Why does America let fat people serve in the military?
Why does modern American military have such terrible haircuts that make them look like cuckolds?
Why does America let fat people serve in the military?
Why does modern American military have such terrible haircuts that make them look like cuckolds?
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I think these guys are the chefs. They make all them cockmeat sandwiches at camp bucca.
>1st Question
Desk Jobs they just can't fill.
>2nd Question
Every military world wide has shaven heads.
He should be in fat camp.
u r a retard
that pic was during a "time of war"
recruitment standers go down to fill the ranks.
afterwards the military trims the fat
Because we have a fuckhuge military that needs a lot of people so units get lax in enforcing standards, especially in the "big army". Its harder to get away with in infantry units or in the muhreens. Thats where the narcissism of the muhreens actually makes a good impact. Even the admin fags are in the gym snorting preworkout off of each others cocks.
As for the second part, thats not really anything other than you not liking a haircut. You can actually have a good bit of hair, up to 3 inches on top, but in environments like afghanistan on small patrol bases that only get resupplied once every week its best to keep it short for hygiene purposes.
>Every military worldwide has shaven heads
Wrong. Most countries in northern Europe allow their soldiers to have short hair. America used to let soldiers have short-medium hair like in pic related.
American military are not allowed a haircut like this today.
>Even the admin fags are in the gym snorting preworkout off of each others cocks
There's no hyperbole in this statement.
Enlisted soldiers and Marines are literally subhumans. There are outliers but most of them are enormous fucking retards. We were just talking about this on /k/. There were individuals in my infantry unit who I was sure were stupider than your average dog. I had to explain what stars were once during a field problem. They were stunned. Absolutely embarrassing. It was at that point I knew that I should have stayed in college.
Because the Army and any branch besides the Marines and Coast Guard( I know right Coast Guard out of all fucking branches) have extremely low standards and literally hand out contracts into them just to boost numbers. It's ridiculous. Army gives 2 year contracts now. What the fuck do you do in 2 years of active duty? You finish your school phase and go to ONE (1) duty station, then you're out. What a fucking contribution huh.
He's a big guy
Heads are shaved in the military because it eliminates the time recruits would take to fix their hair in the morning, allowing more time for PT and such. However, the main reason heads are shaved is to eliminate individualism. Each recruit is no better than the recruit to their right and left. They are all equally worthless in the eyes of the DI, SSGT, etc.
I would not say that all of them are subhumans or retards, but I feel like a lot of them are.
My interactions with soldiers from my home country of Norway gave me the impression that most of them were well-adjusted people of average to above average levels of intelligence.
I moved to America, Arizona to be precise, and while I was in university I met plenty of guys who were veterans or currently enlisted.
Most of them gave me the impression that they based their entire existence around their service. A lot of them were very badly adjusted, not very intelligent, and always tried to turn every conversation to their military service.
If it is to save 1-2 minutes of time tops, then we might as well also save time by having the uniform be a zip-up jumpsuit with velcro shoes.
I guarantee you that the fatty got discharged for being unable to keep up with standards.
We also let trannies and women in now.
It's basically Police Academy at this point.
Its actually for hygiene and uniformity. You get fucking disgusting in basic training.
Pretty sure there's necessary jobs in the army that don't require a good physique. Still though, nobody should be fat.
>Most of them gave me the impression that they based their entire existence around their service. A lot of them were very badly adjusted, not very intelligent, and always tried to turn every conversation to their military service.
Holy fuck dude I have been bitching about this bullshit for years.
When you meet these fucking idiots, before they even tell you their name the first thing they say is "I was in the Army etc. for 3 years".
I cannot stand these worthless faggots.
This is why I don't associate with other veterans.
it isn't entirely their fault, American society has this culture of "hero worship" to where vets are fucking spoiled like children. Once they are out they crave the attention that they once had before.
Interestingly I have found that guys that have actually done shit usually keep their mouths shut.
I will admit that I miss being able to just get my dick sucked by college girls wearing my dress uniform to fleet week NYC, but we all have to grow up sometime.
For desk jobs, you only need to pass basic training once.
While we are on the subject of fatness in the military, why do veterans let themselves go so badly after their service?
It is truly frightening.
I have met veterans from Norway and other European countries and although they lose a lot of muscle mass after their service, they remain fit.
Back in university there were total fatasses who showed pictures of their time in the service and it was like looking at a completely different person.
You do realize I'm talking about Basic right? No branch in the military requires a shaved head in active duty. And yes, I can tell you from experience that those 1-2 minutes are valuable. That's why the DI, SSGTs have started waking up recruits at 4:55am instead of 5:00am so recruits can shave. Shaving takes up time but is more necessary than gelling/oiling and combing hair.
>Interestingly I have found that guys that have actually done shit usually keep their mouths shut.
