>India's population increases by 1,000,000 every 20 days
The white race doesn't stand a chance.
>India's population increases by 1,000,000 every 20 days
The white race doesn't stand a chance.
People die, so this isn't true.
they aren't dying fast enough to offset it you retard
I said increases you moron.
26 million births a year - 8 million deaths a year = Increase of 17 million per year = Increase of 1 million per 20 days.
This is false, more people are dead????? Former curry here I know these things friend
Indians are white though. The most common haplogroup there is R1a, which is found throughout East Europe.
how do they tell the difference between poo and baby pajeet? same thing really
It doesnt work like that pajeet
Pooland's not a real place, it's just a meme, like Atlantis and Oz. Chill out, bro.
When the famine hits they'll eat each other.
Theyre in india, its the pakis in england you need to worry about
famine or supervirus?
Thank God I was born White.
Truly the best race. Our race contributed more to Civilization then any other combined, never forget that lads.
finally someone speaks the truth. thank you. indians (high caste) are listed as white on the u. s. census for this very reason. indians are white and the science is settled
Population growth rate of India is falling fast.
It's 1.2% now.
USA population growth is 0.8%.
Indian Population growth among religious groups are different as well
Muslim's in India have highest rate
they're already doing that.
*is different
Individual achievement matters. Claiming achievement of others as yours is kinda cop out.
Like becoming potty trained?
No. Achieving great things while facing social, political, financial odds.
Every individual is different.I won't judge a person based on his skin color or religion But on his own merits.
I stay stick with it, man. Eventually you'll figure it out.
Yes I did.
The more people you meet The more you realize that people think differently.However it looks like they vote in block because there are less political parties.
if you meet enough people you realize they all think the same.
Indians are hardly a notch above african niggers and less than mixed Americans niggers in my book
Yes whites come from northern India and yes we share a common ancestor but to say Indians are white is like saying chimpanzees are human
Then you haven't meet enough people I assume.
Hey if that cat can poo in loo why can't indians?
asking for a friend
At least Churchill was smart enough to let them starve before they overpopulated their country.
Then a few decades later they overpopulated their country.
I believe it's because people are still poor. Soviet socialism didn't help much.
But since we are capitalists now. People are getting richer faster. So I assume toilet problems won't be there after few years.
Have you not watched videos about India? They die in droves like its fucking nothing and you can tell because they are completely desensitized.
The big thing that happens to all societies is when they reach a certain point in development the birth rates nose dive or flatten out so the problem will take care of itself by two ways. A) They become stable enough to where people stop breeding like rabbits because they get used to their creature comforts B) They don't develop and become unstable Africa tier.
What is the worst thing the west can do? 1) Do not prop them up in major crisis situations they created on their own you are messing with the natural order of a society. 2) For the love of god STOP IMPORTING THEM! This is a double whammy because it is just as bad as one and you are killing your own civilization by doing this.
but 0.5% growth means 6 million people a year.
That's still bad.
GDP growth is 7+.
So I don't see The problem.
The right fertility rate is 2.1.which means population is sustainable if two people produce another two people.
Two kids is norm here for middle and upper middle class here.
Fertility rate is still higher among poor.
When 1/3 of the population doesn't have access to electricity - it's probably not a great idea to breed so much.
Is Modi doing anything to lower the birth rate?
Electricity access was worse decades back. Now some states have full 24 hour electricity.
Like Gujarat (Modi's home state)
Birth rate is falling faster.
I've heard that we could eradicate the mosquito population if we infected one with a virus that causes it to become infertile or something of the sort. Either way I wonder why its not being applied to the human population.
Because women won't marry infertile men while female mosquitoes don't have mental capabilities to think that?
>absolutely disgusting...sips grange.
Here is how Indians look without Melanin.
Here is how Indians look without Melanin..
there are 1.3 bn whites while only .90-.95 bn indians
I can't wait until some horrible disease ravages that literal shit hole.
hindu indians
so eternal anglo, keep your propaganda with yourself
honestly how has it not already?
Why do Indians always look so awkward?
Shitting in the street is very comfy user its great you get to make new friends while shitting shitting friend people you talk to while taking a shit its amazing.
but indians are the most genetically related to white people.
Whites will be more vulnerable to a horrible disease outbreak because white population is like on average 20 years older. Plus whites are more concentrated in the cities. So your wish is not going to come true. Anyway white people are melanin deficient Indians.
Holy shit, someone give those bastards birth control