A new way to fight feminism

Black women have low divorce rates with white men, cook well, and don't work.

How can you not want one? They're like thick versions of 1960s housewives, the only way to stop feminism

>inb4 iq
Affirmative hiring and college admissions will make your kids get good jobs and stuff

Other urls found in this thread:


They're niggers.

This and sage

The ones who fuck white men tend to reject nigger culture

Undesirable women have low divorce rates because they are not constantly tempted to stray. You might as well just marry a 600 pound chick if you want a girl who can cook, doesn't work, and won't leave you as your only criteria.

Bonus: a white 600 pound girl will bear you white children.

Morbidly obese confirmed better than niggers.

Hmm maybe because pic related
And I want my children to not have gorilla DNA

Yea, that's not how this works

Then how does it work?

And you must be a homo

Women in general can't cool well. I always do all the cooking in any repationship I've been in because women tend to fuck up even the most basic shit.

All I could see im the thumbnail were two eyes lol.

>They're like thick versions of 1960s housewives
unfortunately, I don't like thick
and they're black

also this

>Black women have low divorce rates with white men

False, that OLD meme infographic had a tiny sample size, and shitty methodology.

Pic related is a more recent study with over 23,000 couples sampled.



I don't know if I want mulatto kids though

Work around it
Obviously niggers can be useful if you give them the right motivation
Since we can't use "not getting whipped" as a motivation maybe we should start using "good white dick and money" as a motivation

If you think any of this is true you have never met a black woman.
>Go to twitter
>Read what shit black women are saying
>Realise you're being retarded and go back to white women

im not racist

but no one wants black women

they probably have low divorce cause them bitches barely get married

When you haven't unlocked that one character skin yet

>with white fetccchures
>activates my gray matter
Back to your favela joao.

You need to go back

Plus you have almost a 50/50 chance of getting an STD off of one, fuck that shit.

>white features with black skin

They smell awful, have low IQs, act like monkeys, your kids will look nothing like you, they will have lower IQs, they will be smelly, act like monkeys and likely be mentally ill. Plus mulatto kids are just awful

who could be behind this post

I need a girl who's BLACK


i just dont want hideous half breed, mongrel children
most not ghetto black women are more loving and feminine than white women.

Well no shit?

k listen, ill take one in chocolate, and one in vanilla.


Jews only push the Black man/White female agenda, because these never work and it just ends up in broken homes

Black woman/ White man couples tend to work very well, jews do not want this

kill yourself i will never put my dick in piece of charcoal.

Black children are gross

U mean Asians right?

the right side is whites with asians, right?

>cook well

Motherfucker I don't want that soul food garbage that'll kill me at 36. Also

Ive a black girlfriend already and I love her very much so


you are from brazil ... literally.. the nest of uneducated niggers.... please stfu.

>Nigga Popeyes muh shit yo ecks dee

Me and my black wife have 18 kids and she still wants more. She says she loves being prego. She worships my white cock.

I bet you love double fisting her at this point

Sometimes I wish polygamy was still a thing, then I could have one negress and just see what happens for the keks. If she bore me a niglet I'd probably reject it, though.

>Jews only push the Black man/White female agenda
wrong. You are confusing Sup Forums shills with the real world.
In the real world most TV series go the other way around White Man + Black/Asian/Hispanic woman.

i feel like a lot of this sexual frustration. Sup Forums posters who made eye contact with a chick once and then hated blacks forever when she fucked him in high school

hate blacks for the violence statistics

but that's black men. black women with good heads on their shoulders want to leave their race behind. they are among the most wholesome, providing, and loving women on the planet.

this OP chick is probably dominican if i had to guess. obviously not full black, but the same rules apply

how about you just take care of yourself and see what happens you fucking slob nerds

Shes maxing out on gibs for child support money. She will jump ship as soon as that first halfnig is nearing 18 and live like a queen off of your hard earned money.

Black pussy doesn't get stretchy. It stays strong and pussy-like for life.

