IT IS TIME Sup Forums

IT IS TIME Sup Forums...
It is time. Take him OUT.

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I can't stand that fucking thing. That's all i end up looking at and never hear a word he says

Daily Dose:

Thread Theme:

>Trump............. is GAYYYYYYYYYY
>crowd cheers

>conservatives/republicans/anarchocapitalists/libertarians/neocons say political correctness is bullshit for liberal pussies

>politically incorrect joke is made about Trump

>>conservatives/republicans/anarchocapitalists/libertarians/neocons freak the fuck out and demand the speech of the joke maker be censored

holy shit guys get a hold of yourselves its fucking pathetic.

are you really this dense? PC is used as a weapon against conservatives. The same standards must be used against all, because nobody actually likes PC culture, then it will end. This is exposing the hypocrisy of Stephen Colbert's shtick and working very well


Nah. He's funny.

Colbert was really funny before he started becoming a SJW. Now he wants to be their king. Fuck him.

Ha. Ha. Ha.

Dude, what?

Daily reminder that this good friend of Podesta teaches Sunday school to young children.

He's garbage and probably diddles kids.

>strangers with candy

>he said Twump is Putin's bitch
You are such a massive faggot. I don't care if you're a commie or a Trumpfag. Anybody crying about this is a complete nigger. Fuck Colbert and fuck faggots. Homophobia isn't a real thing.

>hurr we'll save free speech by fighting against free speech for everyone
This sounds like a good idea to you, doesn't it faggot? Go shove something up Gavin's ass, you tool.

do you think he is related to vid related.

You have proof of this?

well well well

>tfw you used to love his show and see how much of a faggot he's become
I want to go back.

free speech is only free when it agrees with your views?

>you are now aware he probably has children's body parts in his bathtub.

More brutal than most ISIS vids, really.



>Take him out by giving him pols attention which he never had in the first place
havent u heard? theres no such thing as bad publicity

You were the first one to bring up idealism, schlomo.

>Wow goys, don't play their game, just sit back and take the shots
Opportunity doesn't always present itself but when it does, Sup Forums is ready to emulate SJW's to fire back

Except when you piss off the SJWs tho

>I even have his biography

Secret life of Jeffert Dhamer

Clinton documentary.

Call boys at the whitehouse

America's Cockholster

It's important to remember that PC culture will end, we can beat it. It's just an era we're passing through. Get liberals fired and it will happen.

when you hear people online talking about "stupid breeders"

They are not talking about regular parents they are talking about literal breeders.

Sorry, I meant to say "You have proof of this (that doesn't emanate from a paranoid fever dream)?

That's on me, sorry guys. Sorry.

TFW when you cock holstered every Jew in the (((entertainment industry))) to get where you are and you're dying of AIDs but you just got a bump in the ratings so life is good.
This is why you should use more observational humour from everyday life Stephen and not rely so much on Jew hacks and bitches with aspergers you mildly funny cunt.

Dr Phil is a paranoid fever dream ?

This is one fucking fever I tell you what.


Are you retarded? Noone here actually gives a shit about faggot rights, we're just using it to get this fuckstain in trouble.

He was always a lefty SJW and never very funny.

No they're not. It's a common derogatory term that faggots have for people who have children.

I'm sorry, but... what?

I was referring to the "Jimmy Kimmel is a SATANIST and because Colbert made fun of Pizzagate, HE MUST BE IN ON IT!!!" video.

It's funny isn't it.
In a way Colbert was what got me into politics so many years ago. I remember one of my high school History teachers showing an episode of the Colbert Report about Chinese new year cause she just didn't give a shit and she was super relaxed. I laughed alot and began watching every week night while doing homework.
Eventually though, I grew tired. It became so repetitive and boring so I fell off. I was so done with politics for a long time, But I always tried to stay informed when elections came around so I knew what I was voting for. I laughed at the sad fact that the 2016 election would likely be Bush v. Clinton. I just didn't care.
But lucky me, 2015 and 2016 were the most insane years for politics and I woke up. I was drawn to Bernie being the good lefty I was. Bernie was everything Colbert and Stewart and all the others told me were good, yet they weren't championing him strangely enough. It just didn't make sense.
Then I saw the corruption and the rank despicable election fraud and media collusion. Friends had their votes stolen from them via voter registration tampering.
I fully took the redpill after than. Wikileaks revealed how Clinton was colluding with John Oliver, Colbert, MSNBC(that one wasn't suprising), all of them. I realized that all these "people" who I once respected and looked up to were frauds. They were the enemy keeping sheep happy and ignorant. For lack of a better word, they were the luggenpresse.

