Hello guys

Rate my truck please, fellow centipedes.

pretty gay bro

Shabbas goy but consider smaller texts to fill in your many vacant spaces

xD funny picture! mind if i save it?

Lmao people with bumper stickers are fucking sub-human

what happened on 4/11/2008

was it obongo?!

step aside boys, daddy's here

Fuck off back to plebit.

This, I cringe at anyone who puts bumper stickers on their car. Especially when it's some political or societal shit like that "coexist" sticker or some snark comment.

Probably got this off of reddit.

Directly underneath was probably a bunch of liberal arts majors jerking each other off about how intelligent and reasonable they are compared to Republicans while their wife's sons cry in the background.

>has a 'suck on it snowflake' sticker, implying his disdain for individualistic self-absorbtion
>has a literal snowflake sticker

autistic noting of hypocrisy when it comes to bumper stickers/ adhesive vehicle adornments aside, snowflakes are aesthetic AF

Fucking based spicy black man.
AIPAC parking lot is shiggy diggy.

The oregon license plate just confirms jesus freak tweaker

>Directly underneath was probably a bunch of liberal arts majors jerking each other off about how intelligent and reasonable they are compared to Republicans while their wife's sons cry in the background.
i dont see why liberals do this exact same retarded cringe shit all the time do you know how many suburu's i see covered in autistic liberal bs in vermont ? also who here /nobumperstickers/ master race ?

I cringe when trolls fail in creating believable shitposts.

Utilizing embarrassment and the fear of being ostracized is a typical tactic of the faggoty left. Shallow motherfuckers... a bunch of shades and ghosts with no heart or soul. Damn I cant stand liberals.

No American flag?

How much good/bad attention do you get from your fellow American for having This?

enough leafnigger, just enough...

Please explain the centipede meme.

Shiggy diggy are you new here? Do you even MAGA?

That depends on what state you are in. In Portland, Oregon, it would probably be reduced to a smoking husk in 5 1/2 hours.

We're not centipedes dipshit. Get the fuck out.

>(((new jersey)))

no redneck lives in new jersey