African american appreciation thread

say something you like about blacks.
or something mean, its ur choice.
please say something nice.
i like their rock music and comedians like dave chapel

Other urls found in this thread:

i don't know joy lane

I'm fine with black people

I hate niggers

Stevie Steve twas the best black man around

Some wonderful people and usually more down to earth than most whites. Of course you have the douche bags thrown i the mix, but thats life.

Jazz music is fucking fantastic.

RIP old man


Congrats on the degree tayshon martin

I've met a lot of damned decent folks and noticed that even one of my best buddies somehow clawed his way out of the ghetto, and frankly the concern with skin color is ridiculous since behavior overdominates it all.

Like IQ testing, did you fucking morons ever consider that literacy is pretty much mandatory to do well?


what's your favorite piece my dude?
mine's a close tie between

whats wrong with n words?

Congrats on the degree tayshon martin

Old black dudes are cool as fuck. They have old school swag. I don't know what it is about them but they tend to be chill and nice people.

Black sorority girls are classy as fuck. You look at white girls at formal parties - their dresses don't cover their asses, nothing hides their breasts. The black girls? They probably worked tooth and nail to get to college and damn they respect themselves for it.

Mr. T was a childhood hero of mine. I'll probably cry when he dies.

we have only reached high levels of literacy very recently in history. maybe the past 100 years. most of the population is now sufficiently literate to read a fiction book in america now.

Black people shouldn't be forced to be outside of their natural habitat, prison.

I don't know Minecraft Steve

There are a lot of real black Americans that live here, they just usually keep quiet because their legions of chimp brethren in the inner cities and community colleges label them Uncle Toms for actually having a job, not robbing and murdering and having illegitimate children, and speaking like they have an education above the 5th grade.

Black "culture" really is fucking cancer and I really feel for black Americans trying to make shit better. Tommy Sotomayor is a seriously based nigger and I watch him constantly. He's the fucking man.

>work tooth and nail to get to college
black women get treated like princesses by colleges now

>most of the population is now sufficiently literate to read a fiction book in america now.

user, what drugs are you taking?

Reading and literacy have both been on the decline ever since blacks were allowed to read.

That's cause all the "shooty-shooty niggers" die young. You've got to be chill to be an old black guy.

>say something you like about blacks.
There arent any of them where i live.

don't call him a nigger, then.

>Lowfi hip hop

Nothing else. Just a few music genres really.

>Black "culture" really is fucking cancer and I really feel for black Americans trying to make shit better.
100 times this. Any black man that says this is an uncle Tom and any white man is a racist. They're utterly incapable of hard self reflection because they were fucked so badly in the past.


Thats cool OP. Which black rock bands are your favorite?

even if you really dont think they are people, you can still say something nice. I like how dogs are always so excited to be outside. see, dogs =/= people but they still have nice qualities. now say something nice about black people.

They are good at sports

They're funny online sometimes and do a sports good.

That's about it.

darrius rucker was good in hootiandtheblowfish before he became a country singer. jimmy hendrix is fun to listen to when ur jammin

I honestly love the way black church services are done

This Alaska state senator actually bitch slapped a liberal reporter.

I like African tribal stories and music.




They're excellent at spear chucking.


Pro. I love how flirty and touchy their women can be.

Con. It broke my heart to learn most can't grow decent hair and most wear wigs or are near bald.

As bad as it sounds, that's my general assumption.

Based black guy

Also Nigerians are okay.

All blacks are niggers, this thread is some Plebbit tier shit. Niggers are subhuman scum and it would do me great pleasure in watching them suffer. Someone post some nigger gore.

I like how this coon is dead.

I like old black people, specifically the grandmas. They're always nice, cheerful and happy to talk.

I like old black people, specifically the grandmas. They're always nice, cheerful and happy to talk.

Also Dave Chapelle is a national treasure idgaf 1488 all day, doesn't change that fact.

black performers were seminal in the creation of tap dancing, which is a truly incredible and versatile form of dance.

>They made or influenced almost all my favorite music.
>Affection from old black people makes me feel warm and happy
>Black People Twitter
>Denise Huxtable

Still NatSoc tho, I hate the degenerate members of their race and the good ones need to ethnically cleanse their own population.

>raised 6 amazing children
>children didnt ask for money after he died

Not trolling genuinely wondering what differentiates the two?

