Have the Trumps brought the sense of Camelot back to the White House?

You know, that magical air that JFK and Jackie with their beautiful young children brought to the stuffy old place. The incredible Trump family seems to have rekindled some of that.

Just appreciate at how Melania looks lovingly at her husband, the most powerful man in the world. It is truly wonderful to be an American again

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shut the fuck up

we been through 2 years of garbage threads like this.


Go to with your reddit cancer.


"At least his wife is pretty" - Zchumpftards when confronted with the truth.

All of the state events like meetings with other leaders or dignitaries all just seem so much more glamorous now in the Trump era

I supose the last president preferred more "low key" events but the Trumps flare is just more captivating

kill yourself autist

>Melania looks lovingly at her husband

lol it's common knowledge she fucking hates his guts

I think with summer coming and Melania and Baron moving in permanently the White house is going to be a pretty swinging place

You can tell Trump is an old fashioned wine en and dine em type guy. I hope the people who are lucky enough to cover this new gilded age in American history are properly appreciating the moment and spectacle of it all

I just look at pictures like this of the last president and marvel at what a shocking difference there is in things like CLASS, DIGNITY, ETC. that were all really badly lacking for the 8 years prior to Trump's inauguration

>all just seem so much more glamorous now in the Trump era
Fake first famalam

Ivanka Trump Look Tops Among Plastic Surgery Patients, Surgeons Say

>reddit cancer
>uses reddit spacing

>more like clampellot

>The incredible Trump family seems to have rekindled some of that.
I don't know what the fuck you're smoking, but I want some. You're tripping balls!

>lol it's common knowledge she fucking hates his guts

>refuses to even live in the same house as him
>don't even sleep in the same bed
>doesn't want to do anything traditionally associated with first ladies
>still pissed off over pussy grabber tape
>likes an anti-trump tweet and then deletes it an hour later
>constantly seen looking unhappy and putting on fake smiles when he looks at her
>no pictures of his family on his desk
donald has strange daddy issues. He legitimately loves Ivanka though

>uses reddit spacing

He blew a kiss to Ivanka which Melania made go "WTF who is Donald blowing a kiss to???" since Ivanka was behind her.

Remember how the "original" Camelot ended..The King ended being Cucked...,

this is reversed

More like Spam a lot because thenentire thing is like a Monty Python sketch.
History will mock us for this orange fat ass

I'm sure some DC upper middles really do think of the First Family that way, which, as President Trump would say, "is fine"

I know the rest of the America looks at them in wonder and awe

>sharing a bed with your spouse at night

this is how you get zero sleep in a bed

8 years of triggered lefties on pol.

Life is good.

>He legitimately loves Ivanka though
and had a son with her
his name is Barron
and nanny Melania takes care of him bigly

> wonder and awe
Thats not how you spell disdain and revulsion. His wife is a gold digging slavic porn star

who is triggering who
>this is reversed

It's sad that the people who dislike the President's politics are so comfortable speaking negative things about the First Lady too. She has not been political and has shown pure class and impeccable grace. Do you not see how this kind of discourse hurts even your own cause? Let alone a cause of national solidarity?

>that "i never signed up for this look"...absolute gold!

>the White house is going to be a pretty swinging place
>the Trumps flare is just more captivating
>>Melania looks lovingly at her husband

except for one bigly yuge detail

lol she hates him

They've been staying at mar a lago a lot b/c they can't get the nigger stink out.

(you) know where (you) are, don't (you)

>6 posts by this i.d
clearly you're triggered

I know we meme and joke about this, but doesnt it also have to be true to some degree?

Well considering your parodies of triggering are indistinguishable from your real ones. I can only assume you're doing it for my personal enjoyment.

8 years of real and parody triggerings.

puttin' the b8 out and triggerin' the abnormies

man it seems americans really crave being ruled by a king

As OP I made it because I think it's true and because shills get harshly triggered when ever anyone suggests the Trumps are good people

I think pol's ultimate objective to have a positive role in history is to meme Trump as genuine role model to kids. Champion his clean lifestyle, optimistic attitude, professional demeanor and appearance, large happy family etc.

She took off her clothes for money. Shes a cheap whore.
Personally I find it sick we elected a man with a slut for a wife.

To compare JFK in anyway with the Donald is pure irony of really how close they really are.
Daddy bought the presidency for JFK
Daddy bought the Donald a brand the he is making bank through the presidency.

How fucking unironic is that.

America is back. He's really making it great again. Feels good.

