the slippery slope is real.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's ok to fuck babies in the ass too. It's natural.

(((Who))) could be behind this?


dont forget the dog blowjobs goy

Depends on what you mean by "children".

Men and women will be attracted to anything old enough to have children, so yes it is normal for men to be attracted to pubescent teenagers. It is not normal for us to be attracted pre-pubescent children.

Stop assuming that people mean "it is ok" when they say "it is natural". Murder and rape are pretty natural as well, doesn't mean they are ok.

That's probably the conclusion they came to in the conference they held as well, but your retarded chav tabloid site made it more appealing to its target audience.

It's unironically true.

>Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilIa. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and normal condition. My head hurts. I'm just trying to get my real life back.

Fucking Turks.

If there's a source for this I'll convert to team hebephile.

WTF does that retarded word salad of Jew speak even mean? Speak English.

Found the pedos, please pick style and type of rope desired for that speacil day, day of thee rope, hurry its almost here.

((they)) justify the taken of innocence as long as child is 3 yrs 1 day old, sick mother fuckers.

These are the same sick fucks who think sex with a 17 year old is ok when US federal law clearly states a child is anyone under 18. Thats how they busted all those guys on the predator shows, if the girl was 17 the guy went to jail for being a fucking baby raper.

They should just execute these sick fucks for even saying its ok which should be a crime in itself since it advocates child rape sicne its scientifically impossible for anyone under 18 to consent to sex with an adult.

These studies are bullshit they point out that men can find 14 year old girls attractive and make you think it means pre-pubescent children like 6 year olds.

Yes once girls hit puberty and look mature sometime around 13-16 they become sexually arousing to men. That is not the same as pedophilia.

This is a biological thing not anything else, just go to a fucking high school swim meet and watch the horny 40-something moms ogle the 17-18 year old developed boys.

fucking baby raper under 18 is a child not your fucking sex toy you deluded sicko

Ok well cohabitation is clearly defined as "the state of living together and having a sexual relationship without being married" so they are definitely saying that by fucking a three year old, a levir is married to her.
WTF is a levir? It's "A husband's brother; - used in reference to levirate marriages." So WTF does this mean? Does it mean a three year old's uncle can fuck her and marry her? None of this shit makes any sense and the way they talk is all fucked up.


Uh.... I disagree Peak attractiveness is someplace between 17-22

Lucky girls can still remain very attractive to as late as early thirties.

They dnt have daughters so ((their)) degeneracy has no consequence they figure.

It already starts dropping at 15

>source: my penis

dude 17 is a child, kys

You could replace age with how liberal they are and get the same results. For example, every woman here has a god damned nose piercing and automatically loses 5 points of attractiveness. A 9 becomes a 4. A 4 becomes a -1.

I wonder who's behind this post

You're not getting it. They don't have a legal right to consent because they are not legally responsible for the consequences of their own actions.

If you are that morally bankrupt; a broad who is 18 is to old...just die. Wtf is going to next ? 16 is ok then 13 maybe 9...fuck this planet.

Without ID, how could you even tell the difference between a 17 and 18 year old?

It's perfectly natural to want to have sex and make love to drawn lines and carefully placed colors on a piece of paper in an illusion of a person in an entirely fictional 2d realm

>Tone deaf
>He doesn't know about copypastas




16 was okay for most of human history, and still is in almost every country, including most of the USA with parental consent

Its also okay to kill em before theyre born

Is this also when they are most fertile?

Making Pedo's "normal" is a way for make the west "comfortable" for Islam & so the Globalist & Hollywood Pedo's can come out into the open about it.

When Pedo's become normal, the Civilization/Society then collapses.

Women are only ever good when fresh. It's instinctual. Age effects their reproductive potential far more than it does for a man.

Jews purposefully destroy society through degradation of sexuality.

America is a civilized country that is why the age is 18 and we arent full of degenerates like the other countries of pedophiles that still refuse to acknowledge was is proven science in every state in every court in america.

Teenagers are not children

pedophile spook detected.

That must be why the vast majority of European nations set the age of consent at 14-16. You're a white knight dork with hero syndrome. Fertility dictates sexual attraction because sex is not merely a fetish. It is for making babies.

So it's okay for a '''''''''''''''''child''''''''''''''''' to be sexually active to the point where it's normal for them to have an average of one abortion before reaching the age of ''consent''.

But somehow having a man marry them with the consent of their family is a no-no because muh babies.

Fuck these man made rules, it's what made the west turn into cucks and fags.

17 is legal most places.

Trying to have babies with my 45 year old wife
We're scared of the autismos the percentage is much higher I don't want to curse my child to the same site and fate as me one day
So it's going to cost a lot of fucking money to keep checking on my baby to make sure it's ok

Being civilized doesn't make things easier.

How do we stop this

"It's completely normal for some people (to feel it not express it)" - my friend

How I do destroy him Sup Forums
Hes a redditor

It's natural for a Candiru to swim up your urethra, but that doesn't mean that you should let it happen.

