Will the pandering ever stop?
We don't want it to, literally thousands of people are justing the PC ship becuase of it haha
Seems like they're saying white pride matters to me.
>only one rainbow matters
but thats the one that tastes like cum and shit
>to celebrate gay pride, we made Skittles all white
They know not what they do.
>skittles loves white pride
or is skittles actually the new official candy for white nationalists? put skittles in water.
What's the problem, the white race is all that matters
What is 'pride' anymore? At this point it's just rubbing it in. They're not 'brave' for being out of the closet anymore. Culture hasn't just tolerated homosexuality. It's embraced it and, as usual, overshot the mark by turning it into something everyone must actively promote.
Now that it's being used as a marketing gimmick, I can safely say that gay pride has jumped the shark. It's time for a backlash. It's one thing to teach tolerance. It's another to equate them with normal people and say they're the same thing as us, just the other way around. You can't lift them up to the level of marriage between a man and a woman - an institution that has existed since before recorded history and upon which our entire species is based. Hell, not even our species - all vertebrates.
I'm not going to celebrate faggots shoving their fists into eachothers' anuses. I'm not going to celebrate them having 1000+ sexual partners. I'm not going to celebrate the degenerate lifestyle of orgies, fisting parties, bareback fucking, leather bondage pet fetishism.
Fuck faggots. Fuck trannies. Fuck lesbians. I quit supporting them years ago.
Shit is brown not black.
When corporations see a drop in revenue for pandering. That's the only thing they care about.
A few twitter pics with ALT RIGHT NAZIS posing with these white pride skittles would probably set off a nice controversy. SJWs actually took offense to white pride milk, after all.
ive said it before and ill say it again
>white is my favorite colour of the rainbow.
They're buying one kind of dye instead of every color and are marketing it to fat idiots as some kind of political statement. Nice.
One love, brother.
wow, bet i never buy skittles again.
The packaging is white, not the candy.
We seriously need to fucking organize backlash against companies doing this.
Like normie organized, the majority of the country would get on board, like they did with Trump. You just need to not be autistic for like 5 seconds. Black people and hispanics would totally be on board with some fucking anti-gay agenda backlash, as would most white people.
all white is gay pride...run with it!
>Save literally millions in inks
>Degenerates think you're "down for the cause" and not just exploiting them for (((profit)))
There are no winners.
What the fuck do these "people" think marketing teams do?
Day of the zap when?
i agree. use fake normie accounts and real accounts and meme the shit out of it.
>let's go
Well that's even stupider then
Yeah, the only kind of pride that matters is white pride.
What's the problem again?
me too, used to be 'okay' with them
but it's gone too far, like everything else
whenever you speak of a people as a whole today, you must speak of fags, niggers, jews, muslims, spics, etc., positively or not at all, but when it comes to white Christians, the people that invented and established modern democracy, ended slavery, etc., you must speak of them negatively or not at all.
I know look back on being 'okay' with this people as a mistake. everything since the 50's was a mistake.
>A candy that I can finally enjoy with the faggot taken out of it and showing the true virtue of white power #imwithwhite #whiteisright
White makes right
Some of you are shills, some of you are trying to be funny, and some of you are dumb.
The shills are working both sides of this shit.
>board meeting
>we're going to piss off some people with this pro-gay thing
>we can get the anti-fagistas to buy it too by astroturfing this shitty meme of white power skittles
>you get a raise
>During gay pride, we've given up our rainbow for something much more important
>White power
This is begging for a 'shop. Anyone have skills?
That's a good way to put it. I regret ever supporting any of this shit, even if it was only through passive acceptance. I thought "who does it hurt? Let them be who they are." and that was basically my stance on it. Now I see who it hurts, and how, and what it's leading us towards.
Now it's too late. I made a mistake, and even though there's nothing I could do to stop it, I was part of the movement of passive tolerators who didn't stick up for our society. I was young and I didn't know. But I'm never making that mistake again. And I hope we, as a society, will never make it again. But now that it's mainstream, I'm afraid we've set ourselves up for an uphill battle.
Half these sjw and leftists are completely retarded, they all want to save the environment but are happy to promote rare metal refinement and shit.
>white skittles
the candy follows the image of the superior people
>Only one color matters
>being white is all that matters
based skittles
Say it with me:
I don't get it
>Only one rainbow matters
What are they implying?
Welp. No more skittles for me.
What the hell is this campaign trying to accomplish? I'm sure fags already ate thousands of skittles before this, so why did they still need to pander to them?
are skittles, dare i say it, /our/ candies?
It's a leftist social gathering for virtue signalling and telling each other they are victims of the white patriarchy.
>he thinks people are getting paid to comment about skittles on Sup Forums at 11p.m. pacific time
come on mang
They're so brave to suck dicks and to take dicks in the ass. They are not unlike the heroes of the Revolutionary war or even World War II.
Can't you see that being an insufferable faggot (literally) is the end-all-be-all of achievement? Get with the times.
In the thumbnail they looked like giant condoms.
a little too paranoid and even if skittles is paying me right now what difference does it make to you? are you jealous or something? send me your email and ill give it to h.r. so xhe can give you a call
A lot of white people probably became afraid to buy them during the great Trayvon/Zimmerman debacle so they're still playing catch-up?
these are clearly hate symbols!
they're white, and if you put two of them next to each other, it says SS
You find that hard to believe? In this day and age?
This SO goddamn hard. For fuck's sake, I thought, they seem sensible, they seem unfairly treated, they're eccentric but who do they hurt?
And now I know. It just wasn't being said by anyone I wanted to listen to. My preacher was a flake, my parents were closed-minded, my neighbors were just ignorant, and I turned them all to this. And what does it do? I did this, that's the hardest part to face, I held this up as a victory I let them do this. And now they believe I'm crazy because they don't want to dig further.
And the worst part is? Now I don't even believe what I'm left to sell. Christianity is a fun little box of magic tricks and rituals but it was all smoke and mirrors. All of it. There's no Gods, no demons, no heaven or hell or judgement or Jesus on the Cross. And if there was I'd fight him too, frankly, I hate the world of fates and phantasms always have and will, but god...damn if it didn't implictly bind the world together for something. But no, tolerating these freaks gave us a death kiss on that, the new gods are shit in mouths and dicks in kid's asses, while glorifying the end-game nigger culling they're all getting worth coming. We are the few who woke up and it left us with a world that hates itself and maybe needs to die. And the masterminds get away with it, they're already heading to China to start it all again. Fuck's sake, no endgame but death and decay for these kikes.
Damn them all, and damn me for believing their siren songs. I'm part of the collection of people who damned this culture to war or death. I was their tool, and I have no one left to listen to hear I was wrong.
Skittle Pride!