My brother came out as gender non binary

I need advice Sup Forums

>be me, go to ultra-liberal private school
>trannies, including transqueer, genderfluids are the largest influence on the school’s faculty
>my brother is having issues with anxiety and depression
>has basically no friends
>I’ve never been close to him
>one day, he starts hanging out with a couple of the trannies
>keeps on talking about how good his conversations with them(plural) are
>one day he announces to the whole school that he has changed his name to a more ambiguous one and prefers to be called they/them
>get a group email saying he has become “aporagender”
>look it up
>first three results are Tumblr
>go to
>apparently it was invented by Tumblr in 2014
>he’s about to come out our parents

What do I do Sup Forums? I’m pretty sure that the trannies convinced him that transgendering would rid him of his emotional issues and many of the students and faculty at our school have given him positive “support” for this degeneracy. Pic related, it's the official aporagender flag

Other urls found in this thread:

oven now

cut him off
fucking mentally ill faggot

> My brother came out as gender non binary

I hope you understand none of us here reads High Fantasy

kill yourself you rich kid faggot and die in a fire

you brought this upon yourself by taking advantage of your white privilege


take him fishing
take him lifting
get him vitamin d and vitamin b supplements

That'll help with a lot of the emotional issues.
Tell him to read a bit of stuff on autosuggestion/and maybe the new manhood by some aussie.



>I’ve never been close to him
it's pretty much all your fault ya dumb faggot. kys

Fuck off mohammed

>Aporagender (from Greek apo, apor "separate" + "gender") is a nonbinary gender identity and umbrella term for "a gender separate from male, female, and anything in between (unlike Androgyne) while still having a very strong and specific gendered feeling" (that is, not an absence of gender or agender).

Yeah, you have shit parents, your bro is badly socialized and mentally ill. By becoming a special snowflake he hopes to make at least a few friends.

Start cslling him "it"
>anan its they
>what they? theres just one of it
>but they are genderqueen
>"it" is the correct non plural gender neutral pronoun, lol

Why do you still call that freak your brother?

Once they are infested with sjw ideology they are mere zombies trying to infect more people.

Cut him off and red pill your parents before he can tell them about his mental illness.

>has debilitating illness
>cures it with very VERY misguided means but it makes him happy non the less
Its a fucked up means but the end is semi arguable. Subvert him to go see a psychologist. Only hope.

>>Aporagender (from Greek apo, apor "separate" + "gender") is a nonbinary gender identity and umbrella term for "a gender separate from male, female, and anything in between (unlike Androgyne) while still having a very strong and specific gendered feeling" (that is, not an absence of gender or agender).

Literally meaningless bullshit. Tell your brother to get his bitch ass to a recruiter. With any luck, he can be a spayz marine

>brother has problems with anxiety and depression
>can't make friends
>wonder why he fills that hole with what the degenerates that are the only ones that will talk to him have to say
Should have helped him earlier. This is how people join sects.

He will grow out of it. Either that or he is doing to to fuck someone he needs to by pass the defense mechanisms of.

Good. I hope he cuts ties with his obviously fascistic biological family and only surrounds himself with a "chosen" family that will validate his lifestyle.

Down with the heteronormative tyranny of cis-gendered patricarchal expectations, up with genderfluidity, the future belongs to neuro-atypical jewish genderqueers.

blood is thicker than water user. accept and love your brother.

maybe you should be his friend and then he wouldn't have to hang out without subversives. take him camping or or fishing. show him manhood and brotherly love and he we will find his way back to his identity.

This issues were solved growing up and leaving the toxic relationships, but, when you talk about affection and sex, the thing is like drugs, once you fall into the pit, you are doomed for life.

This would work before the guy let himself brainwash. Now the damage is done, and he won't trust a brother who never was there.

Anyway is not your fault, every person has to make their own mistakes. But if you love him, don't pledge to his desires.
He is HE not they.
He is your brother, not your related or whatever.
Learn how to deal with junkies. Because your brother is one. Attention, affection, aprovation... He only wants that and will suck dicks to get it.

What do you think a psicologist will do?
He will encourage him to be whatever he wants.
And will put the last nail in the coffin.

