Is transgenderism a mental illness? Why or why not? Let's get some sources.
Is transgenderism a mental illness? Why or why not? Let's get some sources
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>is namecalled
>has suicidal thoughts
>not a mental illness
Why do our taxes pay for these sick fucks to get hormone therapy?
we spend billions taking food off the tables of families starving their children for these sick assholes.
THEY NEED TO ALL DIE FOR THIS!!! How many more children must starve before america rises up against them!
Actually in sweden (one of the most LGBT accepting countries) suicide rates are still almost just as high, still far above the normal population, so that blows that argument out
Transgenderism is paraded out as an amazing progressive thing and you can lose your job and social status if you dare say otherwise and they're still offing themselves in droves.
I agree with it being a mental illness, but I'm a dumbass who can't find any scientific journal / article outlining the suicide / mental illness statistics. The only ones I can find attribute the "depression" and "suicide" rates to societal pressure and stigma which is BS
I suggest putting them in a reputation center, were they can be indoctrinated with traditional Catholicism.
If someone on the internet calls you names and it makes you want to kill yourself...might be a good idea.
If minorities are as oppressed as they and the left claim, why are their suicide rates so much lower? Would you claim that transgenders have it harder than blacks; and thus commit suicide at a far higher rate?
Sicknesses can be differentiated between the mind and body. The body is a machine full of wires, hoses, and valves. The mind is infinitely more complex with experts learning new things everyday. If you're up for a good daydream then have a thought of, "What makes me who or what I am?"
So far, no physical cause has been found. The body so far offers no answers for the trans phenomenon. With the body disqualified, what's left but the infinitely complex mind that is so mysterious and with more conjecture than fact? Mental illness is the only answer so far. This is buoyed by the fact that gender or sex is indeed a physical trait.
>not accounting for internalized transphobia
this is what cis gendered white males actually believe
>this post is sarcasm
No, because the experts who compiled the DSM have not listed it as a mental illness.
Perhaps we should all become Scientologists, and rebel against the system. Long Live Hubbard, down with Xenu!
>I don't like what you think of me
>therefore i will hate myself until I try to kill myself
at least hate us and try to kill us, your defeatist attitude is fucking pathetic.
I think whats sad is that some much is making us weak - you're right it is not natural or 'balanced' to be so suicidal - I think J.Peterson talked of these fragile egg brains which can't be protected. I dealt with divorce and constant bullying when i was young - and still today I am maladjusted and a bit of a hermit, however I am strong. Its rare that I realize this, but even among my other friends. The friends I once thought were so cool because they had the girlfriend and I didn't, those are now the same friends who are so weak and co-dependent and I realize that they need other people constantly, not only can they not be with their own thoughts but they are so weak. I remember my friends having a dumb argument once and one of them ran away and then I called him and he asked to talk to his gf and I was just standing there being like "lol are you serious, you're a grown man and your acting like some 7 year old who just had their pokemon cards ripped up"
There are many weak people in this world, and after the politics of 2016 it has been revealed that people are too scared to say anything, so they just log out and witch hunt the 'nay sayers' in attempt to protect themselves - bullies are those who now how to deflect onto others and how to avoid being targetted. They are small minded and weak. Many of us are weak in this day and age, but the strong are still out there but they probably dont look it - the guy who talks big and is assertive - these are theatrics for a frightened child.
I wish their suicide rates were higher tbpf
It completely is, its also Social Engineering.
Hollywood has many of them.
Because the mind convinces the body that something is wrong, when it's 100% fact
If your white and completely convinced you're black, that's mental illness. Same goes with gender dysphoria
>being bullied leads to high suicide rates
not true
>having mental disorders leads to high suicide rates
lord radian wouldn't fix these fags, we need Jesus.
> transgenderism linked to autism
Google John Money.
trans gender people suffer from body dismorphia its not rocket science to know a biological male who wants to be female isnt healthy
Calling it a mental illness recruits sympathy and acceptance when disdain and intolerance would serve them better.
Nope. The brain in a trans person is structured more like the gender they identify than their biological gender. There's been too many studies that show this but I'm too lazy to link to it. More of a structural issue than anything, really.
If "muh suicides" is an argument - how do they explain why other "oppressed" groups like Blacks and Hispanics have lower suicide rates than Whites?
>why are tranny's always white...something reeks of Jew.
its still a mental illness
It is gender identity disorder, plain and simple. If you think you should lop your dick or tits off, you are mentally ill. And people that push this bullshit "acceptance" are hurting people that genuinely aren't comfortable in their bodies.
>DSM IV has gender identity disorder
>Fags and advocacy groups lobby against saying it is a mental illness when it is
>DSM V changes it to gender dysphoria
>the have the brain of the opposite gender
So let me get this straight, you're saying their brains are ill?
