Why do conservative Christians (more specifically, protestants) get so butt hurt over gays getting married...

Why do conservative Christians (more specifically, protestants) get so butt hurt over gays getting married? What's so bad about it?

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I don't even understand why the fuck gays want to get married so badly. What the fuck is the difference of just staying together forever and marriage? Do you need some formal event to legitimize your relationship or something?

Yes. Marriage has some benefits. Honestly if you think there isn't a difference between staying together and being married, then gays getting married shouldn't be a big deal since its no different than them just getting together. Why do straights want to get married? to finalize shit.

Probably because its a sin to them and the state forces them to not only accept their degeneracy but actively facilitate it

it erases the distinction between degenerates and real people
need for external validation is common on the left

Biblically, there's not much wrong with it. It just became socially EXTREMELY taboo ever since the aids crisis of the 70's.

The state also forces people to accept rain storms and pigeons and pollution... should we ban clouds, birds, and cars? The state forces vegans to accept meat eating as a big part of society. Should we ban cows for the sake of vegans?

I don't particularly care what they do, it just seems pointless to me because the entire point is to curb the promiscuity of your partner for some solace in knowing that your offspring is yours and that your partner isn't riddled with STDs. Doesn't seem to me to be the same concern to homosexuals as they are innately promiscuous and unable to birth a child in which they have any biological investment in anyway. It's merely a deterioration of morality in society and a bastardisation of our institutions. Slippery slope.

What's degenerate about homosexuality?

Feel free to ask /polgb


If I wanted God to sanction my sinful life I would hope my priest and friends in the congregation would tell me to stop.

they don't that's just a meme manufactured by the west to make liberals reject Christianity for made up reasons

>oh look at how hypocritical the Christians are, and look at how clever and fair we are, we only want to censor everyone based on our arbitrary framework of morals instead of letting fate (aka the unforseen consequences of your actions or God sort it out

Because you're abominations who parade naked on the street with "God's dead" etc, written on you.

what isn't?
it's literally a dysfunction and we should try to get rid of it and definitely not encourage it

Beats me. Idgaf if fags get married. Just don't force private businesses and religious services to accommodate them.

I don't even understand why the fuck straight people want to get married so badly. What the fuck is the difference of just staying together forever and marriage? Do you need some formal event to legitimize your relationship or something?

Those are fags. A very distinct difference from the average/normal gay. Don't be a nigger.

Not every gay person does this.

I will gladly burn them at the stake for being degenerate, same with you.

Marriage is a christian institution, not an atheist faggot institution? IDK why are you a retard who can't figure out basic shit?
Get a civil union and fuck off kid

I'm dead serious. Marriage is for a man and a woman, and it's also sacred. Sluts, whores, homosexuals, etc need not apply. You are literally watering down the meaning and significance of marriage.

Yeah nah, it's gonna be a fun day to see gay marriage become legalized.

This is the correct answer.

It already is, I don't give a shit about your obese country.

I don't know whether their reasons go beyond because the bible tells them buttfucking other men is bad, but in terms of real consequences, we've already gone down the slippery slope that gay marriage is the gateway to.

anal sex is degenerate.

There is literally nothing bad about it. Gays are such an insignificant portion of the population. Leave them the fuck alone.

The one and only reason is because of the use of force and cultural pressure to make Chrisitians accept homosexuality.

if gays and gay advocates had come to Christians and said, "ok dude, here we go, we're gays and we want to get married legally. We won't force you to accept that. We know you have your beliefs and we have ours. We don't want to force you to act against your conscience, only to be left alone to pursue happiness together."
!0000% of christians would be onboard with it.

It's the forceful, manipulativeness, and the way they constantly target children in indoctrination centers, that makes Christians not only distrustful, but resentful towards gays.

If you assholes acted like people instead of fucking, the thing from the Thing, we wouldn't feel like you were untrustable.

I want them to leave US alone first.

Because its a perversion.

What's laughable is that they don't get butt hurt over divorce or the twisted transformation of marriage from the foundation of a family to an expression of love.

When they let that shit slide they lost the moral high ground and couldn't fight off the fags anymore.

Kill yourselves you fucking sodomites, heard you were pretty good at that.

Not if you prepare. Stop being lazy!

It's appropriating someone else's tradition that has been around longer than homosexual have been socially accepted

Problem is christians should not have to change the definition of marriage just to accommodate degenerates. Homos need to learn to respect others beliefs and traditions

Never read leviticus, dueteronomy, corinthians, galatians, Romans, or the part where Jesus says that marriage is an indivisible life long union where man and woman become one flesh.

