Redpill me on Hitler attacking Poland in September 1939.
Why did he do it?
Redpill me on Hitler attacking Poland in September 1939.
Why did he do it?
The Poles were massacring Germans
it was hard to explain to my family
yes, the AK is a commie gun, but if Russia ever invades, I will use the AK on them and keep the Luger in the glass box.
Because the Poles were killing and raping native Germans in the territories Poland had acquired from Germany after WW1. Germany sought to reclaim those territories in order to protect the native Germans living there and also to regain the lost ground.
>Why did he do it?
That is historically inaccurate lmao. Did you read this off some Sup Forums post and accept it as fact?
Just noticed you're German. How the fuck do you not know this?
>Why did he do it?
>muh danzig
>muh lebensraum
also this
You're a fucking retard.
so he attacked poland, starting anew world war, which in turn, resulted in the massacre of more germans.
makes perfect fucking sense.
I was taught Britain attacked Germany because its treaty with Poland promised Britain would protect Poland from invasion. I was surprised to learn later Poland wasn't invaded only by Germany - it was invaded by Germany and the USSR. We only attacked Germany, not USSR. And what happened after the war? Poland ended up under USSR control. So much for our treaty ensuring we'd protect Poland's sovereignty.
How am I retard. Find me a credible source for your stormnigger claims.
Germany invaded Poland to expand the empire. There was no massacre you speak of, it's actually pseudo-history you picked up from some biased documentary based on shitty sources
For the lulz
AK was ripped off from the Nazi Sturmgewehr 44 anyway.
Germany loses territory in WW1, Germans still stuck there, Poles murdering them, Nazi Germany invades.
It's quite obvious
>Hitler wanted a piece of Polish land so he could be closer to Russia for the upcoming war
>in exchange he would give his military support when a war will happen and most of the land won in war would go to Poland
>Poland refuses and sides with brits instead (we all know how good it went)
That's it.
Go to YouTube and listen to David Duke and Mike King the bad war
France and Poland were planning to invade Germany.
He just struck first.
you wanna know what else is historically accurate? (((the holocaust))) 100% definitely happened
Free land.
britain attacked germany because of balance of power, who needs change when you thrive? treaties are just excuse to intervene, allied gave up on poland because ussr was involved. poland ended up under ussr control because the poles in charge in poland were commies. Poles who fled poland had no legetimacy to claim anything at the negociation tables.
Just because I know History doesn't mean I believe in the holocaust as that is debatable.
However polish killing Germans is propaganda used by Germany to invade Poland. There is no historical account, you're just rehashing what other Sup Forums posters said before and accepting it as fact just because it's on Sup Forums
What a fallacious argument you have
Poles killing ethnic germans, regain territory taken after the treat or versailles, create a buffer zone between the reich and the red Army. if a war was going to be fought against stalin it would be fought in the east and not on german soil was the reasoning.
For exactly the reason he said. Danzig and West Prussia are rightful German lands.
there were a couple of reasons actually
>poles opressing ethnic germans
>poles collaborating with bolshewism
>poles having stolen lands with german majority, which they gained throught the treaty of Versailles
butthurt American polak?
heres a pre gud summary u fucking shill, now, kys
Because poles were murdering German civilians. You cannot dispute this.
not a fucking argument you dumb chink rat.
East prussians who ended up under polish rule after the germans had territory taken off them after WWI. they also lost Alsace and Lorraine to the French.
>a fucking sword
how is that not an argument you inbred fuck?
if he truly wanted to stop german massacre, he wouldn't start a world war, would he?
Poles killed literally 6 gorrilion native germans. They managed to do that in a year, although holocaust isn't real because you can't kill 6 gorillion of jews in four years. Or something.
They didn't gib rightful clay
lmao you fucking retard. I'm a shill for trying to learn real history? Fuck u bud
>"unknown" history (automatic bs)
>all sources are from Germany Pre and Post Invasion during Nazi rule whose goal was expansion
I'm about to redpill you retards about actually history
>Poland started WWII by inflicting atrocities on ethnic Germans inside Poland (see Danzig Massacres)
First of all, there is no such thing as "The Danzig Massacre" this is LITERALLY something you just made up and Im pretty sure even the shitty meme movie you mention doesnt even say that. What you are referring to is an event known as "Bloody Sunday"
But heres the kick, this event happened 3 days AFTER the Germans invaded Poland, so how the fuck could Poland be the one to start it then?
>b-but the Poles still killed poor innocent ethnic Germans though!
