New Call of Duty to feature the holocaust

By Brian Fagioli

>The latest installment of the best-selling video game franchise “Call of Duty” will depict the Holocaust.

>“We didn’t want to shy away from history. We wanted to be very respectful of it,” the game’s senior creative director, Bret Robbins, said in an interview with Mashable last week. “Some very, very dark things happened during this conflict and it felt wrong for us to ignore that.”

>In “Call of Duty: WWII,” which will be released in November, the player controls an American soldier fighting in the European theater. In addition to shooting Nazi soldiers, players will also be exposed to racism towards Jews and African-Americans within their platoon. Robbins alluded to an episode of the miniseries “Band of Brothers” where American soldiers discovered a concentration camp.

>“We absolutely show atrocities,” Robbins said. “It’s an unfortunate part of the history, but…you can’t tell an authentic, truthful story without going there. So we went there.”

>Robbins argued that audiences can now handle games with more maturity and nuance: “People are ready for it. They want it,” he said.

>“Call of Duty: WWII” will also feature a mode that turns the Nazi soldiers into zombies.

>Fagioli Fagioli give me the Nazi DLC-oli

>Trump is president
>go back to WWII and demonize teh nazis muh holocaust REMEMBER THE 6 GORILLION

I thought all the Deathcamps were in USSR held territory? How much you want to bet they will show Germans shoving jews in ovens in France.

Do people still play this shitty series?

>more maturity and nuance
>nazi zombies

In the dlc you'll see the camps of North Africa! Then you'll find out that they learned the jews were actually pharaohs and desecrated the tombs by turning the pyramids into giant ovens! Ooooooiiiiyyyy no!

>they create a level where you decorate lampshades

>New Call of Duty to feature the holocaust
So the game is going to be historically inaccurate?

>they're gonna allow you to play women in it
looks like it

Reminder the camp in Band of Brothers wasn't actually a death camp those were all in the east.

>“We absolutely show atrocities,” Robbins said. “It’s an unfortunate part of the history, but…you can’t tell an authentic, truthful story without going there. So we went there.”
Will the Holocoaster be playable?

Will we have to press s to gas the jews?

pay reparations goy for the water vaper you gassed us with


I knew as soon as I saw the trailer that this was going to be some new age propaganda. I bet they won't show how many French women were raped by American niggers in France tho.


g for gas

>>We didn’t want to shy away from history

where the fuck is your CoD featuring the Holodomor or the Great Leap Forward or any other (((communist))) inspired mass slaughter event

why are libtards always so full of shit

or german women in Berlin when the sovjets arrived

fucking disgusting that they conveniently ignore those atrocities while putting all the spotlight on "muh six gorillion"

>Nazi soldiers
Burgers know literally nothing about world war 2 except Germans = Darth Vader

uhh *sips tea* yea guys, it's like.. that's how you utilize psychological warfare? duh hun? You don't depict your own sides' bad deeds don't you know that sweety?

They showed a fair amount of Soviet atrocities in cod waw (different developer of course)

>authentic, truthful story without going there. So we went there.”
In a game that features women soldiers of colour

>"Activision claims the new Call of Duty game has sold 6 millions copies the day it was launched"


nazi dlc link plox

thanks in advance

I hope we get to play as Germans killings Jews


>mfw you play as a soldier
>here comes the deathcamp scene, you see dead jews
>your character falls on his knees and weeps
>suddenly a press F pops up on the screen
>your characters reach for something unfer his shirt
>it's a big cross of david necklace
>you were playing as a jew all along

6 gorillion? Where were you when 16 gorillion Jews died?

mfw Sup Forums mods the COD so you can 'play' the holohoax. press 'f' to launch the jew cart at the wall. schlomo is creeping out of the oven, press f to force him back in with your boot. oh please.

So will the victims represent a cross section of society?

Meanwhile nobody will make a game about the millions that Bolshevists killed.

>African-Americans within their platoon
Except the armed forces was still segregated until 1948. Niggerfield 1 pulled the same shit in multiplayer but at least the campaign was historically segregated. You only play as a nigger for the first 10 minutes and in a scenario that actually happened. This shit on the other hand is just absurd.

>Press F to gas the kikes

CoD: Hodor Edition
break into farmer's houses and aquire hidden grain for 12 levels
DLC pack where you execute anyone stealing from the farms

I dont even plan to play this game but that thought alone is depressing.

I would actually pay for dlc if this happens

Is anyone surprised? Was anyone expecting something different?
I haven't played a good WWII shooter in 3 console generations, assuming it's not fubar on arrival I'll be getting it.
Fuck look what we got with BF1. It can't possibly be that bad.

Medal of Honor: Great Reap Oward
organize a commune during tutorial
set up backyard furnaces in a quicktime event
shamaylaman plot twist at the end when Mao "resigns"

like for cereal man how do either of those historical events translate into games

But the US never encountered Death camps, all were in Soviet gained territories.

praise the lawd kek


Do we get to meele the KIKES? If yes I am buying.

