What is it about the western US coast that makes it so leftist?
What is it about the western US coast that makes it so leftist?
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Rampant faggotry and sodomy.
It's on the left
San Francisco is the epicenter
All the leftist hippies congregated there over the years
It's honestly just the cities I don't know why you think it's different on the west more than the east coast with jew york and Massachusetts
California, Latinos.
Not sure what Oregon and Washington's excuses are.
They're on the left side of the map.
It's full of awful Hispanics who hail from shitty countries where ruinous government control is the norm.
no blacks north of oakland
>Metropolitan areas.
Oregon and California need to be broken up.
environmental pollution, seems to have really kicked up since around 2011. the air isn't as clean. used to think it was chinese air pollution blowing across the pacific but now lean toward experimentation. also, the area was flooded with weed in that time, could easily be the explanation. people getting weed from "medical clubs" don't know where it came from - previously all the good weed in the west was home grown. yeah, i think it's probably the weed.
West is the best, you would definitely live there, if you weren't such a racist!
Best climate, best companies, best food. Deal with it reeeeeeeee
High population density, same as anywhere.
Outside of the cities Washington is slightly conservative (like Bush conservative not Sup Forums conservative), Oregon is very conservative, and California... okay outside of the cities California is just a desert.
Oregon isn't left, except Portland
Good question.
Also it's just the cities, as always.
The majority of people who live in these cities are not from the state they were born in. Portland is a cesspool full of liberal imports from all over the country.
high population density = more roads
Kek came here to post this.
Look at the electoral map in Northern Cal. That's where most of the water is in.the state
exactly, more roads, more schools, best schools
West = Best
pol = stupid
Money. Same for the East Coast.
(((port cities)))
digits confirm
Easy access to a quality education.
the west coast always wanted to differentiate itself from the east in search of better, or innovation. weather it be the gold rush, silicone valley, vegas, the west coast wants to be seen as "progressive" than the old stuffy east or south. mix that with the mexicans and easier access to asia and you got a leftist shit stew
Hippies can't farm.
The West Coast has never known stability in the modern era. It's population exploded with immigration with people seeking gold and oil and later the the Great Depression.
For over 100 years it has been settled by people that will leave family and friends in search of financial opportunity. And then the whole society got cucked by the welfare state.
These people are shallow. They judge sucess on superficial material standards. They judge morality on a simular superficial standard.
And superficial leftist preach in public about change and helping the poor and then keep their wallets and purses tight in private. They won't ever offer money to a cause that they don't see directly helping them.
I thought leftist policy destroyed wealth. You sure you aren't talking about Mississippi?
Money, jobs, ocean, unique, not part of the original Union, more rich people, technology giants, more jobs, more money, jews, more money, pennies, money, money, money, money, money, money.....
I mean come on, that's the only reason it's different than every other state other than New York is because of money.
Oregonian here, our education is third world tier, 49th in the nation for High School graduations.
Good public education.
I heard Uni was absolute shit in Oregon, just money hardcore money grabbing jews to the max. Is that true?
Perhaps the more nuanced view comes from having to contend daily and actually with a variety of issues that are otherwise academic to many flyovers.
The original 13 states are on the right, but are also liberal.
Good old red Marion county
California, every single leftist in Washington and Oregon came from California. Every serial killers too.
San Francisco is the epicenter of the faggotry, and there is a gay mafia. Mafias in the old days would expand their territory and the neighborhoods claimed as turf would usually start doing as they said, so as to not get fucked up. Mafias in the old days weren't filled with a bunch of insecure homosexuals, but if they had been, would they have probably tried to force a normalcy of faggotry upon the people under their thumb? They probably would.
Do you see?
Reagan '86 immigration reform
they're literally the most left of the continental united states.
It's a fucking penis. And they all love it!
This guy
And Bend, and Eugene, and Salem. I'm in eastern Oregon and we hate the city libs though. We got all those faggoty Californians that moved to the cities
>tfw left coast not west coast
goodbye jorge
>is on left side of map
I'm a leftist in Washington who came from Wisconsin.
I also know a bunch of people who came to Seattle from the old south because they were gay and thought this would be a less shit place to live. Like, more of those than I know Californians.
I would argue Berkeley is the epicenter, and santa cruz is pretty shitty too.
NorCal is the epicenter of this fucking cancer
When white boys are raised around all the niggers and spics, their moms teach them that no matter what don't ever say something racist, treat them like normal people, because if they don't they end up pissing off the wrong porch monkey and getting killed.
Then they grow up and they see the way the world hates niggers and spics and they think it's an opportunity to show everybody in the country how they were special because they were raised to think like a cuck.
Democrats don't give a shit about minorities, they just want to capitalize on gullible tards and all they have to do is say MUH EQUALITY! and then when they blacks vote them in they say, "thanks niggers. Seeya in 4 years".
jews, not being edgy either
>Easy access to a quality education.
Drug test all the liberals there to find your answer.
To be fair though, KKK is pretty big in Oregon still. They're still preaching and handing out flyers and leaflets and shit
The same goes for Washington, but the county that has WSU in it is obviously blue.
the rich fags feel guilty and want a bit of leftism to clean their soul
Mexicans for us are like Germany's Muslims. They rape and kill more subtly though
>Also it's just the cities, as always.
