I don't get it, why don't Americans have free health care?
I hate communism, but it stands to reason that SOME things are better controlled by the government. You wouldn't want a privatised Navy for example.
You have schools, police, fire services, etc all free at point of use, so why not include the health service?
The whole point of nationalism is that you everyone sacrifices a little to help their brother. You could easily recoup the loss another way.
The whole point of a government is to look after the interests of those they govern, and they should ultimately be a safety net. Sure, you get some faggots that abuse the system, but it's a tiny number compared to the tax revenue of having people live longer lives.
you run your country your way, and we'll run ours our way
Jordan Campbell
Don't fucking tell us what to do dad, you know what happened last time.
Mason Williams
>T. Kim Jong Un
Ayden Reed
>You wouldn't want a privatised Navy for example. That might work out better for you mongs.
Anthony Wood
what? that retort doesn't even make sense, bong
Jose Turner
It's all they know. They're literally like a battered wife going back to their husband.
Read up on it. The (((insurance))) system is the most Jewish health care system you could possible imagine.
Daniel Lee
I'd even be fine with it IF we were racially homogenous, but until then, the nigs and beaners are going to soak up the gibs disproportionately.
Cooper Stewart
Ayden Mitchell
>Free health care I support public health care. But I believe that anybody who uses the phrase "Free health care" should have their access to it revoked.
Hunter Cook
>t. kike shill who doesn't realize he's a kike shill
Tyler Watson
I think this is it.
My main argument in the OP was that the point of nationalism is everyone sacrifices a little to help their brother.
Because America is what, like 50% non-white, I imagine it will be the blacks and other muds that put too much of a burden on you.
We set up our NHS after WW2, we were (and still are, except Londonistan) very racially homogenous, we didn't mind sacrificing a small portion of our livelihood so that other Englishmen might have a safety net if they need it.
It's a snake you guys didn't have more control over your borders. The insurance system you have is straight up kikery and I genuinely feel sorry that you people have been jewed so hard over something so fundamentally important.
Cooper Evans
Free at point of use, I mean.
Cameron Richardson
we are supposedly 65% white right now, but beaners and north africans count as white. so i wouldn't be surprised if we are less than 50% white. it's basically impossible to tell with current demographic collection methods
Lincoln Lopez
Taxation is your end of the social contract you're born into. It is unavoidable, you will always pay tax one way or another.
The governments end of tax is providing things for you. You would think something as important as free at point of use healthcare would be one of the things you demand they provide.
Blake Turner
Not all Hispanics count as white though, and North Africans are a fraction of the population.
The 65% white figure counts Non-Hispanic whites. With "white" Hispanics it's like 75%.
You can check it here. It's 62% Non-Hispanic white and 72% white counting Hispanics.
Carter Thomas
>non-hispanic whites i concede the point. it's still depressing though. and we are slated to be the minority at around 2040?
Grayson Hill
David Price
>"all free at point of use"
Anybody who pays taxes knows damn well it ain't free
Thomas Brown
you know the story of king Midas? The government is like king Midas,except everything THEY touch turns to shit.
There is not ONE thing government does that couldn't be done cheaper and easier in the private sector.
Once you give them healthcare,now it is society's best interest that you not eat too much salt or sugar or fat as government will have to pay for the added health problems those things pose.
no privatized Navy?Why not?I'll bet 150 million dollars would buy more destruction than those 60 tomahawk missiles did in Syria.
Noah Perez
>The whole point of nationalism is that you everyone sacrifices a little to help their brother. Niggers are not my brothers. Squatemalans are not my brothers. Chinks are not my brothers. Streetshitters are not my brothers.
Jaxson Anderson
A plurality would be the better term. Still the largest group, but not an absolute majority.
Although even that is misleading depending on your views on race. A kid with a Hispanic mom and white dad for example isn't counted even though they'd probably identify as white.
But that is based on your own views I guess.
Carter Fisher
Free at point of use.
John Ortiz
Americans are brainwashed.
Instead of paying that money to the government, they'd rather pay that money to Jewish "health insurance" companies for the "free market"
The end result of this has made health Jews rich beyond their dreams, and they invested their money into brainwashing programs (US "conservative" media) to keep the system alive.
It's impossible to reason with these people, there haven been billions invested in manipulating them their entire lives.
It's sad.
Elijah Perez
my views are non-whites will band together to vote away whites' rights once they have the numbers
Ian Kelly
Which is why I think it's pragmatic to accept castizos and people like that into the fold desu.