There is a huge narrative against fertility and it is primarily against the fertility of white people.



It's awwwright

All the pro-pedophilia shills in this thread need to be flayed alive and impaled on spikes.

Disgusting child abusers.

I don't know about you but at age 33 I couldn't be around kids of 16 years of age without being annoyed. Just like OP stated its a slippery slope if the far left communist degenerates get their way you'll have NAMBLA being able to justify their disgusting and vile habits.

17 is a prime age of fertility at which a young woman can begin serving her purpose for existence and begin making babies. You're just another nobody with hero syndrome and nobody cares about your white knighting. You will never be praised for being this much of a faggot.

Define Pedophilia

>be canadian
>demand anal sex be included in the new sex ed guidelines
>turn out to be helping adults on how to fuck their children via chatrooms
>turn out to also own pedo tapes
>canada goes through with said pedo's guidelines after said pedo goes to prison

15/16 year school girls are so hot and fuckable, nothing wrong with breeding them.

In England you can bang 16 year olds no problem :)

Based Roach

This one is actually a parody of white knighting faggots because of the flag.

Obligatory reading.

Hollow points

This is the most entertaining thread I've ever seen. 4channers, who are known as pedos and for making such pedo memes as pedobear, now are trying to take the high road arguing that pedos are all terrible people. This high-stakes mental gymnastic is more entertaining than the shitty fucking olympics! pic related

Man the kikes really subverted the meaning of pedophilia by equating it to having sex with anyone who is not of legal age

All the while they get away with actual read pedophilia (sex with prepubescents) with no repercussions, while some dude has sex with a 17 year old and gets labeled a sex offender his entire life

really makes you think

Nice timing
Fucking spot on.

>proven science
Do enlighten us on that, Bill Nye.

this. damn nature you scury as fuck.

>Trying to have babies with my 45 year old wife
Thinking about a 16 year old might help.


>Pedophilia is natural

It's also natural to kill and rape but being civilzed means controlling your urges.

WTF. Canada we are going to fucking annex you, if you dont straighten up. FUCK

That's the plan, every time.

Stretch the definition, so the (((crime))) can cover anyone. Any tries to discuss and figure out these things make you a monster. The science is (((settled))).

Hum....lads......"his" left eye is kinda weird......

>Sup Forums is one person.

you faggots will never learn. why dont you go look at some msm polls instead that should cheer you up.




I'm quantizing

They have forgotten.
We must remind them.

>bangs 17yo
>sex offender
Whats the american age of consent

You're scared of knocking up a 45 yo so you think going for a 13 yo will be safer? Why didn't you knock someone up in the golden zone, 18-35?



Gas yourself, Himey

Too bad pussy is only valuable from 16/Legal age-29

I got married at 19 to a 17 year old virgin girl, if it hadnt been for her cunt mother it would have been at age 18 for me and 16 for her.

But they wont permit marriage, they want child rape.

These people pushing this should be lined up and shot in the back of the head.

No more fucking degeneracy.

No more mammonists.

Interesting, it came from (((Cambridge))) not suprised the eternal anglo strikes again. Makes sense now why the United Khaliphate imported so many mudslimes... they need more pedophile allies.

Hmm. I would consider any age where you can get pregnant old enough, anything before then is terrible. Maybe you have to consider the age of innocence.

>mfw I slayed a handful of prime teens in H.S.

This is why this board if full of virgins. They think hebes are still children and didn't fuck them when they themselves were that age, and will never fuck a living human being till they die. Or just pay for an std.

>you will see your children legally raped in your lifetime

How old are you? Honest question. I know a lot of young guys who think 30+ is fetish territory but there are plenty of great women in their 30s who don't even look it.

Yes, (((Anglos))).

Take the loli pill

How would you recommend subverting this trend?

I remember 4 years ago we were calling this shit and now it's actually happening. It's fucking surreal.

actually it's sixteen or seventeen in most of the country. 18 is the age of consent out west, including california, which is i assume how the whole "i thought she was 18" got to be in all the movies/tv (hollyweird)

>implying that Sup Forums itself isn't proof that this is true

Oh, she's a slippery slope alright.

Even if its Natural doesn't mean it needs to be legal or socially accepted.
Naturalistic fallacy and so on.


30 would usually be referenced as the destined marriage age. If your not married by 30 (for females) in some cultures, that's a sign something isn't right.

btw this kind of logic will be used to keep children away from their biological fathers in custody cases

dont you know already? men are evil and worthless sperm donors

>You will
It's all over London.

Growth hormones have led to female puberty occurring at an earlier and earlier age. 100+ years ago a doctor did a study on puberty in females by measuring pubic hair and found that puberty hit at 16/17. Nowadays puberty begins to occur at age 11.

The lowering age of puberty coupled with a hypersexualized culture means, well, guys are going to find girls under

No. 16 is a child.