Hasn't been a happening thread lately

Hasn't been a happening thread lately...
It's been pretty quiet...
Fuck, is something big going to happen, Sup Forums?
Second coming of Christ?
Coming of the Anti-Christ?
I'm probably just scared of shadows, but i CAN'T be the only one who feels on edge?

Other urls found in this thread:


nah there is something going on, and even the average joe will say so in my experience. There is a feeling of being too far from the shore. A feeling that enemies are congregating. Kind of like that feeling you cant shake off after having a deeply strange nightmare. I dont know how to put it in words. It is a feeling of angst and fear that is tangible. Now some of this fear is amplified in places like pol because of the discussions that are had. Still though it is more than that. It is a real fear and ucertainty for many people on the planet, I think. Still in spite of this though, there is hope. It is always dreary and dark at 3:30 am, but there is also the knowledge that the sunrise is soon to come.

I think the big happenings will start at the beginning of summer (northern hemisphere)


If you look at it as an anit-christ(ian), it's either a controler who says he is Christian whilst doing all the opposites, or an anti Christian like a muslim leader or something. To be honest, i think we are close to a global event which will eradicate all prior notions of "god", and whomever claimed to be this person, will be back to fuck/save all of humanity. Every few thousand years some huge event wipes humans off the earth without a trace, as it seems. Apparently some fucked up shit is happening in Antarctica, like the elites are trying to start some shit or something.

Things I'm predicting
1. Violent Civil unrest. TBTP will use it to their advantage to "purge" undesirables, and then declare martial law when it gets out of hand.
2. Precipice to World War 3; Iran/NK nuke collusion becomes known, invasions of both countries
3. Economic recession; It's coming. Will coincide with simultaneous invasions

Been on Sup Forums for about a decade, this is the calmest it has been in awhile.
There is no incoming happening
You've been trained by this site to expect constant happenings, and that gives you this general feeling of malaese when nothing is happening.
Its nothing, believe me.
All who come to this board feel it after awhile, but the root cause is a simple psychological trick.
In the same way you expect predators to jump out of the bushes in the wild, you are expecting some major happening to occur.
>protip, it won't.

Bah missed quads by an inch, my night is ruined.

The antichrist is the embodiment of several, they walk among us and the dome of the rocks foundation will be under Judea in our time, with the way Trump speaks perhaps sooner be careful and watch what you speak.

I would say that there will be massive economic recession followed by a world bank being created, at which point they will begin using biometrics of some sort to keep track of use and allow us to use our currency

after that it could lead to a despotic regime with capacity to disable your biometrics if you dont agree with them enough, possible antichrist for OP

after that it is large scale killing of people who disagree and terrorists, who cant buy anything anywhere due to their being barred from the bank.

>Tl:Dr economy crash worse than the dustbowl of the 20's and followed by a unified currency that will lead to an authoritarian regime and eventually either peaceful future or apocalypse

Yesssssir ;)

I predict a terrorist attack somewhere in France. Although I don't wish such thing ever happens to those french qts.

Let's hope it's peaceful. It's the only way we'll ever reach the stars.

would also say that if we're following the christian ideology there will be a leader pretending to be conservative christian who is likely muslim, followed by a global jihad lead by this anti-christ.

rapture will happen sometime during this which could be explained by most people as aliens (demons) having abducted people, also everyone after this point would be sterile.

Aliens (demons pretending to be them) will then help the united government (behind the united bank) with advanced tech

following this line of reasoning, possibly pre-rapture/abductions there will be chips used for banking that would alter our genetic code to make us non-human in gods eyes (this is the mark of the beast), mind you it'll make you effectively immortal so...enjoy?

>Tl:Dr demons pretending to be aliens (though technically they could be) following a unified government behind a global bank, will abduct people (rapture, this will be a likely explanation for the world after demons posing as aliens make contact) and change our genetic code to make us immortal (and inhuman in gods eyes)

I was feeling this too. What's the best kind of curry?

>What's the best kind of curry?

All. Truly depends on what kind of curry muncher you are.

