Nationalism is dead

Nationalism is dead

Ethnonationalism is dead

What's his end game? Is he just trolling at this point?

Other urls found in this thread:

Guy murders 2 other white people and says he believes in anarchy but whines when actual chaos destroys his homeland. The guy is a fucking idiot.

He only murdered one white person and he was going to kill him.

You know damn well he killed that other person by that river. He also admitted to shooting up a McDonalds which could've killed someone also. He's an idiot.

>You know damn well he killed that other person by that river.
lol whut
>He also admitted to shooting up a McDonalds which could've killed someone also

He said he would shoot out the store windows of migrant business owners with a hunting rifle.

Point still stands that he's a hypocritical idiot.

what makes him a hypocrite

>white person
Euro was yellow sami and totally deserved to be murdered.
He was human trash.

>ethnonationalism is dead
>israeli flag
Muh fucking shill...


You shouldn't put that much weight in his opinions

>nationalism is dead, lives off French Autism bux.
Fuck off Varg.

Look at his recent videos you fucking retard

Varg is a fucking idiot. I would be afraid to have my children near him.

his videos have a good point though

Yup he would probably molest them

Stay mad wageslave

He stays in his cuck shed while muslims invade europe, and he doesn't even vote for the only option to stop them

he has no plan, he thinks things will just magically solve themselves because all brown people will die and he will not

>He stays in his cuck shed while muslims invade europe
Never thought I would agree with this flag, but there you go.

You can only retreat so far until your back is against a cliff. Now you have no space left to fight back and you die easily.

yeah I like Varg a lot, most people on here don't for some reason. possible shills

yeah but he made 6 blonde hair blue eyed aryans wtf have you done?

He started making more provocative vids when he monetized his youtube channel recently.
He is just a poor welfare leach trying to make more money.

>muh dick
Show us your end game

I have seen maybe three total legitimate arguments against Varg whenever there is a thread about him. It's always the typical strawmen and insults most of the time.

>Muh Welfare leech
>muh Capitalism
>muh Christianity

More holes for muhammed to rape

6 white kids vs 6 gorilliion yeling muslims

And he is in a country where he can't even own guns to protect himself

Are you gloating about this?

Varg is a man in the ocean holding a bucket of 'pure aryan water' above his head. He has no plan to protect it from mixing with the salt water, but that doesn't matter because
>muh bucket

We should a least build a boat to protect the water from being contaminated by the next big wave.

No, but he seems unreasonably arrogant considering the situation, he is convinced some magical event will wipe out anyone that opposes him in the near future and he will stay alive

He literally made a video telling people not to vote le pen because shes the same as anyone else

This meme need to die, Euro was not a Sami, he was from a small village in More og Romsdal.
Also Sami are not yellow or Asian.

The jew is right


He's just spreading black pills because he wants to trigger one of you retards into pulling a Breivik

he's basically just trying to stay relevant by saying shit the kind of people who watch him won't like

oh hey a jew rushing to defend a zionist politician

imagine my shawk

For once.

Nvm. Knew it was too good to be true :(

He definitely had some sami blood.
Eyes don't lie

Usually I defend Varg in these types of threads but I just watched that video and it was pretty fucking dumb. Probably one of his dumbest videos yet.

>there is no such thing as ethnonationalism
>there is no such thing as Norwegians, or Germans, or Swedes
>German is a social construct
>white is a social construct
Why is he spreading these cancerous ideas, fuck off

You missed the message of the video and are just falling for the click bait.He is pushing pan-European identity that sets aside the past national identities (all invented in the last few hundred years) and wants to create the "white america" phenomenon in Europe. The Golden One does a much better job articulating it.

The Golden One explains it better than him, he want to create a pan-Europe white identity the same way America has "white america" even though its dozens of different heritages.

Pan-Europeanism works for America. Don't know how well for others, so you should be hesitatent to try it.

I loved it! that was fucking choice!!


He's just calling to whites to take the self-sustainability path, quietly and with no propaganda. Then, they're less vulnerable to attacks, terrorism and racial mixing and more able to defend themselves. A very cool way for my part.

>pan-European identity
>pan-Europe white identity

Jesus Christ why?

Do you see how "well" it's working in the US? It lets them artificially inflate the numbers of white people by mixing in mongrels and hispanics and jews as if that's European. They're already a minority white nation but their shitty stats promise it's still 20 years down the line.

Of course they want to muddy up the question here too. You're stooges for the globalists, playing their usual redefinition games is suicide.

>in the year 2026, France has declared the compulsory acquisition of all private, non-urban, non-industrial lands for the benefit of the people and according the Collectivisation Act.

Yeah and the Jews are Laughing....You see......You see the Jews laughing at you?

Of course he is gloating it's his people's whole thing to eradicate the white race and bring in multiculturalism because they want the whites dead! Everyone here knows this his presence is an insult.

>What's his end game? Is he just trolling at this point?

Pretty much. White people are too selfish and stupid to see the strength in a strong collective. We will just jew each other to extinction.

>says all euros are a tribe
>"my tribe is Nordic"
>ee yo ede yoda
>ee yo ede yoda
>ee yo ede yoda

It was the Jews it's always the Jews the Jews Jews Jews Jews Jews jews >:( it was the Jews........You gonna say something to make us all feel better about this Jews? No.....You know it's a true that's why..... Isn't it... Isn't it all true all of it the whole plan...... Admit it Jew admit the plan!!!!


