Guys my mom broke the law and she's gonna be deported!!! You need to give me money! I've only gotten $10,000 in one day it isn't enough!!! Like pleeeease we need to stop Trump this can't be happening!! All she wanted to do was live here for 30 years without every trying to become a citizen!!!!
>money suddenly changes your residential status
if thats for a lawyer she's still going back, paco
Your mom broke the law. Dont expect special treatment
Deport the daughter as well. Take their shit, sell it off, and use it to pay the deportation costs.
stfu racist and give me money
Seize the funds, put it towards the wall, that money can legally be confiscated by the state due to civil forfeiture laws.
please help me I need more than him
thats for sure.
Paco we also need it
Can anybody do this? I also need money. Didn't that dreadlock bitch want like 80k or something
I already gave all my money to the Daily Stormer. I guess the SPLC shouldn't have sued them. Oh well, I guess you're fucked.
You won't get money because nobody cares about a fucking white male.
But she's breaking the law. We are a nation of laws. You don't want to break the rules of our country, do you?
>girl on the left already looks like a troll
Genetics is a bitch, huh?
What if I say it's for sex reassignment surgery because my parents won't pay for it?
>implying I'd tell them that.
I'd tell them I'm a genderqueer apache helicopter who needs my cock cut off and replaced with a mini gun
Tell them your mom is getting deported.
gotta go back
Since when having 15 grand can stop you from deportation?
Laughing. So hard.
holy fuck do people think this country's laws are a meme?
>thanks for the money guys :^) no refunds
Just when I thought you couldn't get more bold... Amazing!
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
report this shit, you cant use this service to beg to help you do illegal shit.
Being an illegal alien is against the law in America.
Work harder wall jumper.
You break the law, you get deported what is so hard to understand.
Best meme I've ever seen.
Give me the shekels and I will make you asado... In the grill... With real wood!
What's the big deal, doesn't she know how to dig tunnels?
You are the newest fag I've seen in a while
>starts counter petition to get her mum deported
How does the money stop deportation? Is she trying to bribe ICE?
How can we help Trump get this woman deported?
report her to ICE
wrong site mate, your mom is going to get mailed kek
My parents have been here for over thirty years as non citizens. Know why they've never been deported? Because they're here legally and haven't broken the laws while here.
How can I profit from this?
Adios mexicanos
I thought using this site to raise money for paying fines or legal fees were against TOS
Free market at work, I thought you guys liked the free market
Ah the good old days when we were naive enough to believe a wall would happen.
That'd be so heavy to lug around everywhere
>got'em XD
This is the first american post in spanish i read without a single mistake. Really, you are THAT bad at it. ("Mucho bueno" is wrong f.e.)
broke the law atleast twice. gtfo kids go with her.
You need to report that immediately. It's against GoFundMe's TOS to start a fund for somebody who is committing an illegal act.
>Without limiting the foregoing, you agree to not use the Services to [...] establish or contribute to any Campaign with the implicit or express purpose relating to any of the following [...] any activity that violates any law or governmental regulation
>laws are only for americans
get on it guys, before she sneaks away with that 10k
I hope the daughter gets the boot, too.
Bai Felicia
Go fund yourself
I did my part. Now the rest of you need to do yours.
Actually, it violates 2 rules. #1, being the law or government regulation, and #12, flat out criminal activity.
perhaps not be in a country illegally?
My mom didn't even do anything wrong!!! It shouldn't be a crime to drive without a license!! What's next, you're gonna say she can't vote either??
Hahahahahahaha Make America White again
You miserable fuck.
I think you might be on to something, OP
>Be legal us, hispandex citizen and have parents who are legal as well
>set up go fund me page about how my parents will be deported
"Le ebil gubment will deoprtz muh parents xDDD"
>set goal at $20k
>wait a few weeks to reap in the profits
>transform into jew form
Gofundme suggested contacting local authorities in the 'we got your report' email. It clearly states they live in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. And local anons want to call the local ICE department?
Hope the plane crashes on the ride back.
Add some talacasto and I'm in.
Fuck your mom, i worked 5 years payed taxes, did everything by the book and i still had to leave because my greencard request got denied. I never did shit wrong so i abided by us laws till the end and left before i was forcefully removed so fuck your mom fuck your nigger genetics and above all fuck all you illegal immigrants
Boo urn
>she thinks money will stop deportation
If that was the case then 7 trillion jews would be alive today
>I'll never get to beat these ugly hoes.
>doesn't mention poor ol' mommy being a wanted felon for identity and credit card fraud, methamphetamine and paraphernalia charge, driving without a valid license, disorderly et al.
Just tuck it in your sock, user. Business as usual.
1. She has to go back
2. How does money change someone's residential status and stop deportation?
3. What kind of people would donate thousands of dollars for literally nothing?
Anyway to donate to help with the deportation procedures?
She gets bond and depending on the court it might buy her until about 2020 which is how far a lot of immigration courts are backed up until. Maybe she could get deffered action or an admin close which won't give her status but will get her out of proceedings.
I'm homeless is this shifty fuck wants 15k to somehow stop the deportation of their mother? I'm gonna puke
If I made a kikestarter for robbing a bank would I get any funding?
It's people like you, who come onto this board and clutter it up with useless drivel that lowers everyone's IQ who reads it, that totally makes coming to this board worth it.
Im fapping to your salty tears