Why do you hate women so much? Do you not understand how important it is for girls to have confidence at a young age to avoid a life filled with low self-esteem?
Why do you hate women so much...
There's a difference between not having low self-esteem and being a whore
I dont hate women at all. I have to say that I am getting sick of these threads about how all women need to disappear and how "redpilled" it is to never be with one. It is some gay shit.
That being said I cannot stand feminism as it currently stands in most western nations. It saps the joy and life out of conversations, and it stifles individual points of view. There is a cruelty and a complete lack of empathy to the whole garbage, and if only some feminists would see that people like zoe quinn and anita are actually furthering a divide and disgust towards feminism. They live in a bubble of foppish elitists and cannot see the effects of what they do.
boys develop confidence on their own, and girls don't
even "Strong empowered" women need to constantly make a point to say how strong and empowered they are, which means they really aren't and are just putting on a show
this tells me women being confident isn't important at all. Nobody likes false bravado
Women are retarded and inferior. They have it easier than anyone. Who gives a shit about their self-esteem? They'll have 1000000s of betas on social media telling them how pretty they are every time they post a picture.
Why are virgins so angry and mean-spirited?
>Why do you hate women so much?
I don't. I hate the current wave of feminism right now, it is unnecessary.
It is literally by law for men and women to get the same rights.
Yet again, I'm implying that we should trust the Government.
You fags need this redpill.
I don't know where that comes from
its virgins that put them on a pedestal
guys who have had sex realize how worthless they are
I /like/ having sex, I don't /need/ to. Fapping does me just fine
Why can't women be confident and be happy on their own? Why do you insist they need feminism and be constantly reminded of "GIRL POWER!" so they can succeed and reach their full potential? Are you implying women are too stupid to be independent that they need feminism to be worth anything?
Seems to me the woman hater is you.
If women are equal to men than there would be no need for the fearless girl statue. She could have represented humanity as whole standing condifendly in the fact of a scary and uncertain future that capitalism brings. Unfortunately the fearless girl statue comes off as obnoxious and a bit counter productive as not only can people interpret this as a girl standing in the way of capitalism which is how the bull could be represente, it could also be taken as a lone white girl facing off against the masculine run wall street. I would have much preferred if the fearless girl was accompanied by more statues of varying races and genders to shoe that it is not just a girl but the whole diverse world as standing together and united when facing the uncertain economy.
Also the fearless girl statue doesn't feel genuine as it is apparently a publicity stunt by SHE.
Excuse me while I find my microscope.
I think most married men older than 40 can agree that women when young operate 100% around attention.
>Why do you hate women so much?
My daughters, wife, mother and best friend are women. Also my sister, neice, grandmother.
Why would I hate them?
They're not feminists, and are good people. They don't think like men, but that's a good thing.
My wife is excellent at keeping the house in order, my kids draw pictures for me, my mother brings us tasty soup and cakes, my best friend is a bit wayward; she turns up at our house sometimes late at night and I feed her, let her use the shower and sleep in the spare room, my sister lives in New Zealand so I don't see her as often as I'd like - same with my neice of course, my grandmother died but she taught me how to cook and told me stories when I was younger, let me stay up late and chat. She was very wise and showed me how to use plants for medicine.
Feminism is not good for women. Women need a man to fix things, provide money, protection, safety and more.
I take my kids fishing and rock climbing. My eldest is learning to drive, so I instruct her. Men and women are different. It's biology.
Our brains are different.
Feminism seeks to negate this fact. We complement each other.
i dont hate women, i just know they're too fucking stupid to handle anything more than washing dishes
Confidence comes from the individual.
Strong men don't need to come out and say "men are great! go men! man power!" They are simply strong because they are.
So called "empowered" feminist women are some of the weakest people I've ever seen. They're perpetually offended, they rely on the collective rather than individuality, and they're constantly whining about being "oppressed" in western nations that give them every opportunity to thrive. If you have a daughter and want her to have confidence, keep her the hell away from any "grrrl power!" movements at all costs.
also this
The statue has nothing to do with little girls, but feminist propaganda which is from women with low self-esteem. I don't think little girls should be exposed to such fascist filth.
> Gee, I wonder what would happen if a little girls standed up in front of a raging bull?
Probably nothing because they get triggered by movement.
Then the man comes out of the building after a long day of work, shows the girl his paycheck and she goes home with him.
i love women, i despise feminism; is it possible to name a mor low self esteem movement?
show me a hot successful women who needs reversed gender rolls
Damn this is so accurate.
Do I hate women? I didn't think so.
But tell me things about me that you can't possibly know, user.
low self-esteem? This will help
quads of truth
I don't hate them I just don't trust them.
>get fucked cunt...a womans biggest enemy is another woman and always will be.