I like red curry and massuman curry

The economic bubble will pop some time during Trumps presidency unless he delays it with some emergency legislation.( we never recovered from 2008, some things just fundamentally changed and we have yet to adapt).
Trump is the type to push it down the line and hang it on the next guy, so if we do see any major economic troubles it will be because he chose to bear the consequences of Obama's previous policies. (forever ruining his legacy as a president). He did decide to gut the most ruinous portions of Obamacare, so that in itself is a good thing( conserves a large portion of taxpayer funded liabilities).
I think when he does choose to pop the bubble itll be in his second term. They will try to make it happen early, maybe due to a flash crash that sends the market tumbling, ruining any chance of economic recovery during the Trump years.

Wait so you're saying if you're a Christian you're screwed?

Basically without Christian Orthodoxy which started when Jesus died, Catholicism and Protestantism wouldn't have existed.
Catholicism and Protestantism were created by some guys who wanted to do their own religion by changing fundamental dogmas in Christian Orthodoxy to their liking, starting with the Great Schism on 1054.
Christian Orthodoxy upholds great values and has clean hands with history, not killing people like Catholics to get more people to join their religion.
It is the one true good religion.

One problem with that. Recessions happen during occupations, during full scale total war the economy will be gang busters.

if you are a christian or below the "age of understanding" (so less than 13) then you get raptured, otherwise you live through it, dying off in the coming apocalypse.

alternatively it is a purge of christians and a removal of the human race's ability to reproduce, either way the future likely ends up with islam ruling a large portion of the world and being allied to the leader of the world.

>basically christians are either fucked or good, but we're all leaving at some point after the unified global government

nah, it's just my birthday

It takes years for a World War to come out of an occupation. These things don't happen overnight.
I don't care either way. I wish to be in Heaven as soon as possible. I remember reading an interesting thread that went something along the lines of "Those who hate everything of this earthly existence will be the first ones to enter Heaven." It certainly is fitting.

Happy birthday Serb:) you are good guys.

well, those who follow christ should hate the world, hence the leaving, all you'd really need is to repent before he came and accept him as saviour, afterwards you'll just have to be a martyr to get into heaven, likely muslims choppng off your head or crucifying you

I was baptized and did all the Sacraments up the Eucharist, and I started praying a fuckton recently so I hope I'm good. I do believe. Being crucified would suck but so does showing up to work so we'll see how it goes.

martyrdom is only necessary post rapture/alien abduction...when all the children in the world are gone and nobody can have kids, you'll know that you have to be a martyr. On the flipside if you randomly hear trumpets you'll be gone within a second of hearing it, to the amazement of everyone around you.

>once again though this is purely from a christian standpoint

This is called pure batshit crazy insanity.
My mother believes shit like this and shes a basket case.

It's crazy. I was relatively bluepilled normie just a month ago and now I firmly believe Satan is running the shitshow we call this modern world.

We won't really know shit's hitting the fan (outside of Indian people getting sucked into jet engines) until we start seeing the widespread warfare. After that is famine, then plague, more famine, and more war. There will also be a martyrdom of Christians, followed by earthquakes and astronomical phenomenon.

There's a good argument to be made that we're seeing those signs already. War is breaking out/threatening to break out wherever you look, entire nations are starving, and unknown diseases have sprung up in Africa recently (if I recall correctly). On top of that, Christians are being martyred in the middle east. 90k were said to have been killed just in 2016 specifically for their faith.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Antichrist reveals himself soon. Someone will come along, presenting himself as a peace-maker, and lay claim to the world through some form of conquest. Could be financial conquest, making the world indebted to him, uniting most of the world against a common enemy (most signs point to Israel. I know Sup Forums doesn't like Jews, and that's a topic for another time that largely justifies it), or just plain old superior firepower cowing the other nations to grovel at his feet. They'll most likely also present themselves as a messiah, a savior to the world.

The false prophet will appear close to the same time, and cause people to take the mark of the beast. No real way to tell what form that will take, personally I think it will be some form of genetic engineering. The mark will be required by the Antichrist to buy or sell, so it could very well be some sort of banking chip installed in either the hand or head. What is certain, however, is that this will only be given to people who worship the Antichrist. That opens the realm of possibility to some sort of oath of allegiance to him, or another form of binding contract.

Then there's pic related. Tellingly, it takes place close to the Feast of Trumpets. 1/2

cool larping poetfag

consider the morality of the world and you'll see it clashes with traditional christian morality.

on another note, it isnt so crazy if you consider that demons and god could be considered aliens, possibly made out of pure energy or somehow able to manipulate it from an alternate dimension. This could be further collaborated by EVP and all of our precious metals (silver, gold, copper) being good conductors, and why most idols would be made out of said precious metals.

