Refugee dating site

I just found out how to fuck with mudslime refugees in Germany.
Apperantly a jew have made a dating site for where muslim men can meet single german women to speed up the process of getting rid of the evil nazi race.
Lets flood this site saying we are german women and set up dates with fake e-mails so the scum niggers gets flaked and kills themself
You guys with me on this?

Other urls found in this thread:


I think it's a good idea as long as we don't need to speak German or Sand Nigger to make it work.

you don't bump your own thread first post you fucking maniac

No we dont, you only click on the time and place on where to meet, they even push for using hand signals for comunication for flirting etc.



oy vey delete this fucking photo



[email protected]
Lasse Landt
Khaled Alaswad
Paul Spieker

Paul brought along his sister Cindy, a student of islamic studies, and her language tandem partner Talal, who also joined the effort to create a tool that would help people meet, overcome fears and prejuidices and, ultimately, have fun and build friendships.

Whoever they are, i bet atleast one of them is a jew

Maybe not. It's Germany...


I like this, let's see where it goes

>when you hate to be right

Better yet, why don't you bait them into meeting each other, maybe get a fist fight out of it...?


How, exactly?

email thing doesn't seem to work


Set up 2 or more german dates at the same time and place and 2 shitskins will show up

new card, what do you think?


Any ideas?

>[email protected]
>Lasse Landt
>Khaled Alaswad
>Paul Spieker

>Paul brought along his sister Cindy, a student of islamic studies, and her language tandem partner Talal, who also joined the effort to create a tool that would help people meet, overcome fears and prejuidices and, ultimately, have fun and build friendships.


In short words: ficki ficki, Deutschland gut

How come shit like this doesnt make you angry? Are you really this cucked? Do you get hard thinking about it?
You guys sure got marxed the fuck out after ww2

>Better yet, why don't you bait them into meeting each other, maybe get a fist fight out of it...?

My Name is "any European girls Name", I am New to Berlin, let's Meet up at the Bikinihaus, Saturday at 14 o clock, I have a white flower in my left Hand and an yellow feather in my hair. Come with an red flower and an white feather in your hair. Kosses, " XYZ"

And vice versa...

Yea something like this. Bait them in really hard, leave then at the end be like, I have something to tell you but I'd rather tell you face to face. make the stories similar so if they start questioning each other, it seems legit.

Reminder that Europe will NOT SURVIVE without that black dick.

yep we need to do this


I tried out the refugee section but no appointments were there

I made a fake appointment for tommorrow

wh...what do you suppose would happen if we could get two muzzies males to meet up?

Just make sure you use a subtle dress signal that they both will assume will be on a girl. Tell one guy to bring red flowers and the other to bring white flowers, tell them youll be bringing the opposite color flower and to "be ready for the surprise of your life"

this right here

how about we lure unsuspecting mudslimes into obscure places and beat the living fucking shit out of them, killing some and letting others live to tell the tale

Not on my watch shitskins...

Im not going to Germanistan any time soon, we need some germansbros to do this.

The mornings are all booked boys.


Bump for this

holy fuck this is too good

Holy fuck kek, the leaf finally delivers

if you don't know how to fill out the form, here is an instruction video

do the afternoons

Will do after i get home from work

nah this is my way to meet some german cuties.

yeah, im starting to fill in every day like 5 times



When you meet them, tell them you are a dutch refugee fleeing from muslim oppression

what times? Need to match the real people.

This is fucking lame. If we're lucky, some thot will show up somewhere and there will be 100 mudslimes. There has got to be an actual dating site where we can properly catfish without needing german.

>(((let's integrate!)))
oyyyyyyyyy vey


Bump for justice

I'm giving afternoons less attention. Choose the last one.

mossad info collection honeypot
for a rabs

Did you guys notice? No germans are trying to help this thread..

Go on the site first you fucking burger.

>Lets flood this site saying we are german women and set up dates with fake e-mails so the scum niggers gets flaked and kills themself
They're not Euros. They don't off themselves at the slightest emotional rejection.

Here's a better idea - go around on a site like this and set up fake hookups with a couple dozen of migrants for the same time and place. When they show up, send them all messages about your abusive ex or some creep or whatever showing up and scaring you off, with a description of one of the random migrants who shows up.

See if you can con a couple dozen fugees into starting a brawl over fake pussy.

I am dumbass. There's nothing, you just select a time and location. It's fucking stupid.

How is this a thing?

How can one's country be this cucked?

It's an embarrassment that it's registered under a .de domain.

This is some 40D Starcraft right here


Also notice that there are no germans contributing to this thread

Well spam it, I've gotten 2 replies.

Shills got no where else to be on a Thursday?

so when I signup with [email protected] it will trigger a alarm?


probably created and run by Jews

Vae victis

Bumping for interest..

Told them what to wear when they meet yet?

> "The Jews use every possible means to undermine the racial foundations of a subjugated people. In their systematic efforts to ruin girls and women they strive to break down the last barriers of discrimination between them and other peoples. The Jews were responsible for bringing negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jews might dominate.

>For as long as a people remain racially pure and are conscious of the treasure of their blood, they can never be overcome by the Jew. Never in this world can the Jews become masters of any people except a bastardized people. That's why the Jews systematically endeavour to lower the racial quality of a people by permanently adulterating the blood of the individuals who make up that people."

Hitler's own words, from Mein Kampf.

High school German finally has a use. Thank you OP

If jews hadnt done such would whites be the most lauded race ?

lol I didn't even read the OP text until now... OP even wrote "a jew have made"... I just instantly assumed it was created by jews.

Can anyone tell me the most fucked up neighborhoods in Berlin, Cologne, etc.?

Any replies?

It's late as fuck in Burgerland, I'll set it up in the morning. I need to know where to send the Achmeds for maximum inconvenience/pain.

This. Or just have them all show up somewhere, then release a bunch of pigs/dogs on them.

I've got nothing.

Lets be realistic here