Lets talk about your fucking statue which embodies so many contemptable things about women.
The statue was put up by a company that specializes in investing in women owned and run companies.
And it under performs the market at large. If society followed the example of these women we would shortly be back in the stone age grateful towards the first man who rediscovers bronze.
Women will follow a loser out of solidarity. They are sheep to be led. Even women with Ph.Ds and Masters and successful retards flock to the call of "Solidarity."
Men cannot trust women because they won't think for themselves. Men cannot trust women because they have no empathy towards men. To have true empathy for a man would break "solidarity."
Most women don't really have true confidence. They either hide in a pack or shout behind a strong man.
Need more.
Jerkin it.
I don't hate women, i hate whores who behave retarded
They contribute nothing of value except ovaries.
If women are so smart why did it take a man to invent the vibrator?
Actually I would argue that women are indirectly responsible for every invention, advancement, and achievement of the human race.
Consider everything that modern feminism is and wants
>We need more women CEOs
>We should let women be as slutty as they want and your tax dollars will pay for everything from abortions to child care
>Hillary Clinton should be President of the Free world
It is a movement entirely dedicated on
Removing meritorious requires from Women
Removing Consequence from the actions of Women
Removing blame from Women
Awarding Women money for nothing
Awarding Women careers for nothing
Lowering Standards for Women
Removing Cultural Boundaries for Women
Changing Legal Codes to suit women
If Feminism got what it wants name one thing
that women would be held to account for?
That's what
And that's why Sup Forums opposes them
Sup Forums are a bunch of scum scrapped of the bottom of society who have been given nothing and work for everything
Watching Feminism work for nothing and be given everything.
Anger and hatred only make a wizard stronger.
>women deserve credit for the colonization of space because they can spit out babies as they'd done at the dawn of man
So your counter to the claim that women have easy lives is,
>LOL u just never got laid NERD
Why do you think we hate women? Why do you reframe any disagreement whatsoever with archliberal quasimarxist policies as hatred?
Yes, it's called the power of the pussy
>Credit because they spit out babies
No. Not even close user. I've said it before and I will say it again, women long ago invented and perfect the art of being insufferable nagging cunts. Why do you think man invented the air conditioner? Indoor plumbing? Even the fucking wheel? To get their wives to shut the fuck up with their non stop complaining. Everything man has ever done has been in an effort to get these screeching harpies to shut up so we can hear ourselves think for 5 goddamn seconds but then we invent more because it's never fucking good enough. Why do you think Neil Armstrong and Yuri Gagarin went to space? Honor? Country? Pursuit of the unknown? No. They just wanted a few days away from these fucking banshees.
You know why we want to colonize space so badly? Because its quiet
Fucking upload with quality damnit
Are you retarded we love women here any of the two genders are welcome on pol we just hate feminists
Kek speaks through you.
>Do you not understand how important it is for girls to have confidence at a young age to avoid a life filled with low self-esteem?
If that happens there'll be less sluts for me to bang
Not much, if you're inferior there's nothing to have high self esteem about.
Woman fall for fuck boys not nice guys, because they are all sluts. Nice guys fall for Asians. Lather and repeat.
>Why do you hate women so much?
I think you're lost, this is Sup Forums not tumblr.
>female statue
>literally opposing a fast growing stock market
100% accurate
only hate this feminist bullshit cause it completely changed the meaning of the charging bull, i don't think Picasso would like 20 vaginas painted on his art cause of "feminism"
I love woman. Most of that crap comes from right wing shills.
More please
women have low self-esteem because they aren't good at anything that liberals tell them to pursue in life. They are "good" at raising kids. That is their calling, and if they did that they wouldn't have such low self-esteem.
We don't hate women, we hate dumb cunts that try to make everything about them while standing in the way of progress in order to make things "more inclusive".
femininity has been completely destroyed by feminism.
The most recent iteration of """women""" are pernicious slags that place more value on money than they do on a stable family unit.
Women are weak degenerate cunts who should be ashamed of their gender and OP is a white knight pozzed up beta orbiting faggot.
Throw your cape down on that puddle Prince Fedora, that thot you like might get some dirt on her shoes and get the back seat of my car dirty when I'm banging the shit out of her later.
sick digits and mad max. 10/10
No faggot
self esteem is for niggers
Self esteem is overated. It creates weakness needing validation from others. Being able to realize your goals and accomplish them without some fake laugh track cheering you on is what life is about. You earn self esteem naturally from your goals and accomplishments. If praise is showered upon you take a second to make sure your not getting pissed on.
I will say this about social media. It has shown me how weak woman's self esteem is and their constant need for validation from complete strangers to the point they develop a huge ego and inflated sense of self worth other than being a cum dumpster baby factory. This doesn't make go for all woman. There are some that do not require their self esteem booster shot daily. Those were most likely raised by two parent homes with a strong father figure.