Leaf you are just here to make us all look insane. You're the devil here.
>pls go

Yes, Christian Orthodox believers became martyrs.

Fun fact: Bob Marley realized the truth near the end of his life and became Christian Orthodox in Africa before he died.

I'm (dis)liking those digits. We'll see what comes my friend.

>Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Supposedly the mark is some form of RFID chip that emits radiation or vibrates at a frequency able to mutate our genetics.

Antichrist will end up leading the muslims, who are "sons of the lord of the endtimes", indeed the mark of the beast can be translated from the original hebrew texts into 666, but when translated through Arabic translates to islam

Literally nothing dude.

Love coming to these threads and soaking in all the fucking hilariously cringey rhetoric that christcucks love to spout. You guys call pagans larpers but you're the biggest fucking larpers around, talking like you're privy to any knowledge beyond what your physical self can attain. Oh yes please make more threads where you act like your heebie jeebies are divinely inspired, it provides priceless entertainment for me.

Everytime you bash Christianity, the Jew wins. Think about that

Where do you get your particular brand insanity from? Obviously this propaganda is strong and many fringe christians believe it, so I'd like to read your sources.
>Do we recognize the ravings of a madman or is this the norm here in Sup Forums now?

Are you even reading what this guy is posting? He's a legit basket case that is making this board look like pure undiluted insanity. Shit like this is almost engineered to discredit Christianity and anyone who even reads shit like this will think less of those around him purely via association.


The trumpets are linked to the end times, coming at the seventh seal and before the judgements. There will be hail and fire from the sky, destroying much of the vegetation on earth. After that there are supposed to be meteors, first in the ocean, then affecting the lakes and rivers. Following that, the sun and moon will be darkened. And then, joy of joys, we get demonic locust coming to torture mankind.

Then things start to get bad. A demonic army will be released to wipe out a third of the people on the planet. They're the lucky ones, because after that the seventh trumpet brings about the judgements.

At first we'll all get sores breaking out on our bodies causing immense pain. Then all the sea life will die, and the rivers will turn to blood. The sun will scorch the earth and torment us further, and then the sores will get even more painful during a time of darkness. The sixth bowl results in the Euphrates River being dried up and the armies of the Antichrist being gathered together to wage the battle of Armageddon. Then, to top it all off, there will be a devastating earthquake and huge hail raining on the earth.

If you manage to live through all of that, and are Christian, good news! Jesus is coming back to prevent the extinction of mankind. If you aren't Christian, bad news! Jesus is coming back filled with wrath at the continued disobedience of man, to rule over us with a rod of iron. He will utterly crush anyone who stands against Him, tossing them into the lake of fire to be obliterated for all time.

There's a happy ending though. That begins the thousand year rule, where the Lord (and his saints) will teach what remains of humanity how to live by God's law. It will be a time of peace and plenty.

Dude, it's literally the current year. The world is slipping slower and slower into the depths of insanity. He doesn't come across as crazy at all in my opinion.

>when your buddy pranks you by superglueing your glock to your jeans

im just waiting for the next sept 23


i was all in on the last sept 23 2015 but this is the continuation

literally google around for it, I dont have the sources as I got them from a guy I know IRL, I only trust his words on it because I've seen demons tossed out of someone before.

>on another note, it wouldnt matter either way, you have the free will to reject what I say and there are those who will knowingly reject god, and then there is also the other sidenote that you'll rarely if ever see any kind of proof towards these claims due to having to have faith in god to believe them...so I cant give you concrete answers any more than anyone else

"Something wonderful."

>Everytime you bash Christianity, the Jew wins
Why are you complaining? Isn't the idea of Christians becoming a hated minority all over the world part of your end times prophecy? Christians getting almost annihilated is the end-game, deal with it.

you are a loser being feminized by word games becasue you failed as a male who excellin spacial perception and math


now you know exactly whats going on

Got bored of pol lately, haven't been on, but did anything ever come from this non-habbening?

Based leaf. "The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit."

Actually, every bar code everywhere is the 666 the bible forecasted - RFID chip is an extension for humans of this - an internal device for putting a mark on a human being. Thus, depriving humans from freedom.
Christian Orthodoxy knows.

>nuclear sunrise
As if humanity will manage to keep their toys to themselves.

Obviously not.