Nathaniel Harris
But the whole purpose of a government is to provide a basic standard of living.
It's not about what's cheapest for a bunch of kikes, or senators, or how the country spends it's tax, it's about using that tax to provide a decent standard of living, and a safety net for hose who need it. That's the whole purpose of government.
You spend an absolute fortune subsiding kike ran insurance companies, so why not just say fuck it, and have it brought into the public sphere in the same way schools and fire services are run?
I know it works, because every other first works country (and Israel - and if the kikes do it for them you know there's something to it) has at least a modified free at point of use system.
Aiden Phillips
but they're not us. they're a different race of people.
James Ward
>I don't get it, why don't Americans have free health care?
Free healthcare is impossible.
Doctors don't work for free, pharmacists don't work for free, medical supply companies don't work for free.
Stop calling it "Free" healthcare, you imbeciles.
Chase Miller
I think this is it. The Jews that run the insurance companies have found out that if they make the goy work until they die for their kids asthma inhaler then they can charge whatever they want. It's literally a shekel making exercise. Then they use their neo-con shabbos goys to claim any alternative is communism, while funnelling hundreds of millions to these companies, when actually the tennant of every national socialist regime has been free at point of use healthcare for the populace.
I feel so sorry for the Americans having to live under this Jewry.
Cooper Hernandez
Americans can't run an education system, either.
I think the problem is that Jews corrupt every system they touch -- they've hollowed out America to the points where all the whites act like Jews, and the country is racing towards oblivion at terminal velocity.
This healthcare fuckup will destroy people's lives -- the Democrats will use this to take back the white working class demographic. The American right is desperately trying to kill itself off, all so that rich kikes that fund the Republican party can keep making massive profits off of the health insurance industry.
Josiah Gomez
>purpose of government is to provide a basic standard of living no, user. that's not the american way. you make your own standard of living and the government here traditionally has been to protect your right to do so.
Ian Brooks
The whole purpose of government is the ensure the security of their people, in a perfect world. Today they just take your money if you want to or not and add a bunch of bullshit regulations that help big business and kill small ones. Don't start with that social contract bullshit, it's not a contract if I didn't sign it, it's theft. If I didn't want welfare or social services, I shouldn't pay for them.
Kevin Miller
Sup Forums secretly loves Jews.
It is why they always support policies that benefit the wealth aka Jews
Jonathan Stewart
Because once you socialize something its nearly impossible to ween the public off the teet. The right has resisted attempts to implement univers health care for this reason. We've evolved into this bastard compromise system that isnt market based and it isn't socialized care either. The truth is that our healthcare sucks. But so does yours. Ours does certain things better and certain things worse compared to other countries. All in all is NHS "better" than our mixed system? Maybe. But what we want in America is true market health care which will prove to be far superior to both socialized care and our current bastard system. Read your history and your economics and you will find that the meme that health care "must" be ran by the government is a lie perpetuated by commies. They point to the worst parts of our mixed system then blame the market as a justification for even bigger government. It is a blatant lie because healthcare is probably the single industry in America with the most government meddlinh. By far. The truth is that market health care IS the third way system that will blow your commiecare out of the water once we achieve it
Owen Mitchell
it works in every other country, your brain is incapable of processing this
rich people pay tax middle class people pay tax unemployed people pay nothing (they can't)
that money funds essential services
i don't think about healthcare costs, ever, because a small portion of my income tax is used to fund it... much less than you would spend in a year.
Jonathan Lee
Most people in America assume that means illegal immigrants will get free things from their hard work
Anthony Harris
Yeah, good idea you commie canacuck retard. Don't benefit Jews, whites and everything in between in open business, benefit the political elite of a few hundred people in millions instead.
Michael Reed
Another day at Sup Forums: the Jews did everything bad!
>it's great and totally not retarded to have one theory that explains everything
Josiah Lee
It's already been established that means free at point of use.
Fundamentally untrue. If you have a fire you expect the government to help you put it out. If you are robbed you expect the government to have a police force. They school your children.
There are some things the government are expected to do. It's their end of the bargain. Something as important as free at point of use healthcare should be included in that.
Nathan Sanders
Camden Sanders
no,the purpose of government is to protect my rights. they should enforce law and contracts and protect us from invaders. that's it. freedom requires responsibility. the free market drives prices down,government interference drives them up.
If a man can't pay for his healthcare,how is him giving his money to a politician to give to a bureaucrat to pay for his healthcare going to make things any better?
