Read my lips:

Read my lips:




Other urls found in this thread:

Is she even human?

she looks older than my dead grandma

Her tits are fucking HUGE in that pic, holy hell. This is coming from someone in a place where MILK COMES IN BAGS, mind you.

I would not touch those nasty tits

I've seen better mummies as well

Madame T H I C C

Webb Hubbles' daughter hasn't aged well.

Daily Dose:

She might win a Jew York seat, but she will NEVER be a national force.EVER.

The face of a cannibal.

Nasty woman

Jesus. What the fuck.

The memes are true, white women age like milk.

Woah, looks like she got not hit but thumped by the ugly stick.


Her wedding and lifestyle were supported by the Clinton Foundation.
You can probably say the same for her tits

Pics of that ass for scientific purposes?

She looks like my asshole when I forgot to wipe it from shit

The first white woman with an orangutan-face.


Oh god, that woman.

It's not that she just looks ugly, that would be fine.
But she looks fucking grotesque. Like a bloated corpse.



>family worth gorillions
>still looks like a dishevelled crack addict
does she not brush her teeth because she knows about the fluoride or am i missing something?

Thats the xenomorph in larval phase.

She has got nice milkies....

Vote for Holyshit Clinton.

She doesn't just look old... she looks like she's been forsaken by life. The outward expression reveals the inner.

Holy shit is she 50 already?

Looks like a halloween mask

Those tits would probably reach her knees without being tied down

or is she dancer

look at them jugs. her face doesn't look any worse than some slag on facefuck

no, shes like my age.
around 36.

saw her when the clintons visited the US residential compound in Moscow.

she was ugly even back then but now that is disturbingly ugly.

Bruh she has a varicose vein where her cleavage should be.

God she's so hideous.

I'd suck her fat tits.


what's that?

looks like british royalty

Wait... when did chelsea get giant titties?

Sorry, but the 69th amendment says that whores can't be President.

Right now various left-wing sources are shilling for either this cunt or Zuckerberg.

Are they fucking insane? Either of those choices and you've basically given Trump his second term on a silver platter.

If I were a democratic strategist I'd want someone like Tulsi Gabbard or Jim Webb.

Not even a 6/10


That's her easy access vein to inject the frightened toddler blood after a #SpiritCooking session.

If you were a democratic strategist you'd be sucking a hundred nigger faggot dicks

You don't think Hillary and prince Charles had a thing.... Do you?

She's so ugly can this even be real? How can you be worth hundreds of millions of dollars and never worked a job in your life and look so fucking garbage? Just seems impossible.

>white women age like milk.
She was always unattractive. .

Really? I think she looked pretty hot.

Who is that?

Its kinda disturbing that (((they))) are already grooming her to be a candidate. Has there ever been a line of people as accursed and damned as the Clintons?

What? you don't have a chest penis?

if i saw her in a facial abuse preview id keep scrolling

Hillary was reasonably good looking when she was young, it's pretty sad that this is the best her womb could conjure up. Then again that's what happens when you sell your soul.

christ, she looks like one of them hagravens from skyrim

Fuck that noise! Cheese is grater than Chelsea or any woman!

She looks inbred

lil wayne?

Nigger, is that nick cage?

implying you wouldn't suck on that flapjack tittties

implying you wouldn't fuck her to gain money and power.

I don't know why, but imagining this being said with a really thick Israeli accent cracked me up

How old is she again?

I wouldn't do either you fucking degenerate.

by a really hairy Israeli

They're really going to try and make her president aren't they?

Who is the gold sucking man whore that married thing?

Several times I think.


Between her and Cuckerberg 2020 is looking to be a good year.

did I ask you? no I didn't.

but you're lying nonetheless

Madame President 2: Electric Boogaloo. Coming to a Democratic primary near you, goyim!

If I woke up next to that, I'd take my wallet for plausible deniability, but leave my pants and crawl out the bathroom window.

About that...

She looks British to me

You bothered me by presuming either choice is somehow normal and so you received my answer.

She bad!!!!


Holy shit look at those curds!

Kek she's younger than me

Meme confirmed : White women age like bananas




Can't read the lips if they're never closed. Should've fucked Butt-Head.

Looks like prince William but uglier

this is gonna sound completely random but I wonder what her favorite dinosaur is. anyone know?

\>presuming either choice is normal

are you a faggot? you would pass up on a pair of fat titties,money, and power.

found the Australian with no standards whatsoever

muscle flexing


>chest vein
>"When you haven't had cheese pizza for two hours."

t. abbo

An abbo is better.


Dumpy AF. Shittiest genes ever. Nigger teir ass and hips, awful facial structure and horse teeth.

She really failed the genetic lottery. Her mum was pretty hot back in the day

she looks rather used up.

Well at least it'd be the end of the Clinton dynasty and the beginning of the Hubbel dynasty.

Did she inherit the blood curse from Hilldog