That is very true, the guys that have actually seen combat or the guys that are professional operators are always the quiet guys. The average joe that only served 4 years does not represent the entirety of the American military.
Are you cherry picking? I've known plenty of prior enlisted personnel that are still fit. Sounds like you're just flinging shit for the sake of flinging shit.
Well we have a cult of hero worship around the soldier. Which would be good if our soldiers weren't shit. Our combat doctrine has gotten very lazy in recent years and most servicemen were never in combat. That number gets way smaller if you take indirect fire out of the equation. So we worship POGs and desk jockeys and they think its important. If they were really all about duty, honor, sacrifice, etc then they would take their service as a given.
To be honest, I think that the reason so many young men base their lives around their military time is because our culture disparages masculinity and the military is the one masculine activity that is still taboo to disparage openly in most circles. Just my personal theory.
Enlistedmen are fucking losers though. This is coming from an ex-enlisted Armyfag as well.
This as well, believe it or not, sweaty hair dropping over your face can make you sick when dealing with the terrain of Paris Island
I know it's not all veterans.
It's just that I have never met a veteran from any country other than the United States who went from being at the peak of fitness to being a complete lardass.
Some people just stop caring, usually the ones that become fatasses were the people that met the very bare minimums for PT standards. They never tried or cared anyways about being fit, only just scraping by to pass the PT tests.
What is wrong with hair like this?
It is way more elegant than a shaven head.
Outside of the military, when would a shaven head ever look good?
What year did the American military forces stop allowing these longer hairstyles? His hair at the top looks longer than just 3 inches in length.
Mainly because they are irresponsible man-children. The only reason they were slightly fit in the military was because it was mandatory. They still drank and ate pizza every fucking night. They just were required to run it off. Now they have the freedom to sleep in, not exercise and still eat pizza and hot wings for every single meal. They're like retarded animals desu
Elite hacking skills
>American military are not allowed a haircut like this today.
You are wrong and your bait is garbage. Look up the grooming regs for any branch, faggot.
Alcoholism and the fact that in the US there is a fast food restaurant every 100 feet.
The former is what got me but I was able to kick it.
Pic very related. A lot of dudes dont realize that when you dont exercise your diet will impact you a lot more.
You scandis have a very good sense of fitness as a whole, military or not.
why do you have to comb and oil your fucking hair?
Why? Why? Why?
Find a hobby will ya?
Its unhygienic in the cesspool that is basic training. You realize how much foot fungus, crotch rot, pink eye, etc goes around the squad bays? Tons. The less hair you have the better. For the first two weeks we were allowed 15 seconds in the shower each. So you get sick and disgusting. A full head of hair would be even worse. We also cleaned our own communal showers and we sucked at it. Now after basic, I agree, its a classy haircut. But shaved head is only required during basic training.
>waking up at 0500 in boot camp
Must be nice
Not a lot of people in the military shave their head though.
Only in boot camp or if you are a balding SNCO, or pre deployment for one of those gay traditions where you have to "earn" your haircut.
Longer hair is actually a status symbol in the Marine infantry.
maybe not the best picture
2 years is literally perfect for some MOS. You train for a bit, deploy for a year, and reintegrate and outprocess.
I'd say he's filling that desk just fine mate
forgot pic
Yeah we got up at 0355 every day but sunday
Nothing. Even in the Marines you can have hair like that. It has to be graduated from a zero, so just slightly shorter at the very bottom by his ears, and can not be longer than 3 inches at an point. You are even allowed gel/styling products so long as it's used to make it neater in appearance, so no spikes and shit.
It's just easier to shave your head. Even on large bases, if you have to get a haircut once a week, you're talking a 30 min walk, an hour wait sometimes and a 30 min walk back. 2 wasted hours when you're already working 16 hour shifts sucks balls.
Even not deployed, wasting hours on a Sunday afternoon to get a haircut fucking blows. MCAS Yuma had haircut lines, no shit, over 3 hours longer sometimes on base, and some bases I went to, even off base, you're sitting around for an hour waiting to get a 5 minute haircut. So lots of guys just shave it and say fuck it.
>tfw I shave my head every month
WRONG. They allow lots of different haircuts. Especially your pic related. Basic training or OCS shave it all off though. Think of it as a shock to the person. Once it grows back you can choose lots different styles. Also officers don't usually go around with buzz cuts.
I'm thinking about doing ROTC to go back in as an officer (hopefully arty so I dont have to actually do anything). But shit like this really makes me not want to do it.
No self respecting salty lance corporal will shave their head. This is heresy.
If anything it's to save time during haircuts. That shit was a fucking ordeal in basic. Time in the morning is negligible and nobody ever gave a fuck what they looked like during PT.
>Why does America let fat people serve in the military?
if he can lift a 12 to 50 pound weapon and charge so many meters so fast, you're in.
if you can fill a roll where you're needed, you're in.