Caleb Garcia
it is fundamentally true, though. it's been true for most of the time, until the kikes started spreading their tentacles, around the early 1900's. self reliance and voluntary private organizations are traditional here. big daddy government has only come about with womens' suffrage
Ryder Parker
t. 85 IQ
Wyatt Davis
And who uses those services? The unhealthy lower class who are unemployed or drug users.
Why the fuck should I pay for their constant health problems when I never need to go to the hospital because I'm responsible and can take care of myself?
Camden Barnes
t.84 IQ
Carson Taylor
there's no such thing as true market healthcare because the buyer can't negotiate
if you need four million dollars worth of surgery in ten minutes or else you'll die, how exactly are you going to negotiate on price
you have a crony system. nobody can negotiate on price, or actually pay for real healthcare (emergency life saving surgery) so they pay into insurance schemes which are really just private socialized healthcare contracts with a Jewish insurance company. A bunch of people pay in more than they'll take out on average, and the Jews price it so they'll get a decent amount of profit for no real work. All the insurance company does is "transactions", transactions which don't really need to exist. They shuffle paper.
Now, where you get to negotiate is between insurance companies -- insurance companies have to make sure the average person pays more than they'll use, so the price is always adjusted per person to be higher based on risk.
So the insurance company charges anyone who might actually need healthcare tremendous amounts of money, and people who will not need it very little (plus tip, Goy!)
you don't have a "free market system" -- you have a massively expensive system that makes a few kikes tremendously wealthy, and of course, in that most Jewish of ways -- extreme profit without providing any economic utility.
They use this money to control your politics and keep the system going. Thanks to their investments in brainwashing and media and control of your political class, their system gets more profitable every year.
The only way to stop this is socialized healthcare. You pay for it income tax, and cut out the Jews entirely.
Most of this will sound stupid or incomprehensible to Americans, but sane and obvious to anyone else in the world.
Wyatt Price
anyone who thinks people with pre-existing conditions should be able to get health "INSURANCE" needs to get a fucking dictionary b/c the democrats and their propaganda have exposed you sloth vocabulary.
William Reyes
>I don't get it, why don't Americans have free health care? Because its a system that fails. Kinda like how its failing in the UK.
Carson Watson
Yep {{{star trekking}}} the British way mate.
Ryan Cooper
there's something wrong with your brain. The Jews have fucked with it for so long that you resemble a Jew now, in so many ways... an economic class warrior who hates the poor, the working class, and is incapable of higher thought or empathy.
You're not healthy.
Sebastian Sanders
>If a man can't pay for his healthcare, how is him giving his money to a politician to give to a bureaucrat to pay for his healthcare going to make things any better?
It will make things better for him. The point of nationalism, and the moral superiority of the white man, is that we are more than just base consumers. We are thoughtful creatures that understand the concept of sacrifice, and that we are willing to sacrifice a relatively small amount to help our kin.
That's been the basic tennant of every nationalist from Hitler to Pinochet.
The American system of 'fuck you got mine' is the pinnacle of modern Jewry, and shows just how kiked you people really are.
Sure, you can show a picture of Boogie and say why should I have to pay for this mans degeneracy, or you can realise that degerates will always exist, and that you're better than them. And part of being better than them means that they're abuse of the system won't impact you helping your brothers.
Ryder Miller
>(((Why the fuck should I pay for their constant health problems when I never need to go to the hospital because I'm responsible and can take care of myself?)))
John Peterson
without government interference you could shop around. you should get second opinions also.
no,you're brainwashed tree licker. you're a dirty hippie who wants others to pay for free shit for you.
Eli Cook
this. it's like getting into car accidents every 6 months then complaining why your rates are so high. if you use your insurance too much, you're gonna drain the reserves very quickly. same can be said for those with pre-existing conditions
David Martin
Excellent post.
Lucas Martinez
Stop calling it FREE, you fucking morons!
You, like the marxists before you, are mrely trying to sell a broken economic ideology by promising free gibs.
Stop it.
Ryan Miller
Read the thread. Free at point of use.
Justin Thomas
Nobody can pay for healthcare.
Do you know how much fucking open heart surgery costs? Do you know how much removing a malignant tumor from your fucking brain costs?
Healthcare is always socialized, in some form. In single payer, everyone pays the money to the government to cover the cost of healthcare for the country per year, based on their income.
In "free market healthcare" everyone engages in private socialism by picking an insurance company that splits the cost of healthcare among its customers.
To increase profits, the insurance company prevents people with actual health concerns from becoming a customer of the insurance company. The result is that people who don't need healthcare have it, and the people who do need it will never get it.
