African Science thread

African Science thread.
This is not a joke. I repeat. This is not a joke. Look at the people in the comments and google this guy's name.

Other urls found in this thread:

No one got any more high quality african science?

All I have is rage

It's hilarious because melanin is what makes blacks vitamin D deficient.

They haven't progressed much in millennia but whites have regressed so far backwards in the past few decades they're light years ahead.

You know as dumb as they are some nigger countries are actually pretty all right. Like they're still niggers but for some reason pure africans aren't as aggressive as african americans after being colonized by whites..

Must extract more black semen to save america from running out of energy efficient fuel.

thats because of strong tribal corporal punishment in a lot of areas that manage to get by.

The reason for my rage is the comments btw, if anyone wanted to raise their blood pressure that's a good place to start

>Dr Imhotep

lol blackness makes people see better. Darkskins walk around the world seeing pic related

>52 Minutes
I almost wish I had the patience to sit through this madman's ramblings.

I discovered melanin-theorist years ago pheomelanated whitboi.

African countries tend to be extremely religious. And fathers don't go and abandon their children or at the same rate than in America.

but you wuz kangs rite

In the comments:
>I've always found it interesting why whites who pride themselves in supposedly knowing everything, never address these differences with us and them. That's because the hat would be out the bag and the information exposes their biological inferiority.
Dr Imhotep is an ally. How can we spread his message to get more blacks to demand that whites acknowledge biological differences between the races?

maybe now we see why the 1% want us to mix with them...creates an angry and violent offspring that is easily manipulated and controlled.

They just rape them to get rid of their aids, shut the fuck you monkey.

20% of blacks are smarter than 50% of whites.

>the hat would be out of the bag
Nogs can't even do sayings right.

For you trolling needs straya

I can't into statistics and proportions here. Is the image unintentionally implying that 80% of blacks are dumber than half of whites?

This is intentional isn't it.

Black supremacy is my favourite form of racism.

Other cultures and races will place value on the accomplishments of their people - their Empires and inventions. But because a lot of black people in America are ignorant of African history (not that they can really be blamed for that) they instead mythologise the racial differences they can plainly see in front of them. So basically they take melanin and turn it into this magical all powerful force that grants them hidden super powers. No other race will mythologise their actual physical attributes like this. I mean you can say the Nazis did, but their mythologising of the "Aryan" features were incidental. They didn't say "blonde haired, blue eyed people are superior because their bonde hair gives them super powers". They just thought those traits were inherent in people who were superior for other reasons. Not black supremacists though, they think their skin colour is literally the source of their power. Even your mild BLM supporting type will likely reference "muh melanin" in an argument, rather than just say "black people". It's all about that magic melanin.

Or alternatively, they just pull the most bizarre and insane historical revisionist myths out of their assholes (we wuzism/story of Yakub etc). With the justification of "History is often mistaught (Columbus discovering America is a common example given) so that means we can just make it all up".

I just enjoy it on so many levels. It's honestly so retarded it's endearing. I feel bad for intelligent black people because the racism they get is actually bad and obviously cuts them deep, because it's based upon real things that actually happened.

>This is intentional isn't it.
I do believe that the number is higher than 80%. I'm no nigger hater but they must go.

Yes, it sounds like we're complementing blacks until they think about it for a minute.

Yep. Except you're forgetting the niggers wouldn't be able to think about it.

Got any spicey examples?

Thats a good summary of whats funny and interesting about black supremacy

>higher melanin makes you taste food better
holy fuck, that's only 2 min into the video

>psychic skin
Yes, that's why you're not invited to science conferences.

37:20 is my favorite part.

Sup Forums BTFO

Can you niggers taste mud cookies better?


I watched this for about 30 minutes thinking this was some kind of comedy routine and all the comments where being sarcastic but then decided to google the guys name to see what else he has done. At the moment I started to cry like a little bitch when I realized there is no hope for the niggers.

>That comments section
These people need to be removed from our societies

if I reincarnate as nigger with taste memories from my german-austrian blooded life, I'll tell you.
Meanwhile, how do they taste to you?

this guy is actually quite on track. talks about jewish IMF, slavery and Jamaican history but very convinently is pushing jewish we wuz kangz ideology, when in fact olmecs, aztecs etc were just a one of many civs in ancient times.

tl;dr 99% of them are kosher shills

>Like they're still niggers but for some reason pure africans aren't as aggressive as african americans after being colonized by whites

Our niggers were specifically bred to be strong and dumb to be used as beasts of burden.

The mistake was letting them breed at all. We should have just castrated our slaves like the Arabs did.

Literally anyone off the street can apply to school and declare themselves pre-med, it doesn't mean anything.
>first year pre-med

Here's the story of Yakub if you've never seen it.

I'm sure you know about the Nation of Islam already since it's the progenitor of basically all Black voodoo supremacy shit.

It's funny, we really should spread this story around more because a lot of black supremacists think the story of Yakub is some low key deep "woke" shit that whitey isn't aware of.

It's been referenced in quite a few hip hop songs and whenever it happens you're sure to find plenty of blacks saying "AWW SHIEEET GET EM!" or something to that effect.

Here is the song "We Made It" by Jay Z and Jay Electronica. Watch for the Yakub reference, then look at some of the comments.

Jay Z himself has made other references to the Nation of Islam and the "5 Percenters" (an offshoot of the Nation of Islam who are even more retarded.)

He was seen in public once wearing a medallion featuring the logo of the 5 Percenters. Bear in mind this is an organisation that openly thinks white people are sub human and deserve to be put in captivity. Jay Z received no real backlash for wearing it, and the vast majority of the world has no idea of what his opinions on race are. (pic related is the medallion)

Look out for terms like "Edomite, Esau, and Yakub". These are terms used by black supremacists to refer to white people "low key". Also Sup Forums should know that several "Sup Forums-like" boards containing black supremacists frequently raid and browse this board to scope us out.

Since this is a thread likely to drawn them, they may even be watching us right now. But they most likely not post.

chemists are actually a cabal of elitists trying to control the blacks.

did you unironically watch it

>Melanin: the chemical key to black greatness
Yeah, everyone knows white people turn into geniuses after a bit of suntanning.

What do you mean unironically? At first I thought it was a joke. Then I watched the rest of it to see how retarded this actually gets. Now I want to die.

Tell me more user...

>muh white brusil,
>muh white sul
You're all niggers and should die.

keep mad you'll never be white, beaner.

>whitey feeds cows unhealthy poisons to produce more food and milk
>African scientists come up with all natural self sustainable way to produce more milk from cow

Whitey is ruining the environment nomsayin

Westerners believe other different kinds of bullshit or even worse as blindly as they.

I have a minor in african american studies, or as i like to call it niggerology.

What valuable information have you learnt. Have you had any epiphanies that you can share with us?

all farmers did that in the past. feeding them hormones is a modern thing
how much did they scam you?

legit curious here, not trying to troll you.

>Brazilian arguing with a mexican over whos whiter
Sup Forums brings the keks

Fuck off paki.
I never called myself white, i call brazucas niggers because they are, fuck them and their 5% whiteness.

haha haha what is this? This guy can't be serious.



It's a lot easier to take vitamin d supplements than have to apply sunscreen all the time though.