She has a point you know??

She has a point you know??


She really does. There is nothing wrong with dating a Trans woman, they are a woman after all...

So you're telling me Bernie still has a chance on winning?

Take it to

purge when?

like, half the population on this fucking rock needs to go

because (s)he's not white

illogical argument. Saged.

calling a guy a pedo for dating a transadult bc she identifies as an adult makes no sense.



You also used to be an embryo, so it's not murder, it's late stage abortion.

My girlfriend isnt 3 small children stacked atop each other under a trench coat.

growing up is natural
trying to become something you will never be while you pretend you are isn't

>People PUBLICLY make statements like these
>People unironically act as claques to such a retard statement to seem progressive
There's a lot of cleaning up to do fellas

It has a Y chromosome and probably an extra pair as well

Because when you go trans your chromosomes stay the same, you still don't have a womb, your genitalia is never the same as the opposite sex, your internal organs are all suited for a male body, your bone density and frame is still male.

It's literally just painting stripes onto a horse and calling it a zebra, it's not the same fucking thing

Genuinely wonder how many of them really believe this vs. virtue signalling to their peer group so that they can feel accepted by somebody... anybody...

a tranny will forever have XY chromosomes. trannies will forever be biological males. as an adult you are not biologically a child because you once were, this is a change that naturally happens to the body overtime, a sex change doesn't. you do this artificially.

sort yourself out.

It's really mind blowing

Triggered trannies still invading this board trying to normalize tranny love.

Never going to happen. Take your faggot ass back to /LGBT/.

No she doesn't you fucking idiot. Trans people aren't a new gender. they're just acting like they are. Her analogy makes no fucking sense because an adult is no longer a child. If you were dating a child dressed as an adult, then of course you'd be a pedophile you fucking retard. Nice bait thread as well you BR ape.

The "transwoman" is still a man.

I haven't got a doubt in my mind that when these people commit acts so obvious against nature such as Transexualism, that they truly are in a trance of unshakable neurosis.

It's more tan just that. Society has become so atheistic that secular people are have subconsciously started getting their "moral superiority", "purpose" and "belonging" from this SJW cult. Johnathan Haidt does some lectures on it if you want to google him.

I myself went full Varg because my area already has a large pagan group and a chapter of the Soldiers of Odin.

the girl grew up, the trans didn't

really activates his almonds

And how different is it from someone getting a nosejob or boob implants or tattoos or having your baby boy's dick circumsized?

For fuck's sake, just admit that a girl with a dick makes you insecure about your sexuality.

Very beautiful.. now germanistan is just garbage.


A woman is a mature female human.
A trans woman is an immature male human with butchered genitals.
Not the same thing. And by some definitions an organism that can't reproduce isn't alive. So fucking a trans woman is like fucking vacuum cleaner.

Because I like woman and not faggots pretending to be woman.

You might be able to convince yourself, but you're not convincing everyone else.

So by definition if you were sterile, would you be dead?

the master orientation is bisexual

then you get the best of both

skin is skin

holes are hole

who cares what the geans say

a feminine penis is just as hot as a feminine vagina

No, inanimate objects don't die.

Not really, when a child becomes an adult, they're no longer a child. When a man becomes a woman, he's still a man, cutting your dick off just makes you a man without a dick, so no she really has no point

Ignorance has its limits, when the budget starts getting tight and that void which is filled with material can no longer be replenished, people will start to notice.

We're already way past Weimer levels of degeneracy but currently under the illusion that the economy is good, way till that fragments. I for one look forward to the challenge.

No it doesn't. It chose to become trans. A child doesn't choose to become an adult. It's a false dichotomy huemonkey.

Thank you for introducing me to a new word.

Remember to learn something new every day, or that's a day wasted!

Age chance, sex don't

Honestly I'm not surprised anymore.

Do you fuck goats?

This is the biggest ween I've witnessed since Trump got elected


I mean, they're still people. Just sterile people with mental disorders who are basically subhuman.

Maybe. Can we agree that either way they need to be burned in ovens?