Gavin Ramirez
Won't your Imam help out with a charity drive for medical care? Next time you are called to prayer bring it up to the congregation.
Jayden Scott
lol,private socialism.
Thomas Reyes
>arguing morality and trying to explain duty to a shitskin
I should have known better.
Kayden Lopez
I think they should cap the price for medical services, just because your baby was born with issues you should lose all your life savings, nicu is what? 3000 a day?
Lincoln Perez
i think what user means is why should he be forced to pay. mandated charity is no longer charity. doctors and nurses deserve to be paid for their time and skills. that costs money. previously, insurance was purchased when possible (usually provided through an employer) and where not possibly, charity could pick up the tab. with socialized healthcare, we are being forced to pay for other people's shit. the argument that person A shouldn't pay anything doesn't hold weight because they're either asking the medical staff to work for free, or they're asking other people to fund their lives, accidents included.
Nicholas Martin
insurance schemes *ARE* private socialism, the costs are spread over a large group of people, and the average person pays more than they take out, that's how the insurance company profits
the difference is in that real socialism your income determines how much of your money goes to healthcare
in insurance socialism, your illness determines how much of your money goes to healthcare
if you're born with a heart defect, oops, sorry, you must pay 30k per year in health insurance, even if you make 12k per year
it's a stupid system. the people who need healthcare end up bankrupt and unable to contribute to the economy.
the only people who this system works for is the jews who own the insurance companies.
it's the worst possible system for doctors, patients, society, and tax payers
Grayson Anderson
>nicu is what? 3000 a day?
Jace Wilson
this a thousand times this
Sebastian Sullivan
no morality in forcing others to buy you stuff.
no need for a fatwa there mohammed
I'm a white by god american retired in mexico just to let you know.
James Reed
Non-whites is the reason. They reap the benefits of what whites pay for
Levi Cox
doctors and nurses get paid well in Canada and in every other Western country
you've been brainwashed by media that's controlled by the Jews who profit off you, I'm sorry
you could pay for healthcare for everyone in the country with a fraction of your military budget. they've brainwashed you hard, you have the wealthiest government in the world
the USD is the world's currency and you can just print it whenever you want, do you understand how that works, do you understand that's why you can have a military that's larger than the rest of the world, combined.
your country can literally print money whenever it wants *AND THE REST OF THE WORLD WILL ACCEPT IT*, no other country can do this to nearly the same degree without massively devaluing their own currency. You can. You can print money. Jews have tried to hide this from you your entire life. You probably won't believe it, but there's *nothing* the US government can't afford.
the *ONLY* reason why you don't have universal healthcare already is because Jews wouldn't make money off of it
Lincoln Lewis
Because niggers.
Connor Brooks
>implying paying money to ZOG is not going to kikes
Aaron Thomas
This. Social welfare systems work fine if you have a system where everyone contributes, only a few people leach, and most just use it as a safety net to keep their home if they lose their job.
Introduce a bunch of lazy and stupid sub-humans into the mix, and it become impossible. I wouldn't care if some extra money got taken out of my paycheck to help a white family stay out of poverty when there are layoffs at work, but I start getting pissed when Jamal is cucking me out of my paycheck to pay for his 20 kids.
Carter Myers
>SOME things are better controlled by the government. Such as what? Name a single thing the government has done better than the private sector.
Robert Morales
>we are being forced to pay for other people's shit.
A small amount, and probably comparable for what you currently pay for other people's roads, fire service, police, schools, etc.
The government forces you to pay a lot for other people, you're used to it, just pay for something that actually matters.
Oliver Ross
do you not understand our children will have to pay off those medical bills? every dollar borrowed raises what our kids wil have to pay back. your gender reassignment surgery will mean some cis gendered child will die of spleen cancer! you heartless fiend!
Jaxson Price
So are you saying that the public schooling system, roads, the fire department, the police, and every government regulatory body (FDA, etc) are immoral?
Luke Reed
Christian Morgan
Military Education Police Fire Department Emergency Rescue Sanitation Transportation
you're fucking dumb and brainwashed. any sufficiently complex system, from small multicellular cellular organisms to computer networks to complex human societies reaches a point where a central nervous system, or control system, or government is necessary to manage the complexity of the system.
Eli Evans
The Army. Food regulations. Courts.
And, speaking from experience, healthcare.
Julian Howard
>It's a snake you guys didn't have more control over your borders We had control, but then LBJ and Ted Kennedy passed the immigration act of 1965 that allowed tons of foreigners in.
