>I signed up to serve my country but instead im killing innocent people to increase Big Oil profits. Oh well at least this will pay for college in a few years

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Nope he's thinking sweet got 2 hours to take a nap and air out my feet before I have stag

>innocent people

He's securing America's position as a super power.

Since we've been a super power, people are less poor, more educated, more fee, women have more rights, and life expectancy has jumped drastically.


Next time you see a soldier, thank him for his sacrifice.

yes i'm sure that's racing through his mind

> I hope no one takes a photo of me sleeping with my weapon unsecured, I'd hate for people to know I'm a massive faggit.

Muslims aren't innocent and aren't people.


>I wish we had internet here so I could see what's happening on [s5s]

Lol. Half the nation is unemployed and lives off of chemicals. How long can a superpower with no culture hold out while bullying the world and losing every war it fights?

>goddamn I am so tired but motherfucking private Sanchez is an idiot and I'm too nervous to fall asleep since he will fall asleep on watch

>what really happens
I signed up to shoot things and so someone will kick my ass into shape for me. Also, free college and a steady paycheck.

"Please steal my rifle while I sleep, thanks."

>losing every war it fights

"Oh no, billions of dollars we're spent by the military industrial complex."

"Oh no, we lost like 7 soldiers. What a quagmire."

US runs the world. Every meaningful metric shows progress. We might fall, but it's our military that will make sure we last well into the 21st Century.

>killing innocent people
He's probably pulling tower guard or sitting at a check point doing nothing like a fucking POG.
OP is a faggot ass POG

>pick non-combat job
>like someone who isn't a retard
>get out in 3.5 years of garrison
>go to college for free
Be smart, not retarded thinking CoD is real world.

WEW lads kek has spoken

>im killing innocent people

Doesn't work that way.

If that was the case, than there would be large swathes of Iraq and Afghanistan that no longer exist.

Sadly, we can only kill people that threaten us.


OP got DQ'd at MEPS.

Didn't read General Butler's book on war first eh?

I read in a book somewhere that the Navy seals are used for Union busting in Africa lol.

>oh well, at least this will pay for college in a few years

Yeah pretty much. You mad or what OP?

>running around in some desert shithole for jews is securing america's position as a superpower
typical american poster

He'll probably never shoot a round in anger. Dude just has to hang in there to get them succulent benefits.

this isn't 2004 cuck, I'm tired of faggots like you feeding us a steady diet of poison about ourselves. America does what it wants, the United fucking Nations can't even tell us to not invade people if we want, because they can't hurt us. Fun fact, our Navy has a greater tonnage then the next 10 Countries combined including Russia and China. Fuck off washout

Aim at the elite kikes that are throwing you into the meat grinder instead.

Use your military skills and save the planet.

Worked for me. I'm cruising through art school on my GI Bill right now. Inb4 useless degree. No shit. I'm already a professional illustrator, I'm just going through school for the housing stipend and free bullshit degree.

Yo nigger.

>diet of poison
Since when truth became poison?
>Fun fact, our Navy has a greater tonnage then the next 10 Countries combined including Russia and China.
Fun fact, we and China heva shitton of anti-ship missiles and they are much cheaper.

wtf, how much costs college in USA?

Here is about 9k ponds wtf.

Not to mention in rest of Europe is simillar amount

11b here eots'd 5 months ago. in order of likelihood, most probably to least probable:

1. / woobie is love woobie is life
2. damn I wish this photographer would get lost so I can jerk off
3. advanced sham theory
4. considerations for enemy action (e.g. actual military stuff) (authors note, this quickly rises to the top of the list when things get wet)
69. any of this pseudointellectual garbage masquerading as political discourse

Damn its hot in here

Do you expect him to chain it to his arm? It's within arms reach and obviously others have the security sorted, if someone shouted stand to he would have his kit on in 1 minute you faggot

I bet he's thinking "I get paid to nap and blast sand niggers, life's pretty sweet."

>Le zog minion face

All these wrong answers ITT

>when is this op going to be over
>Cpl Smith is COG tonight
>I don't like Cpl Smith
>fuck he's going to haze the shit out of me if I over sleep
>I just want to get back to my barracks room so I can wear my moto shirt, ten gallon hat and combat boots out in Oceanside to get some pussy
>my feet hurt

$40k a year if you go to the average state school. $100k a year is the cutoff for a reputable school that you need if you want your degree to actually get you a job.
You can take out high interest loans to pay it off.

I still get taxed 20% on top of that.

>big oil

Surely no one on Sup Forums is still this blue pilled?

All wars lately in the middle east serve 2 goals: to maintain the military-industrial complex, and to help provide destabilisation with the long term goal of the jews establishing greater israel.


It's the neoliberalist idea that everyone wants democracy and that it should be imported at any cost.

Which I agree with. Every time a country adopted democracy it benefited in the long run.

It's a soul sucking experience, luckily most of the people in the army/marines are sub 100 on the IQ scale.

Buh but we go to war to steal oil

There's two types of grunts one who was given no other option and one who was given every option but was a romantic and wanted the true military experience.

Neoliberalism is an economic philosophy. It has nothing to do with democracy. Hence neoliberalism's love affair with the PRC.

Actually I would sign up to kill people.

Specifically because I'm a misanthrope who hates poor, ignorant people who have a dysfunctional belief system. I like to think of it as a service to man kind, really: civilizing at the end of an M16.

>There's two types of grunts one who was given no other option and one who was given every option but was a romantic and wanted the true military experience.

Or someone who enjoys war.

Good luck when you leave after 5 years and haven't killed anyone. Maybe you shot at dudes 600m away on a hill and aren't sure what was the result. I suggest looking at service for what it actually is, because you'll surely think about it when you're job hunting at 30 and have no real trade.

"Yeah I would totally sign up" is a juvenile and sedentary attitude.

That's the romantics. It's a funny word for a warrior


how some mexican dude is fucking his wife while he is fighting tirelessly to satisfy the ego of war-mongers.