If Bernie Sanders ran again under any party would he have a chance?
Bernie 2020
Sup Forums is cancer so your question is pointless
but yes he would likely win
>muh cancer
then fucking leave nigger
He would've had a chance if he had the Democrat nomination this time.
Trump didn't have nearly as much personal ammo against bernie as he did against Hillary. It would have been two populist candidates in the race and probably would have been pretty interesting to watch.
Bernie is one of the cleanest politicians in the modern day. I'd vote for him on that principal alone.
stop being a nigger, nigger.
gas yourself
>voting for a commie Jew
gas yourself
>implying trump wasn't
Fuck no, he's a nigger-loving jew.
He'll be dead by then
>Women fantasize about being raped
He's got dirt
Sometimes I think the Democrats actually did the country a favor by rigging it for Hillary.
President Sanders would have been terrible
The guy showed he was an absolute fraud in 2016.
How can the human race be so stupid as to vote for him?
>Cuck Sanders
>the "man" who folded like an accordion and then crawled though a mile of bullshit just to lap at the festering pudd of Hillary and thank her for it
>chance at the presidency
I'd vote for him if there was no third party choice other than Aleppo man. At least he wouldnt have like 5 wall street execs in his cabinet like trump.
Not the kind of dirt that can...*ahem*, be used for blackmail.
inb4 mass removal of socialists by the national guard lmao
Politics bruh, Cruz did it too, Trump dissed his entire family and Cruz still endorsed Trump
Not even close to the same thing. Cruz was still being a jimmy whack at the nation convention. At least he had guts. He's also smart enough to work with Trump now to try and repair his image in the eyes of Trump supporters.
>promotes socialism to kids
>owns three mansions
hey OP, drink some bleach.
As much as I'd like that, he's way too old.
>ran again
he'll hardly be able to walk in 2020
sorry, old people
I unironically hope you kys
No. He wouldn't be a republican so he would be a 3rd party and unfortunately, our voting system and habit doesn't allow 3rd parties to win.
Fuck no. People seem to forget that Bernie Sanders has been in politics longer than the majority of Sup Forums has been alive. He's an institution, and has plenty of stupid shit he has said to his name.
>3 houses
>180,000 dollar car
>Bread lines are a good thing
>Muh Socialist Venezuela
>White people don't know what it's like to be poor
This fuck has poisoned an entire generation to back the mission for the US to become like Puerto Rico. Entitlements without knowledge of economics. Fuck him.
If he did run third party, while he wouldn't win, he could make enough noise to break the two party system.
That'd be nice.
He god his salad tossed in the last debate, he has no real practical substance to his ideas.
He's also a socialist Jew, so no he will never win.