> race mixing is dege-
race mixing is dege-
People aren't corn.
>corn are people
>humans are a crop
>OP shows picture of corn
I got you, senpai.
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fun fact, corn literally cannot exist without humans. If humans went extinct, so would corn.
You literally could not have picked a worse vegetable to represent sustainable breeding.
fuck you and fuck this thread
you are what you eat
That's a genetically modified organism... ISN'T THAT A BAD THING TO YOU PEOPLE?
Post bananas
>illiterate 3rd worlder
>having kids superior to whites
>corn cant survive without humans
>we are jews promoting racemixing?
Fun fact. Jews are the humans of white corn.
They kill off all the weak hybrids, then clone the parents so they can mass produce the hybrid seeds.
How can white corn even compete?
As a Hapa I feel incredible right now. Thank you. Get on my level, monkeys
This triggers Sup Forums.
No, they don't,the hybrids of those particular strains are consistently larger.
The allegory falls apart because humans are not corn and hybrid vitality is really hit-or-miss in nature.
mixing good genes with bad genes will leave you with ok genes. corn will never change this.
get a grip naked boys
>good genes
Confirmed for knowing shit all about genetics..
Get a grip naked bois
Also, being of one race doesn't make you inbred you dumb aussie shitposter.
Yeah maybe don't fuck your cousin is what this says
>genes work differently in corn and humans
>thay is why gmo is bad!
Doesnt make any sence.
Humans are not corn.
If heterosis had any significant impact on humans, we would have noticed by now. I promise.
>doesn't understand principle of hybrid vigor
>doesn't realize that this shit only applies to plants
> muh di-
>what are jews?
So you are ignoring inbred big-nosed monkeys wih tiny eyes and english teeth?
>Races are inbred.
But "good genes" are a thing. That's why recessive traits exist to begin with, because the sequence codes for a defective protein.
>hurr durr humans arent corn!!! xDdddd
Nice counter argument, retards. Love how basic scientific fact sends you right wing retards into a fit of cognitive dissonance and irrational anger.
We share 50% of our DNA with maize so the point still stands, basic fucking biology.
t. BA in Genetics
People aren't fucking corn dumbass.
Deluth has good jeans
You mean being white, blond and blue eyed?
Those are the recessive weak "bad genes" according to your retarded view of genetics.
Just read a fucking book, nigger.
You're gonna need to flesh out this post more.
How can something be simultaneously inbred yet diverse?
If you sage while posting an image you still bump the thread.
>tfw myopia is normal
That's NZ.
Are you trying to talk sense in this pit of stupidity?
Fuck, I guess I was too. Lets both withdraw and preserve our sanity.
People aren't corn.
Are you menatlly hendicapped? Jews marry jews, Israel is a nationalistic ethno state promoting third reich racial policies.
I'm a biologist. I know more about genetics than you ever will.
I put "good genes" in parenthesis for a reason. Recessive traits are defective proteins, but that does not inherently mean that defective=maladaptive.
why does this exact same thread, complete with corn meme appear at least 3 times a fucking day. OP please jump off of the nearest bridge you tremendous faggot
That hasn't been the case in years.
Yeah, I get that part.
Now tie it in with heterosis.
>i am a biologist
>"people aren't corn this genetics is bogus"
Did you mean to say you are a farmer?
Hybrid vigor is a phenomenon not a rule
Overexpression is a bitch, aint it?
Jews are inbred. They are weak. Tgat is why they need diversity
>what is outbreeding depression
>1 post by this ID
When will you fucking learn Sup Forums?
me on the right
no seriously, he looks so much like me its scary, even down to the deep-set eyes.
>good genes are dominant
>myopia is a dominant trait
>myopia is good
I dont see contradictions here, bro.
Start going to the gym.
Do crunches.
There's a good reason why corn and other plants tend to have more drastic yet successful outcomes from cross breeding. Animals as a whole tend to be more pigeonholed regarding how aggressive their mutations can be while plants can experience shit like polyploidy on a regular basis.
Its almost as if "good genes" is a gross oversimplification that has nothing to do with reality.
Hybrid vigor is hit or miss, but I have a random theory that native American and white hybrids get an IQ bump. I only think this because of the men in my family and Vox Day. Feel free to weigh in anons, it's probably not true.
There's a difference between good genes and "good genes". I'm explicitly avoiding normative claims.
Hybrid vigor is for inbreds, not people of different races
Niggers are the most genetically diverse race.
Races don't exist.
>w-what about dogs
Then race mixing is good, look at corn.
>p-people aren't corn
Get more excuses, cuck
A race is essentially some degree of inbreeding.
The human species inbred due to geography, and races were formed.
I'm mixed and better off than most of you pathetic crackers
People are not corn, inbreeding in large populations is a non issue UNLESS you manage to go the Muslim way and produce it artificially on a large scale. In Europe and North America consanguinity is extremly low. No "hybrid vigor" from removing inbreeding could be gained. The only ones who profit are inbred mudslimes and to a lesser extent inbred Africans.
Please do tell how everyone else profits from for a short time staving off their inbreeding and genetical defect and lessen the extreme problems they produced within their community, before they redo it all over and drag everyone else down with them.
... but humans AREN'T corn. Corn genetics are drastically different than humans. Especially compared to dogs.
Claims other people know fuck all about genetics, knows fuck all about genetics. You might want to look up the statistics for various countries where inbreeding and such are concerned and you'd find that it is a complete non issue for the vast mayority of European countries (looking at you Albania). If anything, having children with mudslimes or similar groups INCREASES it by a huge ammount due to how inbed they are.
Are you genuinely retarded or simply some inbred mudslime? You are neither rebuking anyone's argument nor making one yourself. All you are doing is using "cuck" completely and utterly wrong making yourself look like an idiot.
kek has spoken more harshly to you than I ever could.
anyone who is unironically res[ponding without sage'ing, please quit shitting up our board. you pleebit faggots are the reason why these slide threads have so much traction. I hate you
*cough* Liger.
Inbreeding isn't an on-off switch, you mongrel.
>Claims other people know fuck all about genetics, knows fuck all about genetics
Oh the fucking ironing.
>american education
>Literally no argument
Neck yourself faggot.
we arn t inbred or corn you sheep fucker
>kkk are not mixed race mongrols
what happened
>> race mixing is dege-
But race is a social construct. How does mixing social construct result in physical differences?
This is an amaizeing thread.
Let's keep the food analogies to please
>he doesn't know the hybrid corn has AIDS
>you'd find that it is a complete non issue for the vast mayority of European countries
do you really think that mixing with inbred sand niggers would do any good
of course we have Australians shitposting again
literally not an argument
I meant the face not the body
The next generation will not yield the same as the first generation hybrid.
Literal degeneracy of the breed.
If I see one more corn thread...
Oh look, another regurgitation!
plants arent people
That is GMO corn
It's illegal to genetically modify humans.
doesnt russia have like a bajillion people why the fuck would they be inbred
+1 posts to bump limit
lack of education, maybe
Sometimes it produces unexpected consequences!
Lol can you list a few other things that share 50% dna? You're just hoping no one looks into the lackluster shit you spout.