R8 your subjective maps of your city.
Post a real Map of your hometown
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That is ridiculously accurate
I got Tucson too
Can confirm
Lived on the border of ASU and Mexico
Even more accurate
Too lazy to do a map, but Dayton, Ohio.
Niggers, poo in loos, mexicans and white trash everywhere
Nuke us please
not fun unless you post a map
Nice data mining thread University of California student
Nigger im 26 ad live in Scottsdale.
Just what your teacher told you to say as a back story! I'm on to you, sonuvabitch
it must suck being a leftist, filled with so much hate...
Whats the difference between a nig and a savage nig?
Nignogs are more refined than nigs, which are slightly better than savage nigs bot not by much.
Vilnius, Lithuania, Eastern (Northern) Europe.
Whats a rich block?
Why do you let the MExicans force you out of town.
Post more maps
Im out
This map severely understates the number of mexicans
Oooh, gimme a second and I'll do Baltimore.
The green circle is what I like to call the "You Probably Won't Get Stabbed Here" Corridor.
why are anons replying to this
cause its fun
Fuck this county.
Look at where he's located. HE IS A MEXICAN
North Peoria is very nice and new w/ large houses. Many such cases!
You forgot to add carpetbagging Yankees over Cary
Nice homes, too pad they are on the west side.
Yeah I did but I'm the result of carpet bagging Yankees so I thought I'd leave it out. Raleigh is a pretty ok city if you stay out of the east part and ignore the pretentious state graduates.
Can someone do Indianapolis or Fort Wayne? Interested in moving to Indiana
Bourgeois cucks to the north
Never ever leaving and the area is still pretty white
Can you do one for charlotte? I'm looking to move there.
I used to live with the hasids in BOLD NIG land. wasn't that bad.
Hey grew up in Scottsdale, nice place. I went to Coronado High School for a year and they used that shit in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Fun fact the Circle K where they get the phone booth was also a few blocks from my house.
Man I couldn't live there any more though. Too fucking hot, too much pavement, and too many beaners and nogs now.
Fuck you, there's some fun shit in Dayton.
Fuck I miss Fells.
Beavercreek was pretty chill.
Just seeing that many people gives me the heebie jeebies. I live in the middle of rural Colorado nowhere surrounded by white working class rednecks with literally thousands of guns in a town with around 10,000 people.
Feels good man. I could never move back to the fucking city. Shit's like a jungle to me now. I can watch shit burn very comfortably from here, senpai.
I live in the meh area and went to the uni for b students haha.
My perents lived in Aurora in the 80s and it was a perfectly good place to raise a family. I went back recently and it has indeed turned into a shit hole. Fucking mexicans
lol thats rural as fuck most of Phoenix looks like pic related.
Yeah damn. Nice shot of Camelback mountain.
Craig is a nice town. A lot of our small towns are pretty nice. I really need to move away from Denver.
It's slowly moving south towards parker now.
/r judgemental map of Bay Area
the metro area is huge so the border is kind of arbitrary
I just moved from "rich people and starving students"
CIA already knows this stuff inside and out.
Looks like the layout of a GTA or Saints Row map.
good, get out. The less people here the better.
t.sw.denver/lakewood resident
Oh shit son I live in SLO. Yeah Santa Maria is spic central and most of them are illegal.
Eat shit faggot. My family has lived here since before it was a state, I'll live where I damn well please.
Lived in Denver for almost 2 years. It's getting crazy now with the nigs and crime. The police are going fucking crazy too. I do miss it sometimes though just wouldn't want to live there with kids in that mess. I'm a bumpkin now lol.
>I'll live where I damn well please.
>complains about where he lives
lakewood nigger lol why you trippin?
these california cucks moving in have nearly doubled my property tax
lets meet up at casa bonita i live like two blocks away
there was a sigint plane around a few days ago, whats up with the area?
Casa bonita kind of sucks dude lets be honest. I guess its cool if you dont eat the food
I'm in Littleton, it's rather nice down here.
But I work north of Denver, traffic is driving me insane. The city is growing like a cancer.
"Rennisance" ahahahahahaha
Littleton and the surrounding area is the last bastion of purity in denver. Hold on to it while you can. Wish I still lived there but we couldnt take the city anymore. The city has changed for the worse even in just my life time
this makes me realize I don't know much about where I live
Tarboro nc
Half nigger, 25% white trash, 10% Mexican fags who ride to Wal-Mart on buses every Sunday, 15% white
finished. any nova bros?
This took too long to make ahhahaha
I tried give as accurate portrayal as possible
No need to make my own as this fine map has been true for many years.
Is that Malmo?
Miami is a shithole. We're the next Detroit.
We were literally voted the worst city in USA last year.
Man, I wish I lived elsewhere
it's not really as hard as you're making it
i was gonna make a map of my specific town but the state as a whole works too. god damn south jersey is a shithole.
christie country boys ww@?
who the fuck would choose to live in LA, honestly
Friendly white/christie border here. Many redpilled among us. That's what happens when you're next to Newark.
I didn't expect to see this here but there isn't much to say about it really.
Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein - Germany reporting in.
Looking at the racial dot map for LA right now
Just LMAO man
From russia with love. And some hate, ofc.
lol where is this
South of Moscow.
What's up with the new quarters?
Can a Serb do this for Belgrade?