Evidence Suggests Trump Will Be Impeached, Says Senator Leading The Russia Investigation

The guy who's seen a lot of the evidence bets 2 to 1 that Trump gets impeached.


Other urls found in this thread:


If he's gone then Pence will take the presidency and nothing will change, other than Trump not being able to tweet anymore.


If they had something, anything, they would have used it by now.

Took two years until Nixon resigned, you know.

The Democrats were the ones doing Watergate shit this time around.

They have nothing on Trump. Can guarantee it.

ok shareblue

Prove it.

obama was spying on trump in 2015, maybe longer

Good time to follow up on that claim


Except a massive beaner amnesty

A Democrat.

It's fucking nothing.

mfw shill detected

Is the point of all this just to keep democrats on a kind of reactionary high until the next elections roll around? They're going to fatigue at this rate.


>Warner's committee is currently investigating alleged Russian interference in the US election and clarified the comments saying that he was "not referring specifically to the Russia investigation, but rather the totality of challenges the President is currently facing."

There you go. Dudes assblasted and emotional, and letting that drive his assessment.


You would need to be a moron to believe the BS russian narrative the Dems are fabricating. Literally, their only tactics are pinning their opponents as Russian agents or labeling them as racist and throwing rape accusations. They have absolutely no creativity.

Garbage b8 thread. You're pathetic, OP

You do realize that if he goes down for TREASON, that it won't be isolated to him?

There's a reason they would have wanted him in there in the first place, and it's so they can place their guys around him.

Wouldn't surprise me at all if Pence was one of them.

This entire thing stinks like a honeypot. Let GOP members sell their soul for Russian funbucks, watch them for a few years, let them get confident and feel like they've assumed power and control, and then take them out in the biggest spotlight possible.

Doesn't matter to me. I'm just going to work a few more years and then take advantage of the exchange rate in some tropical shithole, eat fruit and give rescue dogs a home.

OP's a nigger dick loving kike

What makes you think Trump isn't in on it?
All the people around him were at the very least approved by him, if not chosen by him.
He won't be impeached, but it wouldn't change anything anyway.


Mhm, totally gonna get impeached...

Any day now...


>Took two years until Nixon resigned, you know

They had real stuff on Nixon.

Sources say Trump is finished, it's over for him!

Yeah....Esquire is such a legit source for information.

found the schizophrenic.

>I'm just going to work a few more years and then take advantage of the exchange rate in some tropical shithole, eat fruit and give rescue dogs a home.

It's as likely as the rest of your post.

Lol, hello CTR

Guys Bernie can still win

I agree that they have nothing but think they are so hate filled they will actually try to cook the books so to speak and make up a something out of a literal nothing.

>muh Russian interference
>from the same people who love Israeli and Mexican interference in our political system
Real people don't care about thisphony Russia bullshit.

(((Feinstein))) when asked by Wolf (((Blitzer))) if there was ANY evidence in regards to Trump campaign and Russia collusion said, "nope."



Cries of treason from adherents of the party that constantly colluded with the Soviets is hilarious. You can't spend decades burning flags then try to wrap yourself in one.



If a foreign power attempting to influence a candidate is grounds for treason, literally every president has committed treason

Also, daily reminder that this country was founded on treason

enjoy abandoning the country to live in a tropical shithole

The article is ridiculous. Main source (Warner) clarifies it's not Russia collusion that would lead to Trump's impeachment, but rather the 'totality of challenges the President is facing'. Which is vague, but fine, it'll be other stuff that sinks Trump, 2 to 1 shot. Gotcha.

2 paragraphs later the author has anonymous sources claiming definite proof that Russia colluded with Trump, a complete 180 on the whole article.

MSM is fucked.