Group of Black Men Savagely Attack Fleeing White Boys in London - Shocking scenes from Nairobi where a white tourist was attacked. Lol jk it's London. If diversity is our strength I shudder to imagine what our weaknesses are.

What amazes me is how niggers make the same chimp noises in literally all these videos.


Once you've seen one world star video you've seen them all.

The violence I expect.
What really gets to me is the laughing, the enjoyment in them.

It's rather sickening.
It's almost every video, the laughing.

Love how you're calling a bunch of 200+lbs adults 'boys'.

Mentally they're barely children so it fits.

We need more violence

Hmmm are there more white people in America than Europe these days?

For the curious I'm pretty sure this is from Africa Addio which is one the best (if not the best) documentaries on post-colonial Africa.

White people deserve this. We had everything, EVERYTHING in the world and our parents decided to let women vote, stop Hitler, befriend (((them))), and immigrate mass hordes of monkeys into our countries.

>white boys get BTFO

>black guys get BTFO

Sup Forums in a nutshell

This is why I love america. Niggers try to attack, niggers get brain full of lead



Even a nigger baby being sliced up by a white is fine by me.

Its genetic psycopathy

Whites don't tend to mass and attack when outnumbering their opponents like niggers do.
t. I live in goddamn Atlanta

this, for the love of God fellow Burgers, practice your 2nd amendment rights no matter how you do it, legally or otherwise.
trust me, once one shitskin goes down, the rest will scatter, no matter how armed they are.

That's because it's always blacks being the aggressors.

>Says this
>lives in the Bahamas

What? I'm sorry, but judging from your comment, I'm just surprised that you'd live in a place like the Bahamas. Are you a serial killer over there that that kidnaps black babies and kills them?

God damn, that looks like fun.

South African Boer revolution when?

Black must become ground.

>b-but muh moral high ground
I fucking dare you to find another demographic that does this self destructive shit other than straight, white men

It's been about 100 years. Since the end of WW1, women, communists, and kikes have had a free hand to leverage the social chaos that the Great War provoked. We're the product of a full century of ever-increasing efforts to eliminate the white man.

Stratford Westfield shopping centre in newham, east London.

Literally wog and paki vile. Should be nuked desu.

Avoid east London at all costs. Once you get pat tower hamlets (hipster zone) and into newham (black and paki and Algerian central) turn the fuck around.

As for the video these one always embarasss me a bit. Would love for a gang of feral chimps to pick a fight with
Me. They'd be cleaning their teeth up off the floor.

If anyone wants to see more vids of this area and how degenerate it is. Search "bait out a sket Stratford Westfield" on YouTube.

Fucking grim stuff lads

burn it all down

wtf is going on in this video?