It's funny Colbert.
It was you who got me into politics and it will be me and everyone else here who finally ends your career.

Don't be buttmad that we're takin ur boy out.

sure it can be used that way but that doesn't mean people that breed children for sacrifice don't exist shit even people leaving their children in a dumpster that doesn't exist because some faggot said so?

Fever dream picture


That is not even the stranger scarier stuff.

You guys are acting like SJWs

>these weapons are only for using against you, goy!

Feels good being alt-left.

Ok, but again, my original question was "Do you have proof Stephen Colbert 'probably diddles kids'?"

You've yet to provide that. Instead you have linked to the rantings of two crazy people, a picture with a (I assume, correct me if I'm wrong) incorrect quote overlay, and a picture of Podesta with Abedin.

So I'll admit, I'm not entirely sure the point you're going for here.

The 8s have spoken, the will of KEK is revealed...Colbert must meet the same fate as Shia.

Prasie KEK!

What he said was stupid...insanely stupid...however, I don't believe in censorship of any kind...he should be allowed to say what he wants to say, and it's up to you guys-the consumer- to either watch it and support it, or not watch it, and not support it...

Freedom of speech goes both ways...some of it is going to be shit you like to hear, while the rest of it is vile crap you wouldn't waste a minute of your life listening too...

To shut down one side, is to shut down both, thereby ending any and all debate of anything.

He's simply demonstrated his real colours, and you need to observe that as factual.

He is not, nor has he ever been a friend to any or all Conservatives...

Wow, this is a perfect example of the old saying "You've got your head up your ass."

That spaz logic. Wew

What's going on here?

>Lets end PC culture by adopting and cultivating PC culture.

Go be a faggot somewhere else.

He teaches Sunday School and is a hardcore Catholic so....

Obvious good troll army script is obvious.


Holy shit get a clue that no one cares wtf he says. Opportunity presented, opportunity taken.


Shitty fighters always swing wild.

Nah, got em painted with a laser from 3k yd. ;) Reeeeeeeeeeeee

This one is fun to post on any pretentious cunt (think Chelsea Clinton's twitter)

he knows. he is good friends with john podesta and his whole pizza schtick was just to fuck with us.

Or this one on a faggots

Again, and I mean this, but is that proof of your original accusation? I'm honestly asking here, man, I'm not sure what your point is.

Provide proof. I'll be happy to change my mind.

Lol, oh is that the narrative? Colbert was the force behind the pizzagate farce?
I'm with her. (((Now)))


shill away my good men. he did a few skits with pizza after the pizzagate shit.

It's funny that he treats the trump/Russia bullshit like it's fact but really had to dig deep and rally the wagons to convince people that some largely unknown internet conspiracy is untrue.

uh huh.

Cuckservative detected

Holy shit! Anything with Pizza in it is proof that they support pedophiles?

GOD DAMN IT gotta burn all my TMNT stuff, brb.

And I'm sure as shit not going to tell you guys that I worked at a Mellow Mushroom back in the day. Oh man, I'd give myself away with that nugget.

>inb4 "the two people in your picture are just delusional retards and have no connection to each other what so ever"

You are a bit slow aren't ya
noun: collusion

secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy in order to deceive others.
"the armed forces were working in collusion with drug traffickers"
synonyms: conspiracy, connivance, complicity, intrigue, plotting, secret understanding, collaboration, scheming
"there has been collusion between the security forces and paramilitary groups"
collusion between ostensible opponents in a lawsuit.


>colluding with child murderers.