I always love these posts.
Because really you might as well just put: "It's just the vast majority of the people in the state"
yeah they are probably better. anyways, cali is full of spics and most of them vote left of course
It has a lot to do with manifest destiny in the 1800's. You have a mass migration of people move west and settle near the pacific ocean and these places were originally settled by the Spanish. So you have a mass migration of a large group of people, you have whites and blacks moving in where the spanish are and the natives eventually moved more and more west as well together creating this melting pot of a large conglomeration of people. People would have to get tolerate of each other and their way of life creating the perfect formula for a liberal society (obviously changing overtime as well, which masses of people helped to create change)
this made me laugh more than it should've
Even the cities that are the big problems are further left than the rest...
It. Makes. SENSE.
Don't you mean it's just the parts of the states with the highest amount of homeless, gangs, minorities and indoctrination centers (colleges)?
cheap immigrant labor.
Came here to post this, and it really malted my barley.
Being relatively well educated?
The climate is pleasant or, at a minimum, mild, particularly in the coastal cities. Makes you think well of the world and that somehow, everything can work out and even the vileness of human nature can be overcome to give way to harmony and happiness for everyone.
Seriously. Ask yourself who are the most intolerant and violent people on the entire planet, and think about the climate in which they live.
>Barack Obama is doing a great job with the economy!
>"""""Quality education"""""
Oregon has mostly mail in voting.
Can confirm.
Oregon State is highly regarded globally for it's various agriculture programs. UO might as well be Antifa U, but for some reason every idiot in the state likes them because muh football.
honestly, I think we see a situation that Sup Forums can work with (utilize, act on, and screw with if you know what I mean)
I dunno about Oregon, Oregon is fucking weird. As for Seattle and San Francisco, we have a lot of smart people, and smart people tend to be leftists or libertarians. It only gets more this way over time as we import smart people from all over the country to work at our tech companies.
I didnt realize welfare fraud 101 and sticking things in your ass an introduction counted as quality education
A land for the most part untouched by niggers unlike the east coast. The east coast has had way more long term experience with "diversity" and unfortunately has been to silent about it and let Jewllywood dictate the social norms. Now the west coast is slowly getting TACOED and whats left of them that haven't fled the brown hordes is slowly facing reality. Mark my words Seattle and the Washington area will be the last bastion of diversity cuckoldry when this madness all ends and we slowly balkanize and become Brazil tier nation.
I can't wait for the subduction zone to pop.
This map is 100% false. Know how I know? I have lived in humboldt county (the one with eureka in it on the coast almost to the very north), on a pot farm. Literally nobody there is 'employed' except for the people working at the grocery store, and the ones working at the gas station. Other than that, everybody lives on their pot farm in the woods and does not have a job
Or does that count as employed? Technically when the United States Constitution was written this would be a perfectly acceptable occupation
No I mean the parts of the states that have people and aren't a handful of shitty communities with severe alcoholism and drug abuse because even their own occupants can't stand how shitty and suicide-inducingly pointless and stagnant their small towns are.
Crime and bad things are always going to be centered around large population centers, because that's where money, power, people and anything important is
Yes they can. Some of them are the best. Others are just lazy.
They should count as employed under BLS definitions.
>The Bureau of Labor Statistics also calculates six alternate measures of unemployment, U1 through U6, that measure different aspects of unemployment:[41]
>U1:[42] Percentage of labor force unemployed 15 weeks or longer.
>U2: Percentage of labor force who lost jobs or completed temporary work.
>U3: Official unemployment rate per the ILO definition occurs when people are without jobs and they have actively looked for work within the past four weeks.[43]
>U4: U3 + "discouraged workers", or those who have stopped looking for work because current economic conditions make them believe that no work is available for them.
>U5: U4 + other "marginally attached workers", or "loosely attached workers", or those who "would like" and are able to work, but have not looked for work recently.
>U6: U5 + Part-time workers who want to work full-time, but cannot due to economic reasons (underemployment).
It's because liberals tend to be idealists, and when you exist in an academic bubble, you're going to be an idealist ass mother fucker. Ergo, you become liberal or libertarian.
Big mistake libertarians make with their idealist delusions is they believe that everyone has agency. Even niggers.
good post
The only reason why oregon is blue is because of portland.
The weather's really mild, which attracts faggots who can't stand extremes of temperature.
absolutely this, they are often projecting themselves into the poor people. Which is funny, because they seem to be pretty certain they hate "rednecks" for naysaying their ideology.
Except the Carolinas.
I live in a small community. Most of the crime and drugs are imported from from the cities
I think this (pic related) has a lot to do with it
And Georgia
Does anyone know about the term 'Behavioral Sink'? If you did you'd understand why it needs to be burned away.
>Oregon's excuse
Portland and Eugene. Outside of the Willamette Valley is pretty nice.
they're doing with them what people usually do with animals. If you see some ape you assume he's just trying to survive. you've never talked with them. Guilty people on a trial are told not to say anything, it's better for them this way.