You're all nunces, Euro deserved death the fucking degenerate watched snuff, hes not white hes subhuman filth which cant get laid so he watches people dieing

Also it dosnt matter if he believes in tribalism and whatnot cus you dont have to believe in everything he says to like him or to agree with other things

Inb4 "i dont agree with anything hes ever said on his channel"

Then ur not a natsoc or white supremasist or someone who wants to conserve white culture and race.

Atleast its better than commie anarchism


Because its true. Marine is a jew puppet and just like trump wont do anything except "send help to greatest ally"

Well did varg fucking say "do it exactly like the americans did, EXACTLY, not one thing different" you moron, he means the damn concept of it

Uuuuggggghhhh!!!!......... It's the Fucking Jews!!!!

Dick is too small?? To small to even think about attempting to have sex. Too embarrassing to use.....
It wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't so much competition with the other races that have big ones... :( How can the low testosterone millennial boys compete with all that gigantic huge throbbing black and brown cock!? Truth is the poor lady just can't compete. :(


>think you're making progress

good goy

he doesn't care, he's here for his "tribe"

Did you hear what I said about the small white penis of the millennial boys unable to satisfy a woman and can't compete with big huge gigantic throbbing veiny black and brown cocks dripping with precum.......:( Of the migrants.

you're just a butthurt christcuck

go cry at the feet of your dead kike you pathetic shit-sucking sand-worm

Hey guys, varg here
Ehtnonationalism is dumb because degenerates exist, lol, checkmate, white nationalists

Lol, he went to his place and stabbed him in the face a bunch of times and you just take his word for it?
Euro was a fucking loon but he can't exactly defend himself since Varg fucking murdered him.

forgot pic

Anyone got the picture of him getting btfod in the youtube comments?

Oh the smallness of the penis is agonizing to live with oh the agony of having a small penis........:P that can't compete with the huge brown and black cocks! Forced cuckold through chemical poisoning. This is what the Jews have done to you white male and also why your women seem to want to be men today. Did you ever wonder why Feminism seemed to be less about being feminine and more about attempting to do all masculine things?

He wants to restore Europe to what its ancestors saw it as. Christianity is a plague.

ethnonationalism is dead

nationalism has a chance but if we keep bringing more foreigners in that'll vote globally that'll follow to may they be white or black

that'll follow to. may they be black or white*

Think about how much bigger your penis should have been had the Jews not done that to you.......

Exactly. Nobody can't just convert to Judaism, but everybody can on Christianity.

He's retarded and shit just like Sam Kike

He generally likes Islam as far as I know. He'd pagan but prefers Europe to become Muslim than remain Christian/secular

>Eyes don't lie

There is nothing about his appearance that makes me think he has any Sami ancestry, also that sort of chinky appearance can be found in Scandinavians without any Sami ancestry as well.

Just look at this even cicumcision makes the penis smaller.

Oh but what about his penis!?

>ancestors saw it as

we will never know. it's just some fantasy at this point..

They suck the blood of the circumcision! That's so cannibalistic and gross! Have a look! They want your penis small so you don't breed!

this is fucking bullshit. I'd have a monster cock if I wasn't missing so much skin. my circumcision was botched and my ballsack goes halfway up my shaft to compensate. It's still 6.5 inches and thick, but honestly I could be packing a fat sausage if it werent for jewish cuckery

Ok so just so you know these Jews think you have a chip on your shoulder. Like I said I hate you but they hate you enough to suck up to you and kiss your ass but yet they think you suck!

It's not chinky, it's hun. You can tell with the beady eyes.

Varg isn't an ethno-nationalist

He's literally made a video shitting on ethno-nationalism saying how when he was younger he identified with it but has realised It's a flawed ideology that attracts human trash

Yes it's true the more substantial losses have come from things like baby formula and juice boxes you drink during childhood. They focused heavily on reducing your penis size have you seen nudist pictures from the 70's almost all whites had big penises. Now we are all small as fuck packing 5 or 6 if lucky when we should have 7or 8 even 9 but we have been poisoned!

Well lets go with Varg's terms "lappish"

>we should have 7or 8 even 9 but we have been poisoned!
the jews won

you can own a gun with a simple hunting license. I have a 12 gauge semi-auto and a sniper rifle. It's good enough.

Your rights to breed have been taken from you with the forced chemical penis reduction.

sauce on this?
seems like a nice website you got

They won but we can always take as many of these fuckers with us as we can as we go down in a blaze of glory. They may chew us up and spit us out but it's going to leave such a bad taste in their mouths they will be licking their own asses for the rest of time trying to get the taste out of their mouths!

>validating a kike

This is happening now.......As they said they would do......

Why though? Why not just have nation states, cooperating, united only in Christ





Juice boxes don't make your dick shrink, fuck off. They're just water and sugar/high fructose corn syrup.

>seen nudist pictures from the 70's

Have you considered that guys with big dicks are more likely to be nudists because they have something they'd like to show off? And guys with tiny peens don't become nudists because they're ashamed? Very stupid reasoning you've got there.

Regardless of your fears over purity-spiralling, whites in this country do feel a sort of solidarity with each other that Europeans largely do not, albeit that it came with the loss of our individual traditions and heritage. Nonetheless, since this country has undeniably had a more multiracial history than anywhere in Europe since its very foundation, we have a good sense of who we are, who represents us best and who is different. And that is why Trump's margins were so large while your country is now Arabic.

But fear not, the invasion has force fed your countrymen redpills and you may one day find yourself united with all the sons of Europe to drive out your common foe in the brown hordes.