Serious Question
What will you do when you come home early from work and find your 10 y/o son trying on his older sister's clothes and makeup?
what will do you as an adult in this case?
Serious Question
What will you do when you come home early from work and find your 10 y/o son trying on his older sister's clothes and makeup?
what will do you as an adult in this case?
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Curb stomp it.
Absolutely nothing. This kind of shit has been going on forever. Its larping ffs.
Beaten him.
This is normal though
The current reaction from adults is the issue, if you neither encourage nor overly shame the behavior they'll get bored and do something else for attention the next day
This isnt hard
explain to him what it means to be a man
take him fishing and hunting, spend some quality father and son bonding time
give more attention and fatherly love to him
Neither encourage or discourage, natural part of experimentation of a child
>violently physically abuse your own child possibly to the point of death
Edgelord shithead detector is off the charts. None of you are fit to be parents. Do the world a favor, kys.
talk to him about it, though 10 is a bit old to try it out, cildren have always been playing to be someone else, as long as he's not a faggot or worse, tranny, who cares
Um...what exactly is wrong with it, again?
A few thoughts:
1) the chances of this would only be as likely as it is natural because I'd be at least a good enough father to not let my son watch current TV (((programming))) where this behavior is learned.
2) if it were to happen, I would not make a big deal about it. My general demeanor towards it would be negative of course, but you don't want to feed these illnesses with undue attention (positive or negative) as that will amplify the problem.
3) I would absolutely shut down any talk of hormones or surgery until he is out of my house and on his own. Kids can't comprehend this shit at that age.
4) I would always and forever refer to HIM as HE and my SON. Fuck your pronoun, son.
we'll probably find out in 20-30 years
>fucking violent faggots
>kill yourselves
this tbqh
technically nothing, but its faggoty AF, even by gay standards
>What will you do when you come home early from work and find your 10 y/o son trying on his older sister's clothes and makeup?
only happens to single mothers or degenerate (jew, urbanite) families.
Let him experiment but come down hard if it keeps happening or happens in public. I went through this stage and I eventually got over it because I accepted I would never be a girl, unlike modern children who don't know any better and are given false hope by their irresponsible parents.
Educate him and dont let the media do it for me and then accept that its natural because someone in tv said so and he listened to that idiot
You look sickly and weak.
You misspelled cute, user.
buy him a vagina
this chipmunk has either no dad or has a dad but his wife fucks a lesbian sidechick every now and then
Seriously, if your son is showing more interest in being a faggot, then maybe you (the father) are a shitty role model.
lamo if your loads are so pathetic that they make girls instead of boys.
One time about 25 years ago when I was around 7 or maybe 8, I locked myself in the master bathroom & was looking for my moms eyebrow pluckers in an effort to see what would happen if I put them into an electrical socket. My mom eventually tried coming in & started freaking out & yelling about how I better not be putting makeup on. I was instantky confused about why she thought I'd do what dumb girls do. I found the tweezers & put them into the socket & the power flickered. Dont recall if it shocked me but I remember blue sparks flying.
Funniest part was that my mom was so relieved that I was just trying to electrocute myself & not being a crossdressing faggot.
Kill him and buy a new son with the money I got from selling his sister
I for one welcome our new trap overlords
>Funniest part was that my mom was so relieved that I was just trying to electrocute myself & not being a crossdressing faggot
>mfw electroshock therapy is actually true
Men under 6' tall should be forcibly castrated.
Depends on the context.
If it's one-time thing, well, I was doing weird shit myself when I was young. Hell, I once jumped into the hole in the abandoned building without even thinking on how will I get back. Kids are this dumb by definition.
>be a dad
>your son informs you he wants to dress up and act like a girl
What do?
I'm 5'5 and I could kill you with my bear hands
Slap the shit out of him and tell him that he's not a girl. Then tell him to put on some boys clothes and stop acting like a dumbfuck. Correct it or it will just get worse.
>5 foot 5 inch
you may as well fucking burn yourself to death you fucking manlet you dont deserve to live
Awful small for a bear. Sorry bear cub, this is big bear territory only.
I don't want want my son to be fetishized and fucked by feral 4channers.
fpbp, if you don't curbstomp your children for not acting socially acceptable 100% of the time, you are part of the problem.
Tell him to cut that shit out. I wouldn't go too hard on him if it's the first time he's done it since kids do stupid shit all the time and it doesn't necessarily mean anything and I wouldn't want to give him a complex that leads to him turning into a tranny eventually. If he kept doing it then I'd take stronger measures
As for make up, I did it once after watching one of the Crow films.
Still wondering, how the actors deal with all that shit, it's disgusting. I mean, even normal cremes are so disgusting they make me suffocate only by touching them. I can't fathom to wearing this shit for several hours straight on set.
>bear hands
Also, shut the fuck up manlet. I'm 5'9 and I would tower over you.
Take all of his shit and destroy it, and tell him that if he thinks he's mature enough to decide about sex, he's mature enough to get a job and buy his own shit.
He'll get three sets of clothing, a bed, school supplies, and a carefully planned meal that provided only the recommended nutritional value while not being tasty.
We're talking gruel and apples for breakfast, ham sandwich on spelt bread with vegetables for lunch, and a dinner of rotating soups with vegetables and a glass of milk.
I'll also start running up a bill for rent and food costs and tell him he needs to pay it by the time he's 18, or I'm kicking him out on his birthday.
Tall enough to give your mom a new baby brother. Wouldn't you like a little brother to play with? ;)
Doesnt matter how tall you are when my bear hands are twice as big as yours
I could snap your neck like a twig between my thumb and forefinger
The dick they suck or the utter shame they bring to everyone that is related to them? That utter loathing and depression they bring upon their fathers when said father's realize that they are responsible for raising that complete fucking failure of a man? The horror and hatred that comes out of such activities, from the parents?