>the cure to being a socially anxious, depressed teen is lunatic degeneracy
Should have tried lifting and/or the psychology Jew first

0/10 Troll harder

Gas him

Just don't give him any attention, literally just say "k". Either he's fishing for it and this will show him it doesn't work, or he's serious about it but will prevent him from developing the tumblr victim complex, at least around you.

Take him to get a mental health evaluation just to make sure he's ok. Phrase it like you are concerned because there is a link between the two and you just want to make sure
> While neutrois has been given several definitions, if neutrois is meant as having no inner sense of a gender, then this is different from aporagen-
Call him him, don't indulge this shit for one second senpai

Beat the shit out of him

Take him out behind the shed and administer the Emperors Mercy.

Hes a Heretic now, so its the kindest thing to do.

>go to private school
>be well off
>never hungry
>don't know what hard work is

I'm convinced that part of the problem is having too much time on one's hand to start contemplating all this gender bullshit.

Who cares op, you'll become their favorite.

>Tfw tell a girl I like her
>She likes me too
>About to ask her out
>She comes out to me as gender fluid

>depression/anxiety is a debilitating illness
>psychologists are a cure

Maybe anons bro needs to grow a pair and stop hanging around degenerate mentally ill people

Just be normal and raise a family, when you have kids prevent him from spending much time with them. If he ever brings it up say you love him but that the family's future is now totally dependent on your kids and they have to have kids themselves or your line will end. If he makes a fuss out of it then say your family's future is more important to you than how you feel.

Don't accept it. Never accept it. He's your brother. He will always be your brother. They do this shit for acceptance, attention, or they're fetishists. On the off chance that he actually has 'gender dysphoria', it just means he's mentally ill. The odds of that being true are quite low though. This is most likely just a phase.

You gotta help him. He's your brother. Tough love, a complete rejection of his new identity, and a strong and firm rejection of what he's doing is in order.

Make it clear that this shit is just a fad and that he needs psychiatric help. The people egging him on are NOT his friends. They're just a group of mentally ill people all playing into one another's delusions.

Sit him down and show him 'gangstalking' videos online. Show him how many people are indulging their paranoid delusions and feeding into one another. Tell him that he's doing the same thing. He's found a community of people who are also ill, and they bolster his mental illness to validate their own.

Well i am really close to my brothers and this would be a hard hit for me.

I do not know of you can cure him. You mighty start doing more masculine stuff with him.

Like hunting, fishing and going to the gym. Never mention his gender. Only talk to him as if he is your brother.

Don't make him feel that his family is against him because it can fuel this shit even more.

Taking him on a long hike (a week or so) could do the thing in my opinion.

He's probably only hanging out with degenerates because his fuckee up mind makes it impossible to hang out with normal people


This is seriously not the place to ask for advice about your family. Most of the posters here are socially-maladjusted losers who have burned nearly every bridge because of their vile outlooks and shitty personalities, they are absolutely bitter about it, and would love nothing more than to drag you down into the sewer with them, by prompting you to alienate yourself from your family by following their stupid shit advice.

Leave your brother alone. The problem is on your end.

The problem is on your end.

Rape him till he's straight.

>>I’ve never been close to him
man you suck

You're wrong. You're also clearly an idiot. That's probably a big factor in why you're wrong all the time. Fuck off idiot. Go find a hugbox full of people who'll coddle your failings and tell you you're great the way you are.

Beat the crap outta him that'll snap him out if it then explain to him why and that you love him and any short acceptance or feeling of normality is only temporary and not worth the long term stress/problema caused by such a decision

Trans is real! and dangerous. Media has warned us for years.

Have /polgb straighten him tf out.
(notice there's no T)

This won't help. People feel they're being persecuted this way and won't ever come out of the bubble. This brother is defected. Kill him and poke holes in your parents condoms. Make sure you don't fuck up with the next one.

Red pill him.
Tell him (((who))) is responsible for this and why.
Do it before it is too late!

OP, are you really going to entrust your relationship with your brother to a person who thinks that "You're wrong, your an idiot, repeat" is any kind of a rebuttal?

Yeah, OP, trust the guy who thinks men dressing like women is normal, and that we should all play along with their game of dress-up.

