What is 1488 and does it matter?

What is 1488 and does it matter?

14 matters. 88 doesn't.

Die antifa

88 matters. 14 doesn't.

1488 was the year Hitler's grandpa was born


>Me Dummy

Fuck 88. 88 ruined 14.

the 14, yes
the 88 is optional

We newfags aren't allowed to ask questions like these. They will get triggered at you for not knowing "Mein Kampf" word by word. These guys are a cult

this. but 88 provide an understanding for what to do right, what to avoid, etc.

>being this brainwashed by a shitty redpanels meme

>Basing your life's meaning on a dead german with a funny mustache

>88 matters. 14 doesn't.
What did he mean by this?

what, it's like saying, had we lost the revolution, that we had ruined the concept of revolutions. Learn from 88

>>Basing your life's meaning on a dead german with a funny mustache
>making this pathetic of a strawman.
to the ovens with you

The untermenchen of Sup Forums and /stormfront/ were never really white anyway.

You don't have to be a nazi to hate jews, niggers and want white people to prosper. Though I don't mind if people like larping and start yelling about gassing jews and that Hitler did nothing wrong, at the very least it makes people who "just" want white countries to be white to not sound like far right genocidal maniacs.

Fuck off, the Nazis were a proud and honorable people and the Holocaust never happened.

Its a reference to the year Christopher Columbus discovered America, the year white supremacists think that white people officially took ownership of the continent.
'In 1488, Columbus sailed the ocean great'

Damn this ginger is beautiful...
14 is where it's at, 88 is something to think about.

I'm assuming you can understand what it means from there lol

"We newfags"?? You smell weird and soind suspicious bru-breh, you sure you're not a leftist faggot?

Without 88, 14 can't happen.

88's goal is 14.

>basing your life's meaning on a dead jew who can't hold a handful of m&m's

It all makes sense now.