No because the Germans the Polish Military did kill attacked them first since they were part of a pro-Nazi militia force called the Selbstschutz. This militia force attacked first and then got #rekt by the Polish Army. When the Nazis came across this, they used it for propaganda purposes about how poor innocent Germans were slaughtered, but even then, They still never even pretended that was the direct cause of their invasion because again, it happened 3 DAYS AFTER THE NAZIS INVADED.
Also, Poland never even owned Danzig. It was a free city under the care of the League of Nations. Poland had no say in what Danzig did. The war started because Hitler wanted the Polish Corridor in order to connect his eastern territories with Germany. When Poland refused to just hand the area over, he invaded.
Rub those two braincells together a little harder you cross eyed chink.The question was why did he enter "Poland".
The same reason for virtually every other modern invasion, Germany was having economic problems due to their retarded socialist policies so to stimulate artificial activity and distract the populace from their low wages he did a false flag where he got SS soldiers to dress up as Polish soldiers and shoot up a German radio station so they could go and "liberate Germans in Poland".
He needed dedicated toilet cleaners.
what of it?
waste of digits.
Knowing that the Germans wouldn't tolerate the ethnic persecutions against their people in the lost territories given to Poland by the Versailles Treaty the Zionist probably promoted these nonsense pogrom's using their controlled media, financed by the powerful banksters as a manoeuvre to provoke the Germans, luring them into invading Poland, thus creating a pretext to start one more profitable war as France and Britain reassured and promise assistance in Poland's foreign policy to whatever it may be.
The worst massacres will take place between 31 August and 6th September. The climax came n 3rd September in Bromberg, in what is known as Bloody Sunday. The mass murders would only end on the18th of September with the arrival of German troops near Lowitsch.
It's also worth adding that Selbstschutz used to murder czech people in Sudetenland. One of the many reasons why the germans were later kicked out from there.
The Poles were out to defend the interest of these intellectual elite which were being threatened by the progress created by the National Socialist movement, that if wasn't brought to a halt, would certainly inspire the rest of the world into follow its example. If Germany wasn’t stopped, perhaps the world would be freed of the Bankster’s usury and these so called Freemasons, bankers designation to exploit, undermine and subjugate other peoples by sordid means and endless cycle of debt. Ironically enough, it seems the allies fought and defeated their liberators to save the world’s enslavers as you can see today. Adolf Hitler would be able to save the remaining Germans and would only retake territories lost to the asinine treaty of treaty of Versailles while Soviet Union takes the rest, however war would only be declared on Germany by the England and France.
"Once again the peoples were told that if they destroyed the leader of the German nation all would be well with the world. Germany rallied behind its leader. Britain trusted its Government. Both peoples believed their leaders would save the world. It was a
tragedy of faith in men. One nation has to fight for a new economic and political system the other to preserve the old ones. "
Lebensraum. His intent was to colonize eastern Europe and western Russia with Germans, and send the Jews to Siberia.
He tried to avoid WW2 by getting Russia to help him.
I realise that's the case, and Britain just wanted to smash Germany, but a big thing of it is made as Britain's moral imperative, total bunk. Not only did Poland lose its sovereignty, Britain was exhausted by the war; the balance of power changed greatly - in the US's favour. Britain fighting World War 2 was a mistake.
Germans were extremely butthurt over the results of WWI. Add to this fascism, nazism and german retardation. Viola
yeah fuck you guys
>be Hitler
>fight in WWI
>see huge chunks of your land given to Poland
>see large population of Germans subjected to Polish government
>Historic German city of Danzig becomes Gdansk
>find out ethnic Germans are being murdered
>millions of refugees coming across the border telling horrific stories of how cruel the Poles are to the Germans
>Demand Danzig corridor to unite Germany and East Prussia
>Poles refuse
>all the while knowing you will eventually have to fight the Soviet Union as they will eventually become strong enough to invade western Europe.
>need border with Soviets and need it fast to begin preparing for invasion of Soviet Union before they become too strong
>France and Britain declare war on Germany for preemptive measures to fight the Soviets
>Soviet Union also invades Poland
>Britain and France do nothing to deter Soviets
>start WWII over Poland
>end up giving Poland to Stalin anyways
No one seem to mention the most obvious fact, Germany was forced to seed territories to Poland that had traditionally belonged to the Germany since medieval times after WW1. They were simply reclaiming Prussia, and the traditionally German territories from Poland.
They were not planning to conquer all of Europe from the beginning, but when Britain and France attacked Germany, they decided to invade France and then extended their campaign to the rest of Europe.