How old is he? If he's young just laugh at him all the time and say it's just a phase and maybe he'll get over it. If he's in his like mid late 20's he's lost and only by himself can he get out of it.

You're an idiot though. Go back to tumblr if you think mental problems are best left ignored, or worse, supported.

You need to give him a heroic dose of mushrooms and make him watch the Rambo movies. I'm a doctor.

Read Erich Fromm's Man for Himself and use his critique of critical theory to redpill your brother. Queer theory is second rate intellectualism passed of as science. Fromm destroys it using points that appeal to humanistic, liberal people.

I'm sorry your thread is filled with shit advice, the real solution is to fuck him in the ass till he straightens out. Worked for me!

Is you need to read a book on how to be manly, then you are undeniably a faggot

Try to make a connection with your brother and steer him in the right way
If you just name call him and treat him like shit the trannies will win him over for sure

this is absolutely true

i know a girl who was really involved in sports until she went to university for some sociology thing. beautiful, fit, mentally sound, into cool shit like comics and batman. eight months later she was "trans" and fucking a nigger

>What do I do Sup Forums?
Honor kill xir, there is no other viable option Op, it would be good for the cause if you switch to mudslime.

you must bring him back to the based side. hopefully you have friends that you can invite him to hang out with, but you need to get this shit going now

treat this like a mental breakdown and act like you're his friend. invite him out to do normal things and be around normal guys.

>dont talk to me or my wife's son ever again

Honor kill

Why didn't you stop this before it was too late?

taze him

White race is gonna extinct soon.

Either with their immigration policy or this kinda dumb fucking confused gender identity crisis.

>mfw previously based dad apostatizes from christianity and becomes a SJW in his late sixties and now wacthes Rachel Maddow and considers himself part of the "resistance"

>feels bad man


Based Mr Hunter

This. Don't listen to the edgy options some anons offered, this is the only way. Imho you failed as a family already if a bunch of trannies made him feel more accepted than you. He needs a psychologist, but right now he obviously won't be receptive to getting one, so get close to him and subtly influence him over the course of time.

Implying it isn't coming to you. Stop fetishizing whites.

Shut up curry nigger.
More and more people are noticing that the left is cancer. The hate for muslims keeps on growing.
We will rise up.

>have high anxiety, stress, and depression over the past year or so
>I've been mulling over the idea of becoming a woman for the past few months
>being feminine just feels right and has for a long time
Your brother is a indoctrinated nutcase, There are only two genders. Talk to him and try to get him help like you would for someone who was in a cult.

You dad is Keith Olbermann?

Let him kill himself because of his mental illness. Once a faggot, always a faggot.

take him to do things that make him active
i bet he only plays video games
he's only coming out as non-binary because he's bored and lonely
Go jogging, have him be your "wing man", go camping, watch UFC together

That's the problem with this tumbler shit.
It's the outcasts who have no place to go, like OP's brother.
The second they find someone who accepts them they will cling on for dear live.
He "became" non binary to fit in with someone for the first time in his live.

If you went to the gym with him, of fishing or just had a beer together once in a while, instead of him sitting in his room all they he would be normal.

It's probably to late for him.
BUT if you want to safe your brother from (((them))) show him he can have friends without this non binary shit.

>I've never been close to him
You brought this upon yourself.

If your parents are conservative, let him do it and let them react to him becoming an ultrafaggot.

It's just a phase, but whatever he does don't let him go on hormones
see if you can introduce him to some normal friends who like video games and guns and shit, no more loneliness and he'll get sick of his first friends really fast.

Gender bullshit is not any kind of cure. At best it makes no difference, but more likely it will make things much worse.

Why? i'm not close to any of my siblings and we're not fucking faggots or muff divers.

That's terrible, OP. If I were you I'd take him aside and have a heart-to heart use your influence as a trusted member of the family t-
>I’ve never been close to him
...This is your fault.
Your brother was depressed, had no friends, even his own brother was distant. Of course he'll join the SJW cult and start drinking their tranny kool-aid if they give him the time of day. He was vulnerable and had nobody else to turn to, and he became clay in their hands.
You are a bad brother. Fix this problem, and he'll find happiness. Hopefully he's not too far gone.

how'd you know

>telling other people to transition
I mean the nonbinary shit is a dead giveaway that these are all attentionwhore tumblr snowflakes, but why would you TELL someone to transition. Oh yeah, just fucking pour a shitton of money and time down the drain for a mediocre life result. If you think you're a fucking tranny, realise what a grim outlook it is and turn back, because if after a year you go "oops, this was a mistake", you've completely fucked yourself.

