You could have avoided this

Reminder on this day as Retardicans have voted to kill millions of Americans by depriving them of their basic right to healthcare that you could have avoided this. You could have joined the rest of the developed world in having universal healthcare. But no "muh mexicans" (although there's no wall), "muh Muslim ban" (although there's no ban), "muh manufacturing" (although Trump has caved on NAFTA and China), and "muh globalist jews" (although Soros friend Kushner is Trump's top advisor).

Face it. You voted for a conman.

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What a retard.

>Reminder on this day as Retardicans have voted to kill millions of Americans

This is good. The ones who will die are mostly SJWs and Trump supporters. Sucks for Sup Forums but Trump is definitely /myguy/ now.

at least we didn't vote Jewdas in. Senile old sellout fuck.

I'll take 10% of Trump's promises he fulfilled vs Bernie. Gov't run health care, no thanks.

he's the lord god emperor... of right wing retards

Could this possibly be Obama leaf?

Move to Zimbabwe. You'll find a libertarian paradise there. Literally no government intervention in the economy.

Where were all the dead bodies before the ACA? This idea that people will be dying at some grossly increased rate is fucking stupid.

>no wall
ted cruz will make el chapo pay for the wall

Have you been to get your driver's license or any government office? Slow lazy and stupid employees. Who wants every doctor and medical facility to operate like that...because it would with universal health care. I have people in my family that have to deal with the VA (govt) hospital and it's awful.

"A Republican Congressman goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on the last of her savings, a woman losing coverage, a woman abused by her insurance company.

A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes having her reproductive rights regulated by 3 men simultaneously.

The man and woman get dressed up on Sunday — and go to their local Medicaid office, or maybe to their “revolutionary” food bank.

Have you ever looked at the Stag, Man, Hero, Tough magazines on the shelf of your local bookstore? Do you know why the newspaper with the articles like “Rape is Now a Pre-existing Condition under the AHCA” sell so well? To what in us are they appealing?"

put the pipe down.

Are you retarded? Zimbabwe is borderline communist.

fucking shill. god emporer has done all those accomplishments before the 100 days. MEXICO is already paying for the wall thats being built and only communists want free healthcare. FUK OFF

There is no such thing as a right to healthcare any more than there is a right to food. If you want health care, work for it and purchase it. Health insurance isn't expensive.

I'm glad millions of "Americans" will be dying, it's mostly going to be shitskins and welfare-dependent parasites. White men have jobs that provide health insurance

But user! Basic right... or something. Bernie told me so. Muh Europe!

>Healthcare isn't expensive

kek. You have no idea.

Try again ignoramus.

It is expensive only if you don't have insurance. A lot of people don't bother getting insurance because they're incapable of thinking ahead, e.g. nigs, sub-90 IQ whites, libshits etc.

Who campaigns for (((universal healthcare)))? Democrats. Who votes democrat? Shitskins. There's a reason republicans don't want universal healthcare

Except its full of black people.

Gimme a government free nation of whites and it'll be amazing.

Basic rights should never infringe on the rights of other people. You can't steal from people with more money then you to pay for medical care and you can't force doctors to work for free.

>who votes democrat?

Smart people.

Exactly. There's already a shortage of physicians because of the red tape and Medicaid/Medicare b.s. they have to deal with now. Imagine 100% gov't paid health care. Who would go through 8-10 years of college and massive debt to work for mediocre conditions. Just don't see it.

>Who votes democrat? Shitskins.

And working class whites. You know, the whites who know how it feels to struggle through life and have more things to worry about than guys posting on a Cambodian blowdart enthusiasts' forum on a Thursday night.

Because the Russians flooded our education system with cultural Marxists so they would "educate" a few generations and call it progress.

There a difference between "smart" and (((educated))). Also most democrat voters are shitskins/people who would die without government handouts, most republican voters are able to take care of themselves, and therefore oppose universal healthcare

Also MEAN people!


>working class whites
>vote democrat
Then how did trump win? Oh that's right, working class whites in places like MI, PA and WI

>Then how did trump win? Oh that's right, working class whites in places like MI, PA and WI

Yes, in places which tend to vote Democrat, which flipped because Trump was against trade deals and promised to bring back jobs (which Hillary either didn't do or contradicted herself). I know people joke about Americans having a very short memory, but come on, nigga.