>church against gays
>church forced to host gay weddings


Then tell them to shut the fuck up about "muh gay rights, and, hey did I tell you I was GAAAYYYYYYY???" every other 5 fucking seconds so we can at least forget they exist.

You should just embrace cute gay boys and give them estrogen, so they can be a permanent sex slave population for sexually frustrated men tbqh

A literal sex fetish should not be grounds for marriage

If they really wanted to protect the meaning and significance of marriage, they would somehow punish both parties in a divorce
The real reason people are against homosexuals getting married is because they just think that shit's gross
I mean, it's not unusual to think that way, people are just naturally prejudiced against shit they don't agree with
political correctness is a fucking joke and people should just say what they actually mean

In the eyes of God, yes. If you want your relationship legitimized in the eyes of the state get a civil union.

>the entire point is to curb the promiscuity of your partner for some solace in knowing that your offspring is yours and that your partner isn't riddled with STDs
Imagine being this insecure

To be simply put. Whites are ignorant and need to be bred out. The whole reason why my family moved to the states was to have as many children and take as many high paying jobs as possible. Then we buy up land with the free market. Have more children and continue the process. The white boys are too fast to fuck eachother giving us more then enouh white girls to breed so we can get citizenship. White gays are the best thing to ever happen to the states.

not only it normalised something that was never normal being gay but did open the door for all kinds of degenerate shit like trannys pedos and even necropilia incest and all kind of denegerate shit

Hey faggot you had a good run fucking up society for the Jew but now we're all just sick of your 666 genders AntiFa bullshit and you're all going to be wiped out dickhead.

In Iran, we throw dirty faggots scums like you off rooftops. Gays deserve to burn

Then why did you leave?

>mental illness
>wonder why people don't like it

Yes it's an archaic institution but you obviously have no idea why religion and marriage were created in the first place

(1)Gee, I wonder what is so bad about people allowed to freely recruit butt-buddies to burn in Hell together. Of course, nearly all modern protestants are cucks, afraid to condemn any sin whatsoever. But even they are bothered by...

(2)The observable fact that whenever degenerates are given any sort of concession, they immediately, and I do mean immediately, push further. The marriage deal illustrates this perfectly, as faggots have immediately attempted to inflict legal and social punishments on those who was willing to live and let live - now not actively supporting them makes you their enemy. Even the most cucked, "wouldn't it be nice if everyone was nice" Protestant who never stumbled on the thought that the very flag of faggots was chosen as an explicit symbol of defying God, must have an uncomfortable feeling that the end result would probably be him forced to suck dicks in public.

(3)And of course there is the fact that it is impossible for the word "marriage" to have any meaning at all, once faggots are allowed to marry, which is a secular problem as well.

Gay marriage is completely pointless for the fags, and the concept itself poisons the institution of marriage with degeneracy. Literally contributes to demoralizing society.
As to why gays want to get married probably has to do with their entitlement complex and narcissistic glorification of their fetishes.

Conservatives claim if you're gay, HELL. If that were true, all conservatives would get top level hell. Jesus fulfilled the law, so now you can eat sailfish, wear different furs and fuck. The Judaic law was complete through him if you believe.
The sin of Sodom wasn't homosexuality, it was pride. Man and woman marry to form one and develop third with child. Gay's then we're slutty AF And gay marriage didn't exist. A la pre-marital sex

I've asked a few. The number one reason was always taxes. Tax codes for married couples are much nicer than for singles, depending where you are.

That's what civil unions are for.
It's bullshit. They just hate christian institutions, like destroying morality, and normalizing degeneracy. Every homosexual on this board is quite open about the satisfaction they get from doing this.

It isn't just about gay marriage, rather it's only one degenerate part of a larger agenda. Even some fags know this, which is why the redpilled ones stand opposed to this mockery. (((They))) want to destroy all the traditional structures of civilization, including marriage, belief and worship of God, traditional understanding of gender and gender roles, etc. You see they know that screaming about marriage wouldn't have been productive, so what did they do? That's right, instead of going through the larger effort of dismantling it head on they eroded it's very foundations by redefining it.

Smarter than the average poo I see.

All homos are pedophiles. That's why.