John Ramirez
>Communism is bad, but it must be good in this one case because it fits my ideology precisely in line with establisment democrats
kek sure thing schlomo
Nathan Garcia
yes(homeschool),no(private contractors make roads,gov writes checks with our money),volunteer fire departments are a thing,sheriff,yes.
Eli Sanders
>police A neighbourhood in America put together some money and hired a private security contractor to secure their property, break ins were cut in half.
Matthew Adams
You know what, that's fair enough and I understand.
Owen Green
Do you think public schools are communism?
Liam Barnes
So if a government hired a private security contractor then everyone would get protected, right? What's your point, again?
Technically this is how policing in Canada works. Cities have the option of paying for their own police force (i.e., their private security contractor) -- if they can't afford it, the federal government sends in the Mounties.
Parker Harris
>there actually people who think the US is the only country where public healthcare doesn't work >switzerland has a 30% rate of foreigners >i can go to the doctor and don't have to bankrupt my family
Why would you chose to not have this. Inb4 hurrdurr drug users who fuck themselves up. Yeah guess what, there are poor people with conditions that aren't their fault
Kevin Edwards
It's not their fault. They've been brainwashed by Jews to think that paying $20,000 to have a baby is (((normal))).
Isaiah Gray
>Read the thread. Free at point of use.
It still has to be paid for, ya big dummy.
Calling it "Free Healthcare" is media spin to trick people into supporting your position with the promise of free shit.
IT's dishonest and sneaky.
Daniel Morris
>british quality health care >british quality dentistry >british quality shitposting kys
Lucas Scott
the problem with public schools is who decides the curriculum. right now the usa has all leftist teachers who wouldn't mention socrates if their life depended on it.
Josiah Ward
>Military Everyone complains the US spends way too much on the military, and even the US government contracts to private security firms as paramilitary. They're cheaper and often do a better job >Education Lol, no. Public schooling is a running joke in pretty much every first world country. Especially the US; they spend more per child than every other country and score really fuckin low worldwide. >Police Police shootings daily. But yeah, this is a decent one other than costing so fucking much, mostly because of pensions. >Fire Department Volunteer fire fighters, also, another decent one because they're not part of a super bloated budget where money is fivelously wasted on retarded shit >Emergency Rescue See above, they pay these poor fuckers something like $8/hour to risk their lives and be first responders. >Sanitation Yeah, nah. Flint MI, failing plumbing throughout CA, fluoride in the water, droughts needing high prices >Transportation Literally what? It costs something ludicrous to transport a single person for the entire year in many areas. Its almost cheaper just to pay for an Uber car to move someone around than it is to keep busses running. >food regulations Yeah, they're saving the American public from those deadly Kinder eggs. >Courts Have you ever tried to sue someone? It takes literally YEARS to get your hearing and money back from a slam-dunk case. I also think the decades of death-sentence appeals is pretty strong proof the courts are a little fucked.
Jose Anderson
I think the Gov should be abolished because I disagree with the economics and central banking today. We're all trading paper which has the only value of being able to trade it for Government services. Not to mention punishment of victimless crime. My point was, they hired what they needed and got good service. That is what the free market stands for.
Caleb Taylor
>it's a snake no step
Angel Williams
>30% rate of foreigners >said foreigners are worker's visas
Come back to me when you have a 50% rate of people who literally produce less than they get for free from the government
when literally over half of your population can be filed as dependents
And I don't mean women
Leo Morgan
>I don't get it, why don't Americans have free health care? A National healthcare system can only work with a hegemonic society because then you want have mass amounts of niggers/spics leeching off it.
Our healthcare system is dying (NHS) because we are importing people into the country who do not work and put into it, It also encourages people to be lazy and not look after their bodies, eating shit all the time and doing next to NO exercise.
Currently we have sub standard care compared to what we had 10 years ago, waiting lines are back and they are looking for more staff but cant afford them, Nurses ect dont even get paid THAT much. People say its all our overheads but in reality those overheads are not much compared to the imports of millions of people. Millions of people who dont work and end up drawing more benefits that end up draining our public services.
>pic related is our future and its your kinds fault.
Nathaniel Edwards
He specified at point of use, you even quoted him, but you still shill your country's jewry. Sad!
Joseph Perry
>I wouldn't care if some extra money got taken out of my paycheck to help a white family stay out of poverty they're not going to call you up and tell it's going to a white family though
you racists really do live in a land rainbows and unicorns, don't you?