Pizza was just an icon, It doesn't change the fact these people are working together.

Oh I know he chums with pedo-sta. If there is something there exploit it. Even the association is nice material and should be exploited. Spread it like hpv my friend, will only cast ugly doubt on him, and I'm not hating on that. Anything that harms public opinion of him I'm all for it. Next phase of the op is something different, pressurization campaign of 1 degree of separation ;)

Because theres a picture of pizza in relation to CP cheese pizza child pornography that means that what these two men did to those kids didn't happen in your point of view?

The fact the clinton foundation took over production of the colbert show and what they did in haiti to those kids you think because someone mentions pizza in the context of code words that everything is fake and podesta is a saint working sunday school with the kids always making pizza to "troll"

When podesta and colbert crack wise about "pizza gate" and having togrow up about this childish conspiracy that would never exist

it tells you right there they are in full knowledge of their actions in regards to child abuse one of the first things about child abuse is that the majority of the time the victim is unable to defend themselves since they are a child.

To say that people don't do this just means he has something to gain from the concealment of child abuse.

>be colbert
>tell inter/pol/ child abuse doesn't exist and to grow up and get a real job
>get investigated
>get indicted

How about all the children that never will grow up that he had a hand in destroying?

Are we going to be blaming them for being too small to fight back against the big bad colbert maybe they should have grown up first right ?

Too bad this shit does happen in this world and to say it doesn't is tantamount to involvement at the very least aiding and embedding.

My turn:

Proof: Evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.

You have yet to provide evidence, you have only shown mildly circumstantial evidence that supposes one believes everything the Pizzagate crowd dreamed up was 100% true.

You certainly have not proved that Colbert himself is probably a child molester.


i'm not arguing with you, brainiac.

I like it.

Put it together for those who have short attention spans.
GTFO here and go plant those seeds. Star tthe fire up wind. Let er rip.

He is having a good time with it. Laughing at our expense.

"Too bad this shit does happen in this world and to say it doesn't is tantamount to involvement at the very least aiding and embedding."

Nobody is saying it doesn't. I certainly am not, and I am completely and totally against child abuse of any kind.

(in other news, I'm quite the fan of both oxygen and also water)

But I asked you to show me proof that Colbert himself was involved, and you can not do that.

Well then, everyone's having fun then aren't we. What's your objective trying to talk people out of the op? Please explain your motive and method...
Or just BTFO.

Colbert show is produced by clinton foundation.

>provide evidence
>ok you provided evidence but fuck you ninja turtles
so we should pretend because of what colbert did with jogn podesta that he has no relation to john podesta and that that evidence doesn't count.

There is little to argue about its more about showing you.

Are you trying to get me banned for posting his cp ?
>instead Ill let the courts figure that shit out, when he dissapears think of me.

you guys are fucking retarded.

I agree, he is in on it.

You guys just want to point fingers at each other and yell shill without even reading the post.

Is it poor reading comprehension? fuck it. I'm out.


I think you got some gold there my friend. I'll exploit it, purchase a domain get a webby up just for it, drop it on distribution network and let er rip.
Tomorrow AM.

>Mr Colbert do you know how poor your ratings are?
>"n-no o-officer"
>"well we are gunna have to check your trunk"

Heil Colbert!

Now I can call faggots out for being the gay cock suckers they are without having to worry about being "fired" or "educated". We should all thank Stephen Colbert for taking the red pill. He's /our guy/


>This is exposing the hypocrisy of Stephen Colbert's shtick and working very well

That's gay, stop acting like a fag. All this means is it is now ok to say things like:

All Politician X's mouth is good for is being the
Y special interest's cock holster


Politician X is too busy with special interest Y's dick in their mouth to do anything useful

which is a good start to dismantling the PC bullshit


Reminder how quick Colbert was to try to cover up Pizzagate when it came out. I found it disturbing.. Now its all making sense to me.. These redpills. They hurt.

Watch this

Are you faggots STILL butthurt about that shitty joke? Disgusting fvcking manlets.


Fuck this timeline is a nightmare.