>Why does modern American military have such terrible haircuts that make them look like cuckolds?
that's just a low blow
Yeah, no salty lance corporal. I think I was 5 years in when I got sick of the haircut routine and wanted my Sunday afternoons back.
This is similar to the style I wear.
Should have just gone on a Wednesday.
I never had an issue getting a haircut off base at lejeune.
The mane must be protected at all costs.
Can any Bootfucks tell me do they at least get properly hazed for being fat fucks?
WTF units were you in that didn't want a fresh haircut on Monday morning? Yeah, you could've fought that fight with the letter of the regs but in no way would that have been worth my time.
Yeah, but by the time I got to Lejeune I had no fucks left to give. Everything else about Lejeune blew, though. I lived out in town and if I got off between 4-5 I'd just say fuck it and go to sleep in my car for a while rather than sit in that traffic.
Nah just flagged and barred. NCOs will probably do remedial PT with them in the afternoon.
That is what peak physical fitness looks like. You may not like it, but that's it.
lmao. no one gets hazed anymore
my buddy got kicked out for having a boot put a rock in his cargo pocket to teach him gear accountability when he lost his rifle.
I went back to visit my friends in 2014, I didnt believe the shit they were telling me so they took me down to the duty hut and we made the PFC on duty cry by calling him gay.
i'm an active duty u.s. army officer, and my hair is slightly longer than that
You clearly weren't that salty.
depends on the branch OP, marines are much more strict where the AF allows you to have more
Senpai I was so salty I wore my deserts to the ball and everybody thought they were my dress white pants.
confirmed. my dad served almost 30 years. you'll be able to tell he was a marine within 5 seconds of looking at him, but you'll never hear him brag.
he literally declines the military discount at the movies because he's retired.
>it only takes 3 lbs of pressure to pull a trigger
Bet you didn't show up every Monday with a beautifully groomed mustache.
Assholes always made me shave it.
wew lad
>we made the PFC on duty cry by calling him gay.
so this is the american military?
so how many guns could you fire at once, 100?
you need to be able to fit a gas mask on your head
He's bulkin' bro.
Once you arent in basic anymore you dont do PT every day. Depending on your post/superiors you might never do PT again while enlisted.
shiiieet I was 120 pounds and almost fucking DIED in basic because they didn't feed me enough
I was the guy who always ate a whole MRE box each day in iraq
right, it really only matters on the side of your head.
>so how many guns could you fire at once, 100?
How many do you fire?
Oh yeah...none.
yep, because i don't get shot whenever i walk outside.
You assholes never really ate that much. Had one of you hardgainer assholes in my unit and he tapped out when I massaged a stick of butter into a steak and fed it to him. You all eat like birds.
>The Marines don't have standards
You've never been in the corps then
In the mornings I stank so much like jack daniels still I didn't want anyone near my face. I had a 1stSgt who drank more than I did who walked by me more than once after a hump or pt and would just laugh at the smell sometimes.
Why are their heads so shiny
>he's never been shot shopping for chicken wings
mate, when dad said "harden up", "become 40% lead" was not part of the order
I did not like the army one fucking bit
I was a mexican yard worker since I was 10 helping my parents mow lawns for rich people in Lafayette, CA
americans are fucking garbage human beings but I knew that at age 10
You'd make a shitty American
Then go back to your shithole instead of coming over here and turning our place into the same as your old shithole.
We did morning breathalyzers every day for 4 months because a PSG filled his camelback with JD for an all day range. So lame.
that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me :)
I was born here
Sorry Fernando should have joined the Mexican army.
Man they started that shit Corps wide when I was on the drill field. I had a friend who everyone knew drank a lot, good dude, but the command hated him. Somehow he was always selected on the 'random selection'. They'd chase his ass down in front of recruits on the PT field.
yeah right i wouldn't fuck around with those guys-
they'll throw a knife through you before what's going on
>several joke militaries and old usa
So no relevant modern amy?
Oh, so you just have that outlook on life in general. I'd agree the Army seems like it would suck balls tho. I had a few friends in it. 15 months deployment, so big nobody really gives a shit about you, etc... The working hours seemed nice, tho.
Lel we still do this. When I was a boot I had a serialized rock that I had to be accountable for every time we did EDL
How this is hazing I have no idea. Hazing is when they make you put your hands over your head and grill you on knowledge, and every time you get a question wrong they hit you in the stomach with a sapi plate
yea, garrison makes people go insane or someshit because everyone was chill as fuck in iraq
best years of my life was deployment army
worst years garrison army
>visited Perth in the Navy
>got assigned Oz Navy ambassadors
>they were supposed to show us around
>drove around drinking and running over 'roos
>one of them hooked me up with his fat sister
>she fucked like a rabid mongoose
>they sent us off with tons of aussie food and beer
You guys are actually pretty cool.
>this is the power of the american navy
the USAF is cooler. they had some F-22s down here just a while ago.