It goes deeper. Shad's connected directly.
if women can't be good wives and mothers they're useless. and lately, they've been doing a shit job
The majority of Sup Forums consists of young males who have little or no experience with women, and have seen society lead a charge of support for women in all aspects from personal confidence to personal opportunities.
Feeling left out, these men with no emotional support group band together and lash out against the demographic that (in their eyes) jas simultaniously shunned them and stolen their place in society.
This isn't actually how it is, but that's how these men see it
>in many realities, Morty and Rick ARE in a passionate healthy romantic relationship.
>Maybe we'll do an episode about it.,
I mean, I get an infinite amount of universes means this is possible, but does this mean Roiland is a supporter of the MBLA?
All of those faggots are. Ask Psychicpebbles or Oney why they put up with Shad's shit, they go silent on you.
They're all fucking pedos, dude. Every last one of them. Especially Shad.
>cucking is moloch worship
Jesus christ that's the gayest fucking leap in logic I've seen in a while
Of couse shad is a pedo like all of his artwork is gore and loli. He handwaved in his earlier days as being edgy to get recognized but now it blatant that he likes little girls. And anal. Which is a shame hes a good artist and his few non porn comedy comics were pretty funny wasted on a degenerate swissman.
>meme magic
gtfo and stop being such a fucking faggot.
>he's a good artist
I'll disagree with you there, but whatever.
Point stands he needs a fucking bullet in the base of his neck.
>confidence at a young age to avoid a life filled with low self-esteem?
Fuck off with this stupid bullshit. The only way women are oppressed is through the 1-2 cents they make less each hour. Fuck off, and I hope you do have low-esteem, preferably the kind that makes you kill yourself.
I didnt say great there are much much much worse people who make a living drawing. Hes good by the definition of something being just good. The guy also drew porn of his mom and gave it to her. Like what the fuck. Also now that I think about it are all swiss mentally deranged?
We hate feminists (pic related).
Self-esteem is formed early in life. The single most important factor for a young girl to have high self-esteem is a close, loving relationship with her father.
Unfortunately, feminism turns women into worthless, man hating cunts. It is a poison that destroys families. It creates "daddy issues" and thus low self-esteem.
>Ban feminism.
>problem solved.
Thank you OP, I'm Lovin it, really getting to Taste the Feeling from the corporations that commissioned this. We need more shill status from (((people on our side)), they should JUST DO IT.
Get off your phone
>girls to have confidence
There's a difference between confidence and delusion. Feminism seems to have fallen into the latter. There are things in this world that females have no business involving themselves. Not because of unjust prejudice or discrimination, but from biological fact. As an academic endeavor, the first couple of tries do have experimental value, but once the statistics are in, and they find themselves unable to compete against their male counterparts, it's time to pack it in and call it a day. No one wins when we allow them to wast their time (and ours) trying to accommodate their weakness. And when we lower standards so they don't get excluded by their own failings, productivity drops and everyone suffers.
the best way for a girl to have self-esteem is for an intact family; a mother and father
feminist retards pushed no-fault divorce, that's a big part of why modern girls are suffering from low self-esteem
I agree. Employ all little girls on Wall Street to BTFD.
Feminism also creates victimhood (pic related), evidenced by your implication women are the victims here when, in reality, they are suffering the consequences of their own hysterical self-destructive bullshit. Rightly so.
>wise words
Western men who realise the vast majority of modern western women are a walking red flag now have to go overseas to find a woman that is actually worthy of marriage. Why would we be happy about it?
>+1 reason to hate feminists
>ban feminism
>Problem solved.
This tbqh, this le every women hater is a virgin meme needs to die. Once you learn how to talk to women you'll really wish you hadn't.
>forgot pic
This is it in a nutshell. Honestly should be a meme.
top quality post
I dont hate women and I dont think anyone here really does either except the most bitter humans. The problem as been stated is the modern feminst movment. My mother and sister both think its BS and my mom was the chief breadwinner for my house and she says its just prissy little bitches using it to demean men. The end game of modern feminist dont even make sense women have all the rights of men with the age old perks of being girls at this point. What do they want?
>This isn't actually how it is
Yes it is, feminism has completely destroyed society.
He didn't mention what to do when you mess up yourself.
IMO I just take it as a joke and laugh about it but still accept that I messed up.
I don't know if it's the right thing but it seems to be.
Ah the death of the family unit the end of civilization. Really 20% of whites live in single mother homes. Thats sad even 50% for the blacks is getting insane.
All this time and still no upskirt? I'm legitimately interested what they did with that and how much detail they were willing to dedicate, even with the skirt placed in such a way that mostly everything was covered I'M STILL INTERESTED.