>/Pol doesn't hate all people with darker than fair skin
The ultimate redpill

I like a lot of their musicians

blacks are people who grow old enough to see the way the world works.
nigs are the ones who kill them before they get to that age. think the difference between elegant noble man and ape chimping out and burning their city down over a cop shooting.


Yep. Southern faggot here who grew up in a very black part of the world and some of the purest souls I've ever known were older African-American women but that generation is all but gone now. I have to agree with those who think the Great Society stuff was a catastrophe for black families. I played baseball with a black friend named John and his grandma snatched him off the field during a game and took him home because she heard that he'd just done something called "stealing a base." Our coach had to call his grandpa to get him to help her understand the situation so John could play baseball again.

I like how chill they are and how they speak their minds.

All about there close family bonds and cooking it's the street coons that ruin it

I think Congo/heart of Africa blacks are very aesthetically pleasing


Simple a black person is a person that is black. A NIGGER is the lowest form of societies expectations and standards, that rape, murder, steal, and do nothing good. But bitch you do help them also you are deemed racists if you call them out on it.

>argues that graduation rates were higher for blacks during segregation
>wants black children to be taught by blacks
>white guy plays it off instead of trying to embrace the logic presented by this great man

Are Black Panthers, dare I say it, /ourguys/?

Do you believe that young blacks could change behavior and fix problems that other blacks cause?

That's the cutest thing I've heard in a while, bless her heart ahaha

I like that they kill themselves for the most part.

Why not deport them make Africa great and praise them there?

>likes that they kill eachother
>only dislike them because they are violent and criminal
make up your mind.

I liked dorner

You give me early retirement and I'll go wherever the fuck you want me to go.

Chuck Berry; Nina Simone; Ella Fitzgerald; writer James Baldwin...How much time do we have?

they kill each other in large numbers

He can, but the difference between respect and disrespect is the emphasis
Nigger = Disrespect
Nigga = Endearment
Know the difference, it could save your life.


I have always found that I could agree more with black panthers than almost any white liberal usually.

They don't cuck like white people


I think blacks probably have genetically better musical intuition.

Now, for most of history we have still made better music, but I think that is because we have better mathematicians, physicists, and music theorists. They design better instruments (organ and synthesizer vs tribal drums) and write music and stuff. BUT I think if blacks have access to our insights, they can probably make "better" music than us. I understand that this is hard to quantify, but I have some suspicion that it is true, in general.

Southern blacks are better than inner-city niggers and ghetto fuckers.

I'm black.

Blacks can barbecue better than whites. It's true, don't fight it.

Can Sup Forums give me an examples of black men vs niggers?

Blacks are good at ruining society and being subhuman 95% of their existence.

Fuck off T_D

I hope so but I fear that the cultural programming from Hollywood, gangsta rap & the DNC have destroyed any vestiges of the wisdom of good people like John's grandma.

They take care of their own and have a great sense of community. No other race even tries.

I have one black friend that was born in Zimbabawe, Africa, but raised in Western Canada.

For all intensive purposes, he is white. Sweetest, nicest guy. Total bro, not violent, not criminal, went to University, got engineering degree - guy is the epitome of magic black man angel.

Somalians on the other hand...

I friggin love negroes they make the best Republicans


Let blacks be based rocket scientists in Nigeria

They should all go back to Africa where they belong

I like them when they are not around me

i just dont mind black ppl.

the ones in the US are more in touch with true americana, since theyve been here longer than most of the white families. theyre real americans.

i also had a black gf, and she was redpilled af.
desu, she is responsible for redpilling me.

if there is any group i have come to be wary of, it's koreans.

I don't wanna kill them all like go full 14/88 or day of the rope
I just look at them and think "goddamn niggers" everytime they do something stupid
I would crack jokes and point their stupidity and laugh at them
And it was like this for a long time even stormfront was like a 2nd Reddit for people.
until fucking redditors and newfags showed up, thinking this was 14/88 Nazi shit from all the hitler/Nazi spamming
Now you don't see people mention stormfront anymore as everything on pol became more serious
Maybe I'm just too old

Token white guy AMA

It really was that cute!

That's some huckleberry finn type shit, where do you live?

I like playing music with them

They use to have really great music.

The le blacks and niggers are different is a fucking tedious meme. You don't know them, so just fucking admit you hate niggers, which all of them are. You still are able to make exceptions. I hate niggers but like Big Man Tyrone. It's that simple.

I prefer blacks to Mexicans and Chinese. Somalians don't count tho

Hardly. Some of the best folks ive known!