Sure there is a difference. But you would have to be a real dumb fuck to think that the vast majority of smart people aren't educated

You are wrong and stupid. My insurance would be over 400 burger bucks a month and i cant make shit with my useless college degree.

I had a nosebleed and went to the doctor, it stopped on its own finally but they still charged me 2000 burger bucks.

To look at me and say yep, its bleeding, cost me 2000 burger dollars.
Thanks obonga

Must be nice to live on a 95% white island where everyone puts in a fair share

There are some people on hospital beds RIGHT. NOW. That deserve to die

t. Registered Nurse

If anyone was the conman it was your boy Bernie. He was working with Clinton from the start and the fact that so many of his supporters didn't catch on to what was happening is deeply depressing.

With Trump at least the SCOTUS has not gone full regressive leftist and liberals showed their true colors with this unending temper tantrum, further driving moderates to the right.

>a right
Tip Top KEK. You should have thought about that before you decided a whole jar of mayo made a good side for your deep-fried butter sticks.

>the ones who will die are mostly trump supporters
This is actually true. A large number of uneducated country folk are/were on the ACA and still voted for trump. They probably just don't realize that they voted against their best interest on this issue.


Oh god I know that fucking feel I live in Arizona and have so many fucking drug addicts come in seeking hospital attention with no way to fucking pay for it it makes me want to kill them myself.

>mfw people do not understand natural law and what is and isn't a natural right

>basic right to healthcare

stopped reading right there

saged and reported

After their 400% Obamacare premium increases. Sure.

Saying health care is a right totally obscures the issue. Health care is not a right it's a commodity, and like any commodity a certain amount of production and rationing occur. Simply declaring "you have a right to health care" is not going to make more drs appear, not going to make more mri machines, etc.

Simply changing who is paying from the indivdual to the government is going to have to result in a different method of rationing, which is going to decrease the quality of care, but increase the total number of people with access to health care. Which is bad news for anyone currently insurer. Of course there's also the issue of the inefficiency that accompanies anything the government touches.

Bottomline is declaring health care a "basic human right" is a philosophical response to an economic issue.

A human right is something innate, that can't be taken away, it's not something you can force someone to provide you.

>He was working with Clinton from the start
>by dividing the party so deeply with underhanded shenanigans that a fucking meme won instead
He was shit at his job then.

The ones I've met had no insurance before and are paying basically nothing for their coverage. If you don't make a lot of money, obamacare made your insurance free or ludicrously cheap.

And guess what the other 90% had their premiums skyrocket if their state/county even had a provider left. So that's fair to the middle class then, right?

Not really the point here. I also don't care. I pay $64/mo through work with everything covered, so I don't care about poorfags who have to buy their own insurance

>smart people

You would never be able to guess that if you debated one, and see how they rely on shitty emotional arguments.

It's just the small business owners and self employed farmers etc. Yeah, fuck them!

>voted to kill millions of Americans
>by returning healthcare to the way it always was before Obama

And this. People play the system ridiculously hard when they figure out how to.

t. Hospital security

>who votes democrat?

Poor people. Brown people.

They should have taken personal responsibility for futures and chosen to be rich, just like the Republicans say.

try again

Those people are the bedrock of our country (self employed, small business owners). So yeah it's cool that their health coverage goes bye-bye thanks to Obummer. They should've made a million in their first year of running the flower shop. Sure.

Kimmel is that you? stop doing crack when you fuck your bitch, maybe your genetic disaster of a son wouldn't have issues. Your worth 39mil, take the little shit to go drink Elk blood from the Himalayas

le basic right to healthcare meme
Healthcare IS NOT a right

When your parrot gets sick does the avian vet treat it for free?
Checkup costs like 80 dollars
Blood tests have set costs
Sugeries have set costs

HUMAN healthcare should be the same system
If you need care you pay the price for it
if you're broke then you don't get it sorry pal

Doctors will compete and prices will be reasonable as unfucked with Capitalism gives power to the consumer.
Only the best Doctors will be able to charge a premium.

I don't know if you're memeing or actually being serious but I was making fun of how many Republicans seem to view poverty as a choice and basically advise that everyone just choose to be wealthy instead.

We we have a fence. That's pretty cool.

I've dealt with similar shit in private clinics. It's not that unique.