>Just don't force private businesses and religious services to accommodate them.
This. My problem with it is that though. Once you legitimise it in marriage, then the argument will be made that businesses and other institutions should treat it as legitimate as other marriages. I personally don't care if gays want to go to a JP and get married in the eyes of the state, I'm worried about how that will be wielded as a weapon in the future to force others into things they want no part of.

Romans corinthians and galatians are new testament. All sin is equal, we're all sinners and deserve hell. Only through Christ can we find redemption in the eyes of the father. We all sin and homosexuals aren't worse than anyone else. There is new testament basis for it being a sin is all I'm saying. Salvation is determined by the Lord alone

Maybe it's different over there , but here it's mainly the catholics who throw tantrums

Honestly this. The gay advocacy groups are cancer and act like Jesse Jackson/Marxist tier strong arm groups
>Do what we say or we'll make you sorry you didn't.
It's blatant hostility, and people act surprised when hostility and threats are met with hostility and threats.

Because Marriadge is an institution created for the purpose of making children and creating a binding contract between the Father & the Mother.
That's why it's also sacred in the eyes of God, the institution of marriadge is part of the sacrifice humans need to make to creat a civilization.
There's no such thing as gay marriadge, they can't create life, they can't have children, they can't get married.

Just cuz some faggot diddled your fiddle when you were little doesnt mean all faggots are pedos


there is a link between homosexuals and being molested as a kid

marriage has literally nothing to do with this

> hurrrdurr It's harder for married people to cheat

who let abos get computers holy fuck

> god
literally the oldest meme

Why have we not killed all faggots and taken the vote away from women?


you know slippery slope is a logical fallacy for a reason right 3rd wolrd?


Slippery slope is only a fallacy to atheists and liberals, whom don't breed, so their opinion is irrelevant.




you mean to literally everyone whonhas rational thought when debating an issue. Take your autism back to the_donald



>i am a leftist fedora that loves sucking penis
>muh donald meme
Get AIDS and die, faggot.



no its no fallacy its taken to the most logical conclusion if you accept one kind of degenerate shit without any reason other than feeling the more will follow look at us now tranny shit pedos in sweden the young party was talking about necrophilia and incest


liberals rational really?
atheist you mean the people who make moral arguments while at the same time belive that morality is subjective those morons?

>The Slippery Slope is a fallacy in which a person asserts that some event must inevitably follow from another without any argument for the inevitability of the event in question.
has nothing to do with liberal rational or atheism. Your argument is just founded on bullshit that isn't true that you can't prove mixed with a bit of retarded ideology


what part of it is not true?
atheist do make moral arguments while they belive in no objective morality hitchens did that also he was socialist scum like most atheist are he was a drunk lenin loving scum
and what ideology? you assume a lot retard i simply see how things have degenerated and you can find the swedish shit with google

Yo 4th world is your reading comprehension 0 this has nothing to do with athiesm or liberal rational you autist

4th world man i do tink canadians are retards but boy you must be a special one glad you are going extinct it has every thing with liberalism and atheism you jackass

>Being this uneducated and dumb
If you were any more retarded someone would have to water you twice a week.

dont you have some arab cock to suck on?
isnt it mandatory now in your country?

> implying I'm liberal because I disagree with your point of view because you're incapable of rationalizing the complex thought that someone can share sinilar political views and still disagree with you

classic Sup Forums

> anyone who disagrees with me is a liberal huuurduur

Why did not even California pass gay marriage if it's so damn popular? Without the courts overstepping their authority gay marriage would remain the total fiction it is.
Also, as if gays even want to get married? The overwhelming majority of them only engage in random anonymous sex, they don't have romantic relationships like normal people.

What's laughable is Christians whining about fag marriage but being A-OK with kike usury. Usury was always a graver sin than sodomy.

We all know you're down for some arab cock but no canada doesn't have arab cock sucking hour like the fine folks in romania do. What time does your 4th world government cut the electricity off? would be a shame to have this conversation interrupted

mate no arabs here we took care of that
about the same time you take your daily dose of african semen and cuck your self like your prime minister

its an abomination to the sanctity of marriage

youre tarnishing the union of man and women with your degeneracy

good to know there are some sane individuals left in that country

am atheist
marriage in the west is a christian ritual
christian rituals dont allow gays to partake
forcing christians to accept gays is against their faith, undermining their religious freedom.

Instead of forcing churches to marry gay people, offer a secular alternative and/or remove the legal implications from religious marriage.


romainia dna on average is 20% asian. you've got arab cock in your mudblood sorry m8