Is it true that spics and slavs will inherit the entire "western" world?
Is it true that spics and slavs will inherit the entire "western" world?
I hope so.
Following the subsequent war with the mudslimes, a drunken mankind will travel the stars on space lowriders
I think you mean Arabs.
I'm serious. It seems that those two groups are the only ones with the numbers and religious ferocity to continue the legacy. Modern "whites" hate their past so much
>Spics get the western hemisphere but I think mudslimes are beating slavs to the punch in Europe. Normally I'd say slavs could inherit the ashes after removing kebab, but chinks and them would probably have the same problem as poos and pajeets, where the moment one of them uses their army elsewhere, the other invades due to regional competition, and I'm not sure who would win there. Russia has better war fighting capability but China going full industrialized total war is one of the scariest things I can think of personally.
If true I'd say whites gotta fight chinks and poos ASAP and bring them back to the stoneage. Mudslims are getting close to a "reformation" and will be mostly atheist
Naw, Latino men and Azn wimmin.
Slavs will be foot soldiers of the future, whereas Magyars will be the brains. Western Europeans ill be a distant memory, a mere laughing stock, an insignificant footnote.
They are the hobbits and we are the elves. I'll leave it to you to figure out who the orcs are.