Why do late night comedians like ripping into Trump?
Why do late night comedians like ripping into Trump?
It's the only way to stay relevant.
Because a comedian's job is to make fun of the ridiculous, and Trump writes material for them in that regard.
Because the only people up late at night are liberals who dont have jobs
Safe and easy. No one in Hollywood or any other liberal city will complain about them going after Trump, and they can dismiss anyone who is against the joke as hillbilly Trump supporters or uneducated republicans.
Because Trump is a clown, and these guys are comedians anyways. This is a golden age for comedy with this guy. And no I'm not a Shillary supporter or a Democrat.
I support Pouts as Potus, but Trump is a pretty shitty Potus.
This all day.
Their viewer base is 99% stupid liberals. Stupid liberals think there is literally nothing on earth funnier than le epic Drumpf jokes. Like the other guy said, it's to stay relevant.
>Trump has been the butt of jokes from just about everyone for more than two decades
>Is now in one of the most prominent positions in the world
>Says some stupid shit
>Somehow people are surprised when they make more jokes about him
Because it's usually the last thing normies watch at night before they go to sleep, so it registers into their subconsciousness unwillingly.
Because drumpf and co, provide them unlimited material
This. Im actually glad you poorfags are suffering and broke. Now we need Trump to sign an executive order allowing anyone making less than $40k/yr to be killed in order to eliminate dead weight on the system
Because it's easy and they're not funny or original enough to come up with decent jokes. Liberals drool over any insult to trump, whether it's clever or not so they take the safe way
1. Low hanging fruit is the easiest to pick.
2. They are typically liberal, and Trump is pretending to be a conservative right now.
3. Trump wanted attention during the primary, and he expected the attention to be taken off of him after the election. When the comedians push the attention night after night, it exhausts the shit out of him.
Their Jew bosses put it on the teleprompter and they know Trump will watch. Kinda funny really!
>Why do late night comedians like ripping into Trump?
Because it's easy, AND he's evil.
They couldn't say anything about Obama without being called racist, so Trump is getting all of their pent up energy
>faggot burgers
>good leaves
no creativity
there are about 5 shows on TV with the exact same jokes about trump on them, but liberals eat that shit up because MUH RACISM AND FASCISM
it's pretty goddamn ridiculous. bush was a bigger joke than trump, and they still founf a way to change up their content a little when he was president
That and Obama wasn't nearly as much of a clown. Sure, he was fucking useless, but he didn't just give comedians freebies. Trump just hands them out left and right with his social media, mannerisms, etc.
>This is a golden age for comedy with this guy
Y-yeah, the same all too easy punchlines ad nauseam, this sure is fun
>we need Trump to sign an executive order allowing anyone making less than $40k/yr to be killed in order to eliminate dead weight on the system
That would be a pretty big chunk of his base.
But don't worry, between his anti-contraception agenda and the right's anti-abortion agenda, the white race will be a outnumbered soon enough, ESPECIALLY if RyanCare passes.
I thought comedians had to be funny too
because their personality and comedy skills are so low the only way they can hold the job is by trying to hop on any and all bandwagons that might drag them out of the failure their career has been since day 1
He is goofy and not a liberal.
Easy target.
Suddenly people are into politics and there are people who unironically get their news from these kind of shows
Because, like Bush jr. and Ronald "I call my wife Mommy" Reagan, he makes it so fucking easy. Clinton at least had a sex scandal to make things funny, but Obama was just too serious. Donald Trump, even before becoming President, went out of his way to give comedians fodder. This is a man who has had to break up arguments between Meat Loaf and Garey Busey.
I'm not even getting into his actual politics. Frankly, most comedians couldn't care less. He's interesting, and newsworthy, and best of all, he always responds. Every time Alec Baldwin does his Trump routine on SNL, Trump watches, and reacts, even though he should have better shit to do. I think comedians should move on from him, not because I think we should focus on his politics but because, quite frankly, making fun of the things Trump and his lackeys say is like going for the low-hanging fruit.
they are talentless hacks. they cant think of any original content, just riding the late night hipster train
>Obama years
>guild writers get cucked and have to go on strike and settle for shitty terms
>Trump gets elected
>guild writers get good deal and don't have to go on strike
Trump is literally the best thing to happen to these people.
its easy so they don't have to work and try to come up with material
Bored lazy writers know that they will get a positive response out of lonely middle aged late night viewers and college aged adults if they do.
Literally the only reason.
Because that's what will get them the most viewers. It's all about $$$ not actual comedic value or integrity. Just like every other show on cable TV.
Appeasing their (((over lords)))
Republicans have always been ridiculed. They used the exact same tactics on Bush and Reagan. It got a lot more divisive because Hillary doesn't have any limits. She put out those fake sexual assault allegations and did some very low-down and dirty things (stealing the nomination from Bernie). So that's part of it, too. The democrats created a very poisonous electorate.
They have to write new material 5 days a week. None of them have any talent.
because thats what theyre paid to do by (((them)))
I always thought that most comedians missed some good material with Hillary. They mostly just stuck with making fun of Bill and their relationship. I always thought there was a lot of good material with her. The stupid pantsuits, the incompetence with the private servers, her hypocrisy. Her willingness to do whatever it took to be President, including destroying the campaign of a candidate who could have beaten Trump. (Well, Bernie had a better chance than she did, at least)
Her fake ass smile. I hated that.
Yeah, they could have made her into a psychotic Basic Instinct/Fatal Attraction type of character. But even SNL had to go the nice, teasing route.
I agree on the Cheshire cat smile. That fixed grin on her face is unnerving. She looks like The Joker.
They are paid a great deal extra to shill 4 hill & shipl against The President.
This is obvious, especially when you look at their Social Media and how passionate they get.
Because they weren't allowed to rip into Obama bc of muh racism
Actually, he just wasn't as funny. The funniest Obama stuff was mostly from Sup Forums type guys, like that classic image where his face is photoshopped onto an African witch doctor, labeled Obamacare. He didn't even have huge scandals, like Clinton did. Hell, when we asked him for his birth certificate, he just showed us his birth certificate. He was awkward at times, but he acted professional, unlike Trump.
In the end, he just didn't offer much material. Biden was hilarious, but that's not saying much. Plus, Obama didn't really fit into the black stereotypes. Late night comedy tries to go for what's easy, because they have so little time to work with.
Low hanging fruit.