbs now?
A friend of mine had a nig move in next door.
She was a pain in the ass but was eventually
kicked out when she couldn't pay her rent.
The funny thing is the owner later told him that she only paid about $100. The tax-payers footed
the rest of the $1200 a month.

Section 8 can exist anywhere. A lot of landlords get dollar signs in their eyes when the government offers to pay the cost of rent for them. Experienced landlords know better.