The year that ruined America?
The year that ruined America?
nah, America was irrevocably ruined when they allowed the kikes to bring slavery
You're off by two years.
when lincoln was assassinated
you mispelt 1776
This mashallah.
Yep. The year democrats opened the flood gates and made the us from 90% non Hispanic whites, to 50% non Hispanic whites.
congradulations, you cheeky fuck, you found out about jared taylor
>not 1913
get this on black twitter
#woke #blm #blacktwitter
either 2001 or 2008
Try 1865
Get out of my country.
Poor showing burger
Play a game, find something wrong with the country and trace it roots back to when it first occured. More often than not that will land you between 1965-1968. 1968 was the worst year but 1965 is the first year full blown leftist shit was getting passed so I would agree.
>1965 Congress
>295-140 democrats in House
>68-32 democrats in Senate
>democrat president
Thats what happens when democrats run the show, don't tell me they aren't any different, one is clearly much worse than the other
The Founders were brilliant men but the entire west started circling the shitter the moment mobs just decided they could reject the crown (1776) start lopping their leader's heads off (1789) and committing mass theft (1917)
1968 was the year that ruined the entirety of Western Civilization.
this. It was the same year for almos all countryes including argentinas end of local oligarchys for (((democracy))
What are you on about
Entering the war to save (((them))) ruined America. Hitler was right,
this x6 gorillion
I personally think the decline of the west is strongly tied to our rejection of hierarchy over the last few hundred years in favor of mass politics and democracy. Each major western revolution has been more violent than the last and for more dubious motives in my opinion, starting with the American Revolution, getting bloodier and cruder with the French, and culminating in a criminal mob committing what amounts to theft at the national level under the Soviet banner.
I'm torn because I'm still very culturally a burger and hold my rights in high regard (especially the 1st and 2nd obviously) but when I get autistic about it I think these mass revolutions is where the west went wrong.
Marxists subversion is still a major factor but I believe it's only became as effective as it was/is because power has effectively been handed to the masses which are easier to manipulate
Pretty sure he's referencing the fact that the American War of Independence (1776) prompted the French to undergo the French Revolution (1789) which led to the French capturing the abdicating King Louis XVI and chop his head off. And I assume the mass theft in 1917 is a reference to the Bolshevik Revolution and the Russian's move to 'Communism', though I'm not entirely sure.
One could argue that the rejection of the crown spurred the West to enter the Modern era, and had the American Revolution not happened, then modernity would never come to be, but that's off-topic, don't you think?
Yeah that's a much more concise way of saying what I tried to say thanks
You're talking about 150 year difference with completely unrelated nations. I just don't see how those three examples correlate to any bigger picture, especially considering that revolutionary France and soviet Russia were extremely authoritarian
Ok think this one through, dumbass
Do you have any idea the amount of fucking interest you have to charge for a wooden box overfilled with niggers that you're gonna float across the goddamn atlantic ocean?
Surely it's a lot if you want to turn even a small profit.
The ships the image lists are Dutch. The Dutch Monarchy was Catholic and could not engage in usury.
These Jews still had to be granted their lands and privileges by a Catholic king who answered, or was supposed to answer, to the Vatican on religious matters.
The demand for slavery was already there, and the only people that werent fucking idiots that were allowed to charge interest were the Jews that Spain and France had recently exiled.
Arguing that Jews were powerful before the late 1700s, because they engaged in what was often the one thing they were allowed to do, is absurd. The current kikery has its roots there, yes, but starting 2 World Wars just to rectify the situation was overcorrecting on their part.
As for my choice, 1803 and it isn't even close.
In the past few months, we've seen what it has spiraled out into since that year.
Anyone know what I'm referring to?
(Pic unrelated)
I know I'm just being autistic, this whole thread is alternate history wankery
I'm just saying if I had to pick one date I don't see why it wouldn't be the momentous shift we took to our current democracy, the vehicle born of liberalism and slowly hauling us toward more liberalism since
don't shoot the messenger, Jewish authors brag about dominating the slave trade in their books
They even made it illegal to hold slave auctions on Sunday because they couldn't work
They also ganged up on gentile slave traders at auctions by not bidding against one another.
Wow, religious tension over property in the colonial period?
Well i never!
Catholics and protestants did the same sort of shit to each other as well. If you're actually arguing that Jews ran America (the British colonies) pre-1776 just lol
Rich, white, progressive-for-their-era, Freemasonic crypto-Jews? You bet. Actual semitic people? lmao they were *allowed* to come here and Jew people by the Crown. What, was King George actually a secret Jew as well? How reliable do you find the works of David Icke?