Is there a list of these different genders that you go through and decide which you are? How do you learn about aporagender? The definition is nonsense. He is probably just gay.

Your country has no significant SJaw infestation yet. Your brothers probably weren't depressed loners. And even I'd they were, you can replace this genderfaggortry bullshit with any other cult that gives outcasts the feeling to be part of something. Jehovas witnesses, Scientology, weaboo clubs, Sup Forums

So be a brother to him, you asshole. People like this end up that way because they have no strong male influence in their lives. If you care about your brother, then be that influence. If you don't care, well that's up to you, but don't post about it asking for advice then.

Hang out with him. Take him out to do normal activities. Isolate him from his faggot friends. Explain to him the reality of the world, slowly, over time, through small anecdotes rather than lecturing him.

I've suffered from severe anxiety and depression in the past too and it's so easy to get wrapped up in something that you want to belong to - for me I fell into the whole goth clique in high school because of it and it's something I look back at with deep regret. The difference is that this kid could end up making *life-altering* decisions over this, such as getting a sex change or something like that. I don't know exactly what "aporagenders" are but these people aren't right, and you need to make him see that by any means necessary.

He is not a fagot.
He is a loner without friends, and now for the first time in his life he found a group who will accept him, and if he has to become some tumblr gender thats a small price to pay for him.

This isn't about him liking dicks, it's about him wanting to have friends.

OP, do the following. Check his testosterone levels. You see, in males, the girth of the fingers is an indicative of the levels of testosterone the child received in the womb. Now, with all this foreign elements in ones body, you will see an increase of this behaviour. If he has "bitch" tits, it means his body is full of foreing elements. Just see that poor english kid,Jahans i think it his name, he is basically transforming into his mom with that low testosterone.

Simple, change all the food habits he has adquired (cafeteria food is a no no ) , change all his personal hygiene products like shampoo, soap , make him quit any medication that is not life-threatning and make him do physical activities that will make his body produce testosterone.

don't force it on him that he's an idiot. let him slowly realize by hanging out with normal people.
try helping him find some nerdy friends.

here OP, i got it for you

How the fuck did you let your brother die alone you filthy piece of shitty cunt.
You're what's wrong with he's become a zombie of modern society, a useful idiot.

Talk to him and try to argue, don't be a bitch

Beat the degeneracy out of him.

I'm 35 and have no friends.
I yearn for them more than a girlfriend which I obviously don't have either.
But I wouldn't trade my soul and pride and become one of them freakish demon genders just to get one.
Pretty much why I'm alone I guess.
Straight "mostly" white male.

whoops, not sure why
was in there

>Jehovas witnesses
I actually like them, they're pretty decent besides their fucking cult. and yes we have sjw's for about 10 years that i know of, i used to drive my sister to her uni and all those liberal cunts were on the rise.

>He is not a fagot.
yet he's planning to come out, he's got trap friends. Come the fuck on dude, I don't mind gays that keep to themselves i fucking hate flaming queers.

also adding these

>Have a brother with anxiety and depression
>Never close, no support
>Parents are probably insufferable cold anglos
>OMG he went weird! How to solve it?

How is this in any way normal? OP does not give a shit about his depressed brother until he finds a place where he fits, then suddenly he needs to sabotage it? Because he doesn't care about his brother unless he does something he doesn't like.
You need to care about family, man, because a lot of the time you are not going to have anybody else to turn to.

These """genders""" are basically a club and since he had no friends this way he will have some so he'd rather fall in line with this shit to have friends.

Basically, the overall message OP:
he needs you now more than ever
set him fucking straight
spend enough time with him to develop social skills
if it was only recently there's still time

Leave him alone
This is his choice and nobody should complaining about it.
Your brother will become qt girl, so better get used

You have to beat it out of him, pronto.