You guys have people like Ann Coulter bombing on stage, and we have people like Stephen Colbert who brings down the house every night. Aww poor liddle babies Colbert made a joke that hurt my feewings bahahahaha
How is he not just a low effort copy of John Liebowitz?
Is Ann Coulter a comedian you fucking inbred?
Ann Coulter is a fucking inbred you comedian
I mean, I laugh my ass off whenever I read one of her books. Some of the best straight-faced satire of the modern conservative movement that I've ever seen.
My favorite part (and I'm snickering to myself just thinking about it) is how she, a woman with a career and a platform, haha, oh man, can sit there with a straight face and say all liberals are terrible and have never done anything worthwhile for anybody.
It's hilarious.
>the far left can laugh
The fucking delusion here. There's a reason that terms like TRIGGERED, Safe Space and snowflake have entered the vernacular to describe these people and the outrage culture that they promulgate.
>brings down the house every night.
delusional shill.
Please fuck off
You are a faggot sir
adam carolla's pretty funny.
She's definitely as witty as a good comedian. Her comment about riding camels put me in tears for example
But Louder is with Crowder is one of the funniest shows out there...
are you a fag?
Ahh. The left can't even recognize irony. We are only appearing like we're butthurt over Colbert's shit because it reveals the hypocrisy of the left.
Any comment from a conservative that touches race, gender, religion, nationality, etc, is -phobic, but if a libtard makes a worse comment, it's heroic. Have they really become this ignorant?
nice attempt at satire, paid shill.
>Liberals can take jokes
I'm done for tonight
Sup Forums has become the de facto right wing version of the Daily Show and it's offspring. Remember how the Daily Show got most of its laughs through meme pictures and witty one liners involving politics? Sup Forums operates the same way but runs 24/7, has no budgetary constraints so doesn't bow down to the whims of advertisers and network executives, and never needs to stop to develop new material. The left just can't compete with the sheer volume and their own restrictions.
>mods make new board
>shit threads like this STILL on Sup Forums
Conservative memes are funny because they're subject to natural selection--unfunny memes quickly die and the funnier/more viral ones go on to mutate into other forms while becoming more popular. In the end, you get quality memes that are usually pretty entertaining.
Liberal memes attempt to replicate this--the agent word here being "attempt," because quite frankly, they're shit. This is because liberals see a right-wing meme but only copy the product without paying any attention to the process that made it funny in the first place. As a result, you end up with inflexible memes that feel incredibly forced.
Wow it's almost like the board culture has always been this way despite the mods failed attempts to turn this place into some autistic no fun allowed alt-news board.
>leftists can take a joke!
>chris rock and Seinfield say they no longer do shows at colleges because leftists get outraged at their jokes
Really makes me think
>reddit screenshots
Go back
explain minion memes then
politics isn't supposed to be funny
Old people. Next question.
fuck, I forgot all about this.
I saw Jerry Seinfeld a few years ago. He was funny, but it's not like he even pushes the fucking envelope. There was nothing in his show that a well-adjusted human being would be upset about, the only thing approaching outrageous during his entire routine was what they wanted to charge for drinks.
>The only good thing Obama's mouth is good for is being the Muslim Brotherhoods cock holster
t. hypothetical conservative comedian that could never exist because if he said shit like that he would never sniff the thought of a major tv network
Way to deflect the question though you moron.
op is obviously fucking being ironic you douche bags, these morons on reddit are describing themselves
Normie tier shit used on Facebook by your parents, aunts, and uncles trying to be hip and cool while getting likes from each other thereby sustaining an unending cycle of shitmemes that no one wants because no one wants to be rude and call them a faggot.
Ann Coulter is a dumb cunt and doesn't represent a conservative viewpoint.
All she represents is a brand or persona used to sell media to right leaning retards.
Nick Dipalo is a legitimate choice for a funny conservative comedian.
The reason more leftists are funny is because the personality type fits the profession. You have to be very emotionally needy, eager to push boundaries, spontaneous, transgressive, and get along with Jews to succeed in comedy. The road life is full of degeneracy and poverty. The only thing that motivates comedians in the beginning is the love of attention. Stage time is more important than dignity, family, money.
But there are some odd balls in every group.
>using a studio audience to gauge comedic value.
My mom told me I was the most handsome boy in school too!
Liberals are funnier than conservatives, but those ideologies are not theories of comedy, they are theories on how to order society. So who cares who is funnier?
Cause Colbert's ratings haven't tanked or anything.
Second time I've been called a shill tonight. Hasn't been true either time, and says more about you than me, I'm afraid.
"H-he disagrees with me... SOMEBODY MUST BE PAYING HIM!!!"
Sorry, but no...
I do.
White people and conservative cultures are better at hateful comedy. We release some of the tension we feel by using mean humor.
But that form of humor doesn't really hit home unless there is truth in it.
Left leaning comedy is usually more satire or a form of allegory.
getting colbert fired because he made a homophobic joke is what the leftists would want, OP
You've given me things to think about
Ann coulter is a political commentator, whereas that unfunny faggot is supposed to be a comedian. Compare Adam Carolla to that nigger from that news show and you'll get the same result. Not too difficult to understand even for a cuck
>he does it for free
t. shill
I honestly think that good memes only come from places of misery and/or hatred. whether you like them or not, black people twitter is also a powerful meme machine for the same reason Sup Forums is. places like reddit and tumblr typically suck ass for memes because they drive shitty forced inside jokes into the fucking ground while artificially raising their value through up-votes (see: dat boi)
Great post. Really.
sometimes each side is so equal in their steadfast righteous beliefs i wonder if they ever stop to think critcially about why they think the way they do and if they could be wrong. but nope, trump and obama are both satan incarnate simultaneously so there's no point in arguing otherwise.
You're forgetting some CLASSIC conservative jokesters, user.
Shareblue begone!
Ann Coulter has made me laugh far more than Colbert.
All you have to do to please a liberal is feed their egos with a shallow snarky comment and they fucking lose it.
I used to legit enjoy his shtick but the influence really went to his head when he's just another average bluepilled liberal who doesn't know anything and thinks being a spineless cuck will solve all of our problems. He's blasting Trump every night mostly just for ratings. He's a pawn for (((them))) now. I guess he always was, but this anti-white hysteria propagated by liberal whites has come to a head with Trump and the immigration issue so it's more obvious.
oh no the evil conservatives want to apply the same rules to dems and "progressives" they try to force on everyone else!!! The horror.
Stupid faggot
Sorry, those two words don't go together, shit for brains. He has all the humor appeal of a multi car pileup in rush hour traffic on a interstate highway.