has anyone else noticed this growing trend?

southern nationalists do this to go back to their colonial roots, they reject the yankee spellings, as they call them.



has anyone else noticed the 1st ones (non-American english) becoming more common among American posters?

I don't think this is a bad thing by the way, I've always done this, but its interesting to see others do it. Anyone know why its growing in america as a trend? Result of globalisation and the effects Sup Forums has on your language? Like americans saying lad or mate now. Stuff like that, or brits saying senpai.


yeah ive heard people in real life refer to it as a lift, and i hear flat much more often as well

I assume its because they're simpler to say as opposed to the french words.

Its interesting to see the germanic words come back to common usage, naturally they're more efficient.


take it back

me and my friends say lad all the time now both online and in person

What are you 12? Those are European spellings. Stay in school kids.

>american education
burger :DD
yeah i see normies saying it sometimes too even


the phrase "hot take" was canadian but i've seen some shit youtubers say it now

I've ended up using both amerilard misspellings and European spellings equally. Sometimes even in the same sentence. It has nothing to do with Sup Forums and everything to do with the spellcheck in Firefox using American "English"

Ultimately it's a rejection of the Merrimack Webster dictionary. The oxford has always been superior In every way

i agree, and its nice to see it happen. ive been doing it for 4 years straight

I do that because I used to read the KJV bible all the time. I also write grey.

My girlfriend hates when I "write like a britbong"

I do it, but because I play way too much Path of Exile


I'll be damned before I call college "uni".

Dafuq u talkin bout?

Everyone knows Americans can't spell.


Thanks tyrone

Ur'e welcome


stfu taiwan

I was defending American spelling, you dumbass.

tell me when ur "china" mister taiwan lawl

I had the idea long ago just to use proper, unaltered English.

I guess I'm taking to Tyrone.

i am h'wite my chinaman

1. Isn't dropping the U and using a Z for some S normal across all of America? I'm always told by Americans I'm spelling things the British way when I do that.

2. I have noticed a direct effect Sup Forums has on the english language, e.g. terms and phrases such as
>gentle reminder
>the thigh gap
>nightmare fuel
>for the lulz
>shut up and take my money
>my body is ready
>like a boss
>awesome sauce
>dem/dat X
>when X happens
>X for the win
>muh X
>the X is real
>pics or it didnt happen
>come at me bro
>u mad bro?
were all popularized by this very website.

the op is in oxford:american

you have to go back






Ironically you're the redditor if you think reddit didn't steal all those now cringy memes from here 10 years ago.

can't tell if bait or new

American spelling a shit

When I was in the states I noticed young people say "hot mess" and "obnoxious" a lot, neither of which are used here or anywhere else

obnoxious is used constantly here, u guys dont say that?

I hope this is fake


are you actually a mong or just baiting


You're asking a NZ'er, They barely speak English
obnoxious is used here, just not frequently

get your gay nigger shit off my screen

your mad i see friend?

learn English lmao


aye stop trying to bait

ive lost control of my life

haven't we all user

English English is the correct English. So flavour, colour, realise, and organisation are correct.

i heard some faggy arab call the line at starfucks a queue and he pronounced it Q i just looked at him like stfu and said yup

fuck yall i wad trying to get pussy

In my opinion the way 'mericans spell (and sometimes say) things is superior. Saying "ass" sounds much better than saying "arse" for example.

Should also add that if you want to observe the most retarded spellings and pronunciation study the French language. It's like their language was invented by people who were trying to be edgy.

>not frequently
Exactly you dumb fucking wog.

Not nearly as much as you guys do. It seems to have a much more specific meaning here where as in the states I noticed it's basically synonymous with "rude" and very commonly used

are you by any chance retarded?


motorized rollingham:car