Hitler notoriously hated to fight Britain as he considered them to be a brethren people of Germany. He thought they were of high class and much like germans. He respected Britain and wanted to get along with them in reality.
>german retardation
Coming from a toilet merchant thats funny. You have been jewish pawns for the majority of your existence.
there is not point in arguing with a pole its like arguing with a jew.
Poles have basically merged with jews racially
exactly why they argue like one.
>That is historically inaccurate lmao. Did you read this off some Sup Forums post and accept it as fact?
He pulled it from The Greatest Story Never Told.
looks like you're out of arguments buddy
hitler only loved his own people.
the only thing he admired britain for was its colonial empire which consisted of sp^reading white people all over the world, this was hitler's wet dream and plan with the lebensraum
>Powder keg
>Everything's always in the perfect condition to happen
Poles are stupid
Nobody is buying what you're selling toilet merchant
>jewish pawns
Not an argument.
Half of it is speculation and reasons why you think it happened.
Like this:
>territories given to Poland by the Versailles Treaty the Zionist probably promoted these nonsense pogrom's using their controlled media, financed by the powerful banksters as a manoeuvre to provoke the Germans, luring them into invading Poland,
That is all speculation. He literally says "probably". It's not fact. My argument was fact, I cited actual events to dismiss the propaganda and contrarian evidence you seek to validate your support of invading poland
i am trying to attack the legitimacy of his motivations on entering poland. i think it was the worst fucking idea in the world. i am not defending it. i am attacking it.
yep, because eveybody knows that hitler, in fact loved communism, and would love to make allies with the ussr.
The USSR under Stalin wasn't properly Communist, desu, not in the Jewish sense. It was a National Communism whereas true Jewish Communism is International. Hitler and Stalin could've, theoretically, been great allies in crushing the International Jewish menace.
>some lonely chink thinks he would of done better than Hitler
top fucking kek
Nobody is buying what your selling toilet merchant.
"To be or not to be, that is the question that is preoccupying our people, Captain. We need breathing room."
"Earth, Hitler - 1938"
it was just a prank that the allies took serious
>got em
Lmao not an argument.
Ad hominem attack + post biased sources (literally fuhrer bunker) + the. Links me an historically innaccurate video that I already refuted
Why do you keep dragging on. Admit that you're wrong like a grown up. I'm a pro to-fascist too but I learned to keep away from bias when learning knowledge even history.
Ethnic Germans were being killed, raped, and politically/economically persecuted.
Hitler, wishing a unified Germanic race, brought them under the Reich's protection.
By integrating persrcuted German minorities in Poland, not only would they stop facing oppression, but the integrity of the German people overall would also become stronger due to new farmlands and resources.
No, just watched the Nazi Propaganda film The Greatest Story Never Told and then accepted it as fact.
I keked at this jewish tales
i am not saying i would have done it better than hitler.
but hypocrisy is all over his fucking "justifications "to attack poland. stop defending that shit. even i can see that much.
Sometimes you just gotta invade the pollacks man
That is just untrue
>This thread
dude, yes, but hitlers's election propaganda was pretty much anti communist. he rose to power thanks to his claims that he would defend the motherland from communism, and that commies were the scums of the earth. also communist belief that everybody is equal doesn't mach up with the nazi principle of german superiority. the cores of their ideals clashed. an alliance was not possible between them
I never saw this picture, thanks for sharing it. Real history must be told.
This. Polish juden were genociding germans and they were just defending themself ;(
I keep trying to explain my nazi memorabilia to people. But they all leave me.
At least my doggo stays
trying to liberate them
It's simple. To all the questionable decisions he made. He assumed the Allieds would eventually turn against the Bolsheviks. He was wrong about the semite strength within the US already.
this! it was german clay too!
shit wrong picture!! ignore please! how do i delet this please?
That picture states the boy died on September 3 1939, after Germany had declared war on Poland.
This is evidence of extreme animosity between poles and ethnic germans, but is not a justification for a war that had already been declared.
Uh, it's in the YouTube video friend. It's like you didn't even watch "the greatest yarn ever spun"
Smh desu senpai
It's a real shame every single German wasn't murdered after the war.
Poland had the biggest jew population in all of Europe. Jews were extremely butthurt about Germans resisting jews and stopping them from creating a communist revolution in Germany.
Jews are fucking savages, so they started attacking the Germans who lived in Poland.
They were asking to get invaded. It was probably part of their plan to cause WW2.
>anime patches on your pack
How much do you weigh?