Roaming Millennial General Thread 5/5/2017

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Running Count on Sup Forums best girl points:

>Doesn't Like Anime
>Doesn't Like Degeneracy

Topic of the Day: Is Samantha Bee just the worst?

>eceleb shit

alright quick rundown on this chick now otherwise sage

Doesn't like right wing ideologies

Hot Happa who is conservative and makes anti-SJW videos. Honestly I am just trying to shitpost hard with random general threads now.


Fuckin' check 'em

Shit meant

>own a vagina
>say some shit alt-right tards like
>become rich

why is this board full of hypocrites?! kill yourself for orbiting every youtube whore that tries to cash in on your pathetic behavior

why do you virgins care so much about the same opinions witha different face?

Gives us hope. Hope is a powerful thing.

hope for what? you are still sitting here watching videos on jewtube with no action.

Hope that there are good women out there.

ITT: Pathetic beta orbiters


Sup Forums really is now just a collection of orbiters

Too bad she's not white

Too bad she's not white

She's half-white.

She can't have white babies tho
Like I said

But if she has kids with a white guy then the kid will be 3/4 white.



That girl has such a nice fucking face, so symmetrical.

I think with his multi-message offensive, YIFwhNPG wants to reach msg limit before jannybro sets this thread to unbumpable, and we all know the crown jewel is lowering Sup Forums's exposure to this hafu's videos. YIFwh wants to cut in half the exposure she gets from the east.

Very strategic.

She's hot and has a degree in political science.
She's also pretty civil on most issues which is another reason she developed a big fan base.
I support her since she gets my capitalist freedom loving boner hard.

What's life in Croatia like? Have you been to Dubrovnik?

It's nice here but we are politically fucked by communism and its remains after the war.
A country with a big government that can't fire any civil officials.

I've been to Dubrovnik when I was 3 years old....somewhere in 1995.
Can't remember much except for climbing old buildings.

Oh. Have you thought about getting involved with your local government. Maybe become the change you want to see.

delete this

one drop rule

That's not a real thing.

I don't have the qualities needed to appear in public, the financial means to go that far nor qualifications in regards to legal, economic or political knowledge.

Most of Croatia earns less than minimum wage with civil officials driving up the average.
The population is apathetic.

I intend to settle my own financial situation first since I was born into poverty thanks to the war and fucked my self over by not learning a trade.

Currently looking for a job in Germany so I can spend my free time on a CNC course to get a factory job, earn dosh, maybe go to University and save up for a house.

Politics is just something I follow as a form of twisted entertainment and so I can avoid being affected by it.


>doesn't like anime

Sup Forums only has one true queen