>Reminder on this day as Retardicans have voted to kill millions of Americans by depriving them of their basic right to healthcare that you could have avoided this
The big question in my mind.

How did these people live 8 years ago prior to the ACA?

The Point of the ACA (if there is one) was to keep costs low for all americans. But it is only low for lower income. Middle class is getting BTFO.

Costs have not come down in the markets.

This is senseless. They need to tweak the ratios and give middle class a break. There is no reason that a working family should be bearing the burden of so many.

Healthcare isn't a right. The US has 120 million people that are considered obese. Most 1st world countries don't have this problem, so it eases the payments made by taxpayers.

I wish more people would understand how universal healthcare is paid for.

Blame fat people for socialist policies not working in the US.

What part m8?

Why should we treat human healthcare the same way we take care of pets?

Can I apply this standard to all things? Does that mean people should just be able to kill weak sniveling faggots like you?

>how many Republicans seem to view poverty as a choice

>Implying it isn't.

Follow a really poor person around for a while. It will be quickly obvious why they're so poor.

There's really no excuse in america.

Nice meme.
When I was 15 my parents had to pay several hundred dollars for a bottle of pills for my serious acne. We had insurance.

His dividing the party was an unforeseen consequence of his shilling because the Democrats woefully underestimated just how despised Hillary really was.

I base the following reasons for my conclusion on the premise that Bernie is moderately intelligent and being smart enough to realize that the political climate would have made everything he promised a complete impossibility. Even if he had won he would have lost in the long run. Bernie was in the race for a few simple reasons. First as a leftists he wanted to stop the big bad conservatives, this is why he answered the call of the DNC. Second the DNC used Sanders to rile up the younger demographics for support and donations so they could have a repeat of Obama's victory in 08, this is because Hillary is such an unlikable cunt she couldn't do it alone. Sanders spent the entirety of the primaries attacking a disorganized conservative field rather than going for Clintons throat, he even kissed her ass in the debates. The fact he also kept milking his supporters even long after he was effectively dead in the water is also evidence of this.

The most damning thing of all is this gambit actually worked for the DNC in the primaries, something so obvious actually working terrifying and impressive at the same time. Thankfully the Democrats shit the bed during the general election.

America was similar in the 1930s....kinda the reason we are in the state we are in now.

You still don't get what's happened and what is happening do you?

Sit back son, The spirit is moving across the nations. You think that the blood of the righteous has not reached the lord of the sabaoth?

1Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. 2Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. 3Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. 4Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth. 5Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. 6Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you.

>universal healthcare
dont fall for socialist healthcare meme. you will die on waiting lists.

>muh communist conspiracy
>le (((meme)))
hahaha le so le (((funny)))!! (((XDDDD)))!!!!!11!1!1!!!!

I fail to see how Bernie sanders would have gotten a single fucking thing through when he is hated by democrats as well as republicans, who would still have the majority in both houses.

Shouldn't have got a shit degree that won't help you, shouldn't have gone in for a nose bleed.

Ya goofed

he would have upheld Obama's Amnesty

God why do people confuse access to healthcare with cost of healthcare?

Any one with or without insurance will be cared for if they're seeking medical care.

Let's just say you do have a right to healthcare
Not that I believe it
But let's say you do

You do NOT have a right to FREE healthcare.

You will be cared for but you're going to pay out the ass if you don't get a decent job and get private coverage.
Yeah faggot, it's hilarious

its actually illegal to murder pet parrots

Hahah Dennis system. Classic.

I'm starting think the majority of shills are really butthurt bernouts.

Because muh gibs.

I hope they all fucking die.

I've been sayin it. You can tell because there's still that spark of naive idealism in some of their posts. Like they forgot that bernie is a sellout faggot that tricked them into giving him their money. That's why they project so much.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
t. 140 IQ son of a doctor and professor who still grew up rather poor

Me too man. We need population control anyways.

health care is not a right, retard. you are not entitled to anything that has to be provided by someone else that spent a considerable amount of time and money in procuring the skills to provide said service.

>t. son of doctor and (((professor))) so I'm smarter than you

Being the offspring of kikes doesn't equate to credibility faggot

Socalism only works in homogenous can have multiculturalism or you can have socialism...not both, the USA choose niggers and faggots.

Are you poor now?