Nothing. Nothing at all is wrong with it. Keep it up. It's exactly what your parents deserve.
lol as if anybody's mom would stoop to fucking a 5'5" shrimpkin. I'm sure you'll enjoy watching your wife take multiple BBC from the closet though. Back in the cuck cage idiot!
dad died recently. Thank God for that based motherfucker. I hated him for a while due to jew propaganda that lied to me about everything that matters. Thank God for Sup Forums. it helped me realize how much he actually cared, and how important it is to respect one's own masculinity. Last few years I had with him good ones because of these realizations. New friends are much better too. I cringe so hard at all the buzzfeed numales in my old group.
Disrespecting your dad? You might as well join him in the afterlife scum.
Wear my wife's dress, slice my wrist and show my son that that's what happens when you don't cut the crap
Aren't you a tough guy! I'm just so scared of a drunk abo on Sup Forums! How will I ever recover?
Beat his ass. If he does it again he goes in the trash.
blow my brains out in front of him to really screw him up
bro that dress isnt half as gay as them wallscrolls
reevaluate your life
Have a bit of a laugh because it usually just a bit of fun. But if it keeps reoccurring that's when I'd get worried.
>What will you do when you come home early from work and find your 10 y/o son trying on his older sister's clothes and makeup?
you have sex with it, of course
How is spelt bread not tasty?
Fuck, give him Wonderbread.
>what will do you as an adult in this case?
taking pics to beat off to later is also an acceptable response
>You want to be a girl?
>Let me show you what girls do!
>spend 3 hours doing hair and makeup then eat ice cream while watching the notebook and cry self to sleep
Kill myself because clearly I'm the reason my son turned out to be a massive faggot.
>Feeling ashamed for something someone else does when you did your best to raise them\
Now that's some real faggotry. You could just man up and stop giving a fuck because that's what real men actually do
Quality poster lel
im gonna go call my dad now.
Beat him mercilessly
We are entering the golden age of boipucci. You can either hate or enjoy it. I choose the option that gets my dick sucked. Does pol not enjoy blowjobs?
>That utter loathing and depression they bring upon their fathers when said father's realize that they are responsible for raising that complete fucking failure of a man?
Sometimes a man's son is run over by a car. Sometimes a man runs a diesel generater in his house and kills his entire family, honest mistake, sorry! Anyways, don't worry too much about the common people.
>Fake and gay
Don't react to it as if it's out of the ordinary but don't give him the opportunity to do it again.
With no reaction to hook onto, their developing brain will drop it. I'll take them hunting or fishing shortly after, or teach them how to maintain a weapon. Something extremely impressionable at an early age and could qualify as a milestone of manhood.
fuck his boipucci
>What will you do when you come home early from work and find your 10 y/o son trying on his older sister's clothes and makeup?
>what will do you as an adult in this case?
I ask him if he wants to stop doing all the badass stuff he gets to do as a little boy, talk about how gendered roles help us find what we're best at and what we enjoy, ask him how he would feel if his daddy stopped acting like a daddy- not being able to protect him or if his mommy stopped being his mommy- not being able to comfort him.
Probably slap his sister on the back of her head- boys don't usually do this shit without their sister telling them to. Flush the fucking makeup. Make her keep better watch of her shit.
Laugh at how funny he looks because it's a big part of why he's doing it.
It's natural at that age, he might dress as a ghost too that doesn't make him trans-dead.
Then chop his dick off cos I guess he's made his choice
I would teach him to do it properly. Fucking low-effort crossdressing pisses me off.
Wtf did you say?
"little" indeed
Lol he looks like Mr. Bean
Putting them up for adoption is always an option.
beat his ass
Hit him and force him to live with his grandparents away from our normal children.
>having kids
you deserve it
just mad u arent bisexual lol
i was 7 or 8, and we were temporarily living with my grandparents. it was an old house, and the water heater was in the bathroom. just right fucking there next to the sink, it would groan and roar when it fired up.
at school, our teacher told us how her water heater blew up and nearly killed them all. i was terrified to go to the bathroom after that. when i'd go, i'd grab my younger brother. not sure how that kept me safe, but maybe i thought he'd absorb the blast or something.
anyway, one day, dad saw me grab him when i went in and went apeshit. he thought we were doing gay shit. i was just trying to have my brother shield me from an explosion.
>What will you do when you come home early from school one day and find yourself trying on your older sister's clothes and makeup?
>the new normal?
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Good answers. Often children do this type of shit when they're neglected.
I'm Mike Pence and I approve this post.
I'm gonna beat the shit out of him and he will never try it again or be a closet homo, I don't care until he gets some pussy and 3 children
This is troll question.
a fucking leaf
I would not freak out. Kids to this because they like to play with costumes. I would just go to party city or something and get some costumes.
My 9 year old son plays baseball and asked me how to make his teacher fall in love with him because she's pretty (she is super hot too), I've already redpilled him on how some people are very confused because they have no spiritual grounding and didn't grow up with a mom and a dad in their lives... which makes them confused.
He won't grow up hating them... but he feels sorry for them.
I'm a good dad! (Mostly because I had a good dad, and a great mother as well.)
That is why the jews started destroying nuclear families in the late 1950's with
>The Authoritarian Personality
and other Cultural Marxist drivel... TAKE BACK NORMALCY!!!
Since I don't want a son with genitals that look like they were run through a paper shredder, explain the basic principles of biology to him.
Pics related.
good job so far user but up until around 12 is the easy part. Past that they start actually making friends and looking to people outside of their family for advice. Keep an eye on him and if you notice him acting strange just spend some quality time with him. It basically halted my descent into liberalism at ~12-14
Take off the dress and choke him with it.
Take off my belt and treat him like the daughter I never had.