>a leaf
There are no such studies, and if their brains really did match that of the gender they think they are, then why do over 50% of kids claiming to be transgender change their mind later in life.
Also, how do their brains look when they are "neither male or female"? 10/10 leaf
>Regarding Point 3: ''Where does the APA or DSM-V indicate that Gender Dysphoria is a mental disorder?''
The APA (American Psychiatric Association) is the author of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition(DSM-V). The APA states that those distressed and impaired by their GD meet the definition of a disorder.
No link here. But there was one study that showed this and it was debunked by the very researches who gathered the data.
Even if your argument is correct. Would be a far better aproach to just convince then to not take hormones and surgery and just be gay.
Even if they kill themselfs, at least no one wasted money on their retarded wanna-be fantasy.
Yes. Allowing people with gender dysphoria to cut their junk off is the same as giving a depressed person a handgun and telling them to figure it out. In fact, suicide rates for transgenders are significantly higher than most other groups of people, whether you compare them to different races, religions, countries, etc. I don't hate trannies, I actually feel bad for them. They are mentally ill people that aren't getting the proper medical treatment they deserve as human beings just because Shmuley Goldstein has an agenda to push.
just thought i'd quote more from this, it should be everyone's go-to source to make this argument
> A person's belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking. When an otherwise healthy biological boy believes he is a girl, or an otherwise healthy biological girl believes she is a boy, an objective psychological problem exists that lies in the mind not the body, and it should be treated as such. These children suffer from gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria (GD), formerly listed as Gender Identity Disorder (GID), is a recognized mental disorder in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-V).5 The psychodynamic and social learning theories of GD/GID have never been disproved.
The reason this is a thing is because of varying expressions of epi-marker genes. Normally they're wiped out from one successive generation to the next but with an ever increasing population there are bound to be some genetic anomalies.
What expresses this gene are certain hormone levels of the mother during early stages of pregnancy. Males get this gene expressed from their mothers and females from their fathers.
Scientists think it's natures way of trying to stop/slow down population growth since gays/lesbians won't be having kids and instead adopting/taking care of others kids.
According to the DSM-V, as many as 98% of gender confused boys and 88% of gender confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty.
>Rates of suicide are nearly twenty times greater among adults who use cross-sex hormones and undergo sex reassignment surgery, even in Sweden which is among the most LGBTQ – affirming countries.12 What compassionate and reasonable person would condemn young children to this fate knowing that after puberty as many as 88% of girls and 98% of boys will eventually accept reality and achieve a state of mental and physical health?
also apologies for my abysmal consistency with meme arrows
They say they don't feel comfortable in their bodies correct?
Is there something wrong with their bodies?
Where does this feeling of being in the wrong body come from?
Is it a healthy feeling?
I would've called you a nerd if it weren't for that picture; now you have my utmost respect good sir
Why do these and trap threads always get posted at night? Is this remotely politically related?
>Human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait: “XY” and “XX” are genetic markers of male and female, respectively – not genetic markers of a disorder. The norm for human design is to be conceived either male or female. Human sexuality is binary by design with the obvious purpose being the reproduction and flourishing of our species. This principle is self-evident. The exceedingly rare disorders of sex development (DSDs), including but not limited to testicular feminization and congenital adrenal hyperplasia, are all medically identifiable deviations from the sexual binary norm, and are rightly recognized as disorders of human design. Individuals with DSDs (also referred to as “intersex”) do not constitute a third sex.
mfw upon producing evidence the thread begins to be slid
Trannies feel no desire to wear the clothes of the opposite gender when they are given a dosage of pills that regularly used to treat mental health problems.
Their suicide rates are not lowered when they have a sex change. A hospital that specialized in sex changes, stopped because they discovered that and did not want to waste the money and surgery when it effected nothing. To me this is a sign the suicidal desires are a symptom of the larger mental disorder. Not a obvious result of having fucked up desires or "being the wrong gender"
In fact, it has been found with MRI scans of trannies that parts of their brain light up that light up in the same areas in the brains of people who have phantom limb syndrome. That is where you think you still have a limb that is severed. Or in severe cases, a extra limb.
Gays were redefined as not suffering from a mental disorder in the field of psychology because people protested in the 70s. No official study ever disproved it, just protestors who said it was mean.
A user once posted a picture of the studies and sources for above. Sorry I never saved it but someone else most likely has it.
It can be
If you think you are something you are not but play into it anyway then expect everyone else to buy into your delusion, you are a crazy person.
Not a mental illness, but a symptom of one and a cry for help.
>There have been sooooo many studies.
>No link
>I'm too lazy an shiet.
>Educate yourself fool.
Solid argument
it is a mental illness