>Cook well

Pic very much related

Do Asians give shitskins like you a chance?
I thought they only like their own and whites (Afrikaners especially :D)

Niggers all have nigger relatives and nigger social circles. Hair hatted hooligans the lot of them.

Fuck all you want, loser.

>le divorce rates meme
If you aren't a fucking retard and don't get married at 18, you're much less likely to get divorced.

are you coloured?

>implying you won't be adding to the problem by having half-black children that will almost certainly grow up to act like baboons that vote Democrat every 2 years regardless of the circumstances

Pass. If I want a girl who isn't into feminism, I'll marry a non-bluepilled Asian girl or look into eastern European mail-order brides.

i think the one thing we all agree on is this:
first, get a wife of your own ethnicity an culture
and also have a sexy exotic concubine

like to find really really dark black women then pretend them are demons while im fuckin them

Fuck off kike shell. Niggers are Niggers.

Unattractive, subhuman bags of shit.

I rather rape a blonde feminists bitch and impregnate her with my Aryan seed then create a monstrous Niglet.


>claims not to be degenerate
>wants a mail order ee or chink girl

lmfao , you clearly have never fucked in your life, or have not fucked a woman that has had atleast 2 kids.


Still Niggers. Why would you put your dick in something as disgusting as a Nigger? Why would you betray your own culture and race by breeding with these subhumans?

Stop posting these threads faggot no one wants to fuck chimpanzees no matter how hard you push it on us !!!!!!!!!!!


at one point your race was considered subhuman by the Aryan race ...


pfft. this guy doesnt know about the powers of melenine

sorry, everthing you said in this context doesn't work. if she'd made you 18 kids and leaves as soon she get's old and ugly, I think she really earned her money. in this particular case, the race doesn't matter for once.

Or maybe he has a big dick.

Yellow fever is disgusting.
It's like fucking a woman with mental retardation.

Hapa girls though breach all levels of hotness.

>the only good looking ones have no black features aside from their asses

looks like a drow

Yeah the only nigs people are actually attracted to are either light skinned and/or have white features.
Prove me wrong


>thick versions of 1960s housewives
>niggers can be housewives

They can't even take care of themselves, let alone taking care of their kids and house.

Black women that look like that are so rare that even if we entertained the idea and agreed to shack up and reproduce with black women, you'd run out of attractive ones too soon and the remaining 99% wouldn't be attractive enough to justify your premise.

>he cant find a loyal submissive Asian girl.

Keep projecting

Black pussy is special, try it.

Hey another thinly veiled black women thread, let's post the same 10 pictures of attractive black women we always post and call it a day.

Charcoal best fuel tho

Nah, you got to get a country nigger with good christian values. They might even hate gays too.

What's your end game?

That hair is fucking disgusting

Nice try (((user)))

hey, whoever's pushing this thread...
what percentage of black women have fucked black guys, cuz thats a real deal-breaker for me.

How do people continually fall for this bait?

The other option is having a White gender fluid punk and listen to him talk about White priviledge and how you have to pay reparations. Or a BBC loving daughter.

Is this a legit abw or a forced meme?

This is a psyop to normalize race mixing by giving incentive (muh thicc negros) rather then angering with cuck threads.


if we've entered the appeasement stage this is good news.

The white man will achieve dominance and the nigger will be put down into the position the white man is currently in but due to the negro's inferior intellect he will never be able to escape his fall.

We will have domination. White power.

It's not thinly veiled, pretty straight-forward

>no black features except asses
>have black skin


I just can't get past the smell. I think they smell like that so blind people can hate them too.

What the fuck? This girls clearly have black features You guys are either blind or not know what a white features is.

Well, no shit Sherlock. That is how you fucking bleach the nigger out of them.

long bitch is looooong

Proofs ?

Ja but your kids will still be black.

Nigresses who fuck white men are typically the whitest fucking people in the world. They are incredibly annoying and sheltered.
I'd hump and dump the better looking ones only, never have a nigger child.

listen, if we are in the bargaining stage i stand by my earlier comment:

1. i want one of my own culture and ethnicity
2. ill take that drow looking broad too

only if you live in america where the populace worships black people