Leaked picture of the mission.

>buying cowadoody for single player

good one

Death camps are a Communist meme. Kek has spoken!

O-oy VEY!!
H-How dare you deny the h-holocaust GOY!

I think like 90% of the people who buy these games never do the campaign mode. They just go straight to multiplayer.


Im sooo tired of this holocaust shit, until the Jews prove it we need to ignore it and not give them the opportunity to milk us.

>ww2 fps where you can play as a nazi

is there such game?

why is the player character always an American soldier? i want to play as a Nazi sometime.

What's wrong with zombies? Pretty fun with friends



>We wanted to be very respectful



>Remember, no Yiddish


No seriously, who is behind this post


last interesting ww2 game i played was red orchestra because you could actually play the Germans in the campaign.

Until a major studio grows some balls and lets you play has hans the stürm trooper who mows down allied vermin there is literally no point to another ww2 game because its all been done before.

and of course to make it even more pozzed they are putting concentration camps in the game and ill bet you a million fucking dollars they will disable the crosshairs so you cant execute any of the slchomos in the camp as you are liberating it from da ebul nazees.

Also COD is linear as fuck and thats boring.

Is this the fabled Kazarhim Jew-double-bluff I have heard so much about?

What's that Polish game that is similar to Beachhead but involves ISIS? Surely that or even Beachhead could be modded to be Normandy from the German's side.

My god............lurking normie faggots on Sup Forums do you see this?? DO YOU SEE??!! DO YOU FUCKING SEE?!?!?!?

You're retarded. The French women, just like they did with the Germans, happily opened their legs for the Americans when they arrived. There were insane amounts of marriages between American men and French women afterwards.
>the Soviet rape myth
Nice try. No one's buying it. Statistically speaking, there were more rapes done by German men on Russian women when they invaded - no one's making a thing of that even. Let it go.

Are you trying to tell me that Band of Brothers lied to me?

>All this bitching over nazi larps
Honestly this is a step in the right direction. No black gay feminist shitting, just an honest to God WWII game.

So they want the "games are art/growing up" fart sniffer audience and the best that they can do is retarded shit like depicting the allies' dislike for darkies and maybe a playable anne frank section where you press F to fall out of bed?

>final campaign mission
>you're outside Hitler's bunker
>This is for the six million, Ramirez!
>you breach the door in slow motion and toss is a flashbang
*Purchase DLC*
>the smoke clears, Hitler turns around
>it's Trump

>Statistically speaking,

African statisticians

>player doesn't get to exterminate the vermin
I would have considered buying if I could experience it from the German side.

Praise him

Holocauster Tycoon needs to be made for real


*unzips tea*


I thought about that the moment i heard about new cod being about WW2. This is becoming too predictable.

>press F to fall out of the bed
>If you fail there's a cutscene where you literally get gassed

I find Nintendo 3ds better then any console gaming anyways, cheaper too.

>tfw your games aren't selling so you decide to turn the sjw pandering to 100 and make a game about evil white men killing poor Jews
>10/10 from every major reviewer

It will never because it can't be sold anywhere.

Prison Architect like game Auschwitz themed when?

god if you want to pretend No Russian was edgy, imagine literally being an SS officer gasing jews

>“Some very, very dark things happened during this conflict and it felt wrong for us to ignore that.”

Will he also show American GIs shooting down civilians in Italy or raping qts in France? Because those very dark things also happened

I didn't buy Battlefield 1, I didn't buy Mass Effect Andromeda and I sure as fuck won't be buying Call of Duty part jew. I'm not killing any more Germans for entertainment, fuck that, shitskins only if its a war game, they are our enemy.

He could give it away for free to trigger the jews even more. Then the only problem would be finding a place to host it.

Heh, Fagioli.

Got me thinking about Ethnic Cleansing. I know it was sold through Resistance. I wonder who developed it.

Or how about that vertical shooter that was on the Daily Stormer months ago?

What is this "buy" you speak of?

>tfw your game still tanks
>because even with every platoon packed with BK Kids Club tier diversity and a gender inclusive Irma Grese campaign, sanctimonious roasties and vegan hipsters don't actually buy vidya

Allies caused most of those camp deaths, gassed um too.

>tfw sharp increase in google searches on how to enable crosshair in death camps after release

I'd play a Bioshock/Outlast/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game centered around the Great Leap Forward.

Bonus points if they include yizi er shi into the game.


and you just know that there will be a scene after muh holocaust where your character goes beserker and machine guns nazi prisoners and your team mates are like "woah dude go easy man!!!"

There is already a mod for Prison Architect to make your prisons look like concentration camps. It was even on the steam workshop the last time I checked IIRC.

The main character is going to be a gay Jew nigger, isn't he?

a jewish television production was dishonest. Shocking I know.....

You can't make a game that negatively portrays the system that jews created. That would be anti-semitic : ^(

Of course. They are, afterall, striving for historical authenticity.