Again, if she was at all poltical i could tolerate it but she isn't which makes your words so heinous.

You clearly dont associate with real women. They respect and look up to the First Lady unlike the monkey woman who just left and showed zero class over 8 years. I only say that because she was so involved in our politics

so what has he done so far what are his plans?
is the america of the 1950 going to come back because that is when your nation was great

Personally no one gives a shit what you think. Get fucked you sexist

Please nigger. Your nation will always bend the knee to the US. We'll even let you wear make up before we anal fuck you

>I think pol's ultimate objective to have a positive role in history is to meme Trump as genuine role model to kids. Champion his clean lifestyle, optimistic attitude, professional demeanor and appearance, large happy family etc.

How the fuck is it "Camelot" when your president is overweight (probably the fattest president of all time) and his wife is a gold digger and an illegal immigrant?

sad that your little god emperor turns out to lie to you?
sad that your country and race is going to shit and no one can fix it or care to do so?
why so triggered all of a sudden?
nigger? my country is 96% white you on the other hand

The Trump family are nothing more than a bunch of degenerate Jews. Trump is a Jew creator, not a job creator.

HAHAHA "Camelot"
70yo fat farter and miserable retarded wife


Idk if it is or isn't, but I know everyone in Trump's orbit is always laughing and happy. He is a magnet for positivity and obviously knows how to schmooze company and entertain his guests. Just ask some of the powerful world leaders who have been here since his inauguration. I don't think many DC social analysts expected the Trumps to be quite the hit they clearly are in town

The wall.
Repealing failed Obamacare.
Illegal border crossings down over 50% from his persuasion alone.
Destroying political correctness.
Gutting terrible agencies like the EPA, getting rid of regulations for businesses.
Tax cuts.
And much much more.

That is just a Jew ruse. It is sad and pathetic how many people still fall for this.

So in fucking love that she doesn't want to join him in DC. So in love, that jee-bitch Ivanka is effectively the first lady. Trump has lied to us all, he's only putting the kikes first, not Americans.

>He's really making it great again.

Jew-bitch, not jee-bitch.

I kind of doubt it's a ruse at all let alone a Jew one. Look pal, I really really really hate the fucking Jews and know how to spot some tricks. One of the reasons I liked Trump was his ability to work in and amongst kikes without letting himself become too controlled (beyond having debt to them like most people). I still feel that way very much today.

>Just ask some of the powerful world leaders

>the rest of the America looks at them in wonder and awe

Nigga, you dumb.

Trump was banned from the Palm Beach Bath and Tennis Club for being a kike hillbilly.

how did he destroy political correctness?
is the wall done or at least has funding for it?
what about the milions in ilegals or the milions who will come legally that will replace the natives whites of america
tax regulations and tax cuts are all well and good
trump plan to replace obama care was just obamacare light?

the missiles on syria was not a bad move
from a geopolitical point it showed a different approach that the weak obama one where china gets build islands in the sea and russia takes half of ukraine

I really look up to his pussy comments. Also when he was on WWE was pretty inspiring.

I always admire the no shame liberals who try to play the moral equivalency games. Modern left is the most degenerate socio political class since the decadent final days of Rome . Trump by contrast to any Democrat in DC is a virtual saint

Me too brother! They need to realize that "Grab them by the pussy" is words to live by, by an inspiring man. Fuckin trannies need to learn their place. Sick picture by the way I wish I was in it as well.

former bernout that was on the fence about voting for trump, during the election he legitimately seemed kind of crazy with the things he said

but i looked up more info about what the people who knew him had to say, they say in person and away from the cameras hes very smooth and fills a room with charisma and that everyone loves him

Then why does he say wacky shit in the public eye nonstop if he's so smooth?

>his dad didn't allow women in the room
>his dad took him to "work" on weekends

show me on the doll where daddy touched you

It's only considered wacky to people who pretend like there's supposed to be a script.

That's another great characteristic of the President. He is his own person, totally shameless about it, and look at the amazing success he's achieved just by being who he is

best "explanation" i've found has been from the creator of dilbert who does a bunch of periscopes on it:


go back to the older ones during the election, he calls trump the "master persuader" because of his style of speaking.

tldw: facts don't really matter to people, emotion over logic, speaking in visual terms will always persuade people even if they hate you, it's a better negotiating tactic to push way too far and shock people then walk it back than to try to climb your way to your goal, it's more important to occupy a persons thoughts (even if its rage at you) than to try to convince them of your position