Other urls found in this thread:
In a mental hospital
in a loo.
In a Unisex / Family bathroom if it's that fucking difficult to understand that sex =\= gender and bathrooms are based on sex.
a mental health facility
I my mouth
in the trash, where the rest of your life belongs
>a leaf
rip this dumb motherfuckers pants down, and show this mutt how simple it really is.
You pee in your pants after you shoot yourself, you lunatic.
6 feet under the ground you worthless piece of trash
In hell
In here
on my face owo
I can't wait til they allow men to use women's bathrooms, then I can hide out in the stalls and poke them with my weenie and if they complain I'll call them transphobic.
What does the carebears sign in the back even mean?
>focusing on other sex parts makes you a pervert
Aren't these people more focused on genitalia than anyone? Are the saying being a pervert is now politically correct?
in the grave
in your own mouth. Stop trying to molest kids in bathrooms, you degenerate faggot.
We don't have toilets for its, animals have to piss in the forest or whatever.
on your siblings
Right this way...
Hahaaaaa good one mate I fucking lost it and people asked what's so funny. I don't hand out red pills anymore but damn this tasty quip is tempting me.
In your pants like every other retard
1) You probably are a boy or a girl you're just in denial.
2) If you are one of the rare few that have a legitimate sex related chromosome anomaly then you piss in a stall like everyone who isn't a man.
Well since you're not a boy you can't piss out your stick and if you're not a girl you can't piss out your cunt so I guess this thing is going to have to piss out it's ass.
Out in the yard with the rest of the animals.
Just piss in your fucking pants then if you're too god damn stupid to know who you are.
new meme idea: start pushing transexual diapers as the solution to the bathroom wars
I don't get it, why don't they use the handicap toilets?
But I thought the holocaust wasn't real.
Really makes me think...
In the dumpster
From your piss hole.
Just asign the bathrooms for dicks and vaginas.
Forget the (((gender))) and other bullshit, just separate it by organs.
yes, in a well
On the third rail of a train track
According to Vitaly Milonov, a Russian MP a concentration camp!
the myth busters did a thing on that and it actually isnt too likely many of them will die
In the boys bathroom
On the lawn with the rest of the animals.
The litterbox
Makes sense. They're all children and freaks to begin with.
It is if they squat close enough. Keep the stream from breaking in the wind and you get zapped
>Nazis gassed 1000 a day in this.
Was the chair just for decoration? Did they pack the Jews in like clowns in a car then gas them all at once before opening a trapdoor on the bottom to dispose of the corpses?
>Put Jews into gas chamber.
>Breath once, breath twice. All dead.
>Floor opens up.
>Jew bodies go down a chute and land on the corpses of the last batch of Jews that is still on fire.
>Cremate a whole stack of Jews at the same time while the ashes are swept up and placed into large vats ready to be turned into diamonds.
The world will never again see such an efficient money making process. Those D.A.K pensioners who pretend their diamonds came from """African diamond mines"""" are truly living the capitalist dream as they gradually convert Jew to diamond even to this very day.
You don't pee anywhere. You fucking hold it until you sort yourself out you damaged sack of human garbage.
Her coffin's going to reek of piss.
This is the gayest comment I have read today. Congratulations.
Best FPBP I have seen in some time.
lynch the faggot
where you are going you wont need to pee any more :)
Do you have a penis?
YES----men's room
NO---girls room
>tfw I have a piss fetish
Maybe... nowhere?
Nice idea user but it won't catch on
why tho
You're certainly a boy. go pee in the male restroom. Stop being weird.
>implying a boy's clit isn't a penis
Bathrooms are for your equipment, not your feelings
> implying it gets a coffin
On a tree
Because that's how it's worked since man was born, you shitdick.
Make like an Indian and do it in the street.
Did that episode predict the future?
In the mental ward.
Outside with the other animals.
pee your pants
Pee privilege is now a thing.
i'm not jerking off in this women's locker room officer
i'm just menstruating semen through my asexual penis
the bedpan in your mental ward, probably through a catheter..
We have officially hit Rock Bottom
if you were born with a dick, you're a dude. if you were born with a vaj, you're a girl. if you were born with both congrats you can use either bathroom but shut the fuck up about it.
There's no point in making single user washrooms sex specific. It's actually retarded to do so. Multi user washrooms should be sex restricted.
pull down your pants and ill tell you.
>Insert mutilated lump of flesh here.
Well shitlord?
In the lamp post? I mean, it should be obvious. If you look like a girl you go to the women's bathroom, if you look like a boy you go to the men's bathroom.
XY / XYY / XXY - Male bathroom
XX / XXX/ XY where the Y is damaged- Female bathroom
In the mass grave right as the bullet hits your brain.
>fucking leaf
In the shower just follow the Jews there
first post happens to be the best post yet again
in your pants faglord
This is much sexier than using a public restroom. Well, strike the latter if you're a """nonbinary""" freak.
First world problems........
Holy shit
For the keks, is anyone going to go to these rallies with a little table set up as a lab and a sign that says: "free genetic testing for the gender confused" and offer swabs to identify XX and XY chromosome results?
The reality checks/keks had would last through the ages.
Have you ever seen someone else's genitals in a public washroom? Be honest you gay peeking faggots
Kek, this
In the camp...
designated shitting street