Absolutely! For reference I learned that word from file name book title, really good read.

That's one solution. Another would be to just deport them to some shit hole like Canada. Either way is fine with me.

nice memes

No. Just no. Sure he may be a fag...but assuming they're both 18, no.

not even surprised either by your bigotrey

>south carolina

>Free Palestine
>Black Lives Matter
>Muslim Lives Matter
>Trans Lives Matter


pls no

Just send all the gays and trannies to an island for an experiment to see if they would still cling to their "muh gender and sexuality" or embrace nature and try to keep their population stable. (Assuming "trans men" are sent with them)

Fucking Canadians...

>shit hole canada
>highest education, money, happyness, and health care

if canada is the highest then would of be that make you for would you being a burger? you

>She has a point you know??
She has a penis you know??

Jesus Christ, get the gas.

You know.. You can fix almost anything in life.

Mistakes, engine, relationships, cancer.

But for some reason, you can't fix stupid.

>if canada is the highest then would of be that make you for would you being a burger? you
>What even is English

though so fucking bigget

>implying the trans "woman" wasn't a little boy

>implying all adults weren't children at some point

>implying genitalia doesn't equal gender

>critical theory

Dicking around with words and semantics is the only way leftists can win. No grasp of reality.

A fucking leaf.

One is a natural transition into maturity. The other is viewed by many societies as a mental illness,that with help and time can be overcome.

No, she does not.

We ALL start as children, so by nig-tier logic, we're all just kids fucking other kids.

However, most of us don't mutilate our bodies and pretend to be something we're not in order to sate some bizarre mental affliction that needs fixing rather than catering to.

tl:dr - gas the trannies NOW

*sips jizz

yeah whatever a typo big deal

what trying to say is before the typo obviously america compared to canada because since we are number one at everything then what would that mean for you burgers being that you are of lower rank than shit hole canada since we are number 1 at literally everything fucking education

This too. Nothing changes the fact that they're mentally deranged, unnatural freaks.

Too old.

t. mexican intellectual

Someone call for me?

>Implying Canadians excel at education with that level of grammar
Honestly, a retarded four year old could do a better job

Yeah, but the girl I'm dating is no longer a child. OP is still a faggot though, especially if he's dating a dude larping as a woman.


fag fag fag fag!!!

nigger nigger!

slope slope!

fuck it im a bit obese the keys

i suffer from a disability way to be more of
a scumbag

again not surprising being a #2nd place burger compared to me

Yes I fuck kids, stop kinkshaming me, bigot

when doppels speak to doppels

and you know what

fuck off

you know were better in pretty much all ways

more enlightened we all are ok with sexuality and learned it in school

its ok to be gay

its ok to like penis just as much as vaginas

we are all one skin is skin holes are holes

*drips mic*

>Implying the disability is solely physical

la fessa e soreta

spoken like a true faggot

you sicken me. im ashamed to have you living in my country.

Good luck picking that mic back up, you fat fuck. At least we have some sense of morality in certain parts of this country and aren't a bunch of degenerate faggots like yourself.

speak english and use that education youre chatting so much shit about

leaf to leaf, youre fucking up huge

Niggers used to be children, that doesn't make killing them wrong.



im allergic to Y chromosomes

for sure, but this point passed reality far away

Being an adult is no different than being a transsexual.

At least there are some decent leafs out there. There is still some hope for the West.

No she doesn't. In fact the only point made here is how mentally challenged and delusional she is.

In fact, I seriously question a society that would allow someone like her to roam free without being under the strict care of a doctor, if not confined to a mental institution. Her train of thought is seriously insane. And so is yours if you agree with it.

Millennials have to be the most fucked up generation ever in the history of mankind.


canada is completely inferior to USA is every way

hope this helps

Omar didn't kill enough in Orlando.

wolf creek 4

send her that nasty footage of the faggot getting his balls removed and tell her if she doesn't think it's beautiful she's a bigot



I miss the good old days of Australian shitposting. Now all we have are fucking leafs.

i truly worry that if someone said this to me i might knock them out instinctively