Are you fucking kidding me my dude?
RFID implants to buy and sell? Lets see how you can convince the consumer base as a whole to take up something like that. I guarantee you many people would revert to bartering before doing some crazy shit like that.
Trumpets whisking away all the good little boys and girls, and all the Christians?
Yeah, I've got a dragon to sell you.
It's pure unadulturated insanity. This is the flip side of the SJW coin, and exactly why so many people hated the right in the first place. Keep this up and you'll destroy everything weve worked for.
>this is not welcome on Sup Forums

Pretty sure that was just a fuckup of equipment, kind of like when people swear Jesus appeared on their toast

We're still months away

It is real, though. What it means, i don't know,

Rapture is a misconception, there's no mass vanishing of people taken away to heaven coming, even according to the Bible

implants to use currency in the only bank, rather than be deemed an economic terrorist by the government backed by said bank...pretty simple to convince most people to take the chip

I wanna hear this story

Matthew 24:40-42
Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.


I dunno, the (((Kushner))) link has some teeth on it. Give it a read.

2013 is calling it wants China's gold backed currency acknowledged


hell I really need a happening soon.
Iám addicted to that shit

I wouldn't say that there is no happening, our government and media have been pumping us up for war for well over a year now and now macedonians are pretty close to starting it, the kebab remover 3000 is operational, waiting for the green light

This thread is just too funny, christicucks thinking there is some sort of anti-christ. ITS THE JEWS

Note that the people of Noah’s day “did not know until the flood came and took them all away”. Being taken here is a bad thing—being taken in calamity and death. Likewise it would seem that those who are “taken” in the end time are those who are swept away by the swirl of catastrophic events. Those who are “left” are spared. This has nothing to do with the rapture.

People would riot first, the amish and the mormons would die first, these are guys that refuse blood transfusions on their deathbed. You really think they(and most freedom loving americans) would eschew that without civil war? I'm sorry but you must think poorly of the common man and see yourself as some enlightened invidiual on the hill looking down at the poor unwashed masses who don't believe your particular mental illness.

>tfw these guys are the one thing worse than sjws.

There could be an army of demons fighting the final war outside my window and I'll still be listening for Skykings.

guy invited over to the house for dinner, we eat, guy I know trys excorcism on him, demon appears to leaver, we're all good.

we decide to have a campfire because its a good night to roast marshmallows, and also because fuck staying in the house, as we're about to leave I see the guy who had the exorcisms eyes and they change for a second, I do a double take and on the second take they're back to normal.

cut to campfire, I havnt said shit about the eyes because likely trick of the imagination, anyway, he gets noticed by the guy who did the exorcism and it leads to another one

>this time it was talking through him and saying some rather serious shit, dog is losing its mind at this for no real reason (presumably demon), eventually guy doubles over and breathes out for a good minute or two, not like I've ever seen before in my life or after and thats the end of that.

no the time of noah was a completely normal time until all of a sudden noah was taken away completely out of harm and all the other people perished immediatly

Notice here how it says they were eating and drinking and marrying, that proves that its a time of peace and a normal average day

Matthew 24:37-38
But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

I have always believed the Pre Trib rapture would happen on a Rosh Hashanah, and this year's one as this post points out has some signs in the heavens.
Trump claims to be Christian, and I believe him. Pence is obviously Christian. If the Rapture happens on 9/23/17, both of these men will be gone, and anyone in the presidential line of succession who remains will be a degenerate. Also, how many police officers, fire fighters, US Armed Forces will be gone. It'll be the most immediate power vacuum to ever appear in world history.
If you are not saved, you should accept Jesus today. You do NOT want to be around the day after the Rapture. Who will there be to save your freedom of speech?

I dont doubt people will fight it, but I also realize that there will come a time when people accept it, I'm not pretending this will be bloodless, just that fighting it with a bartering community considered to be a terrorist group, and likely fighting your own government as well as the people joining them on this issue, will not end in victory.

Rapture is not in the Bible. Also, the Bible specifically states that the antichrist will kill Christians. The beheaded under the altar, anyone?

Is her name 'Lisa?'

One could alternatively interpret March 6 2021 as March 4 2021 (inclusion of Sept 23, March 4). March 4 was the original inauguration day for president of the USA.

Jesus is the next president of the US, Trump is a false prophet.

If you are supporting a candidate for office of president in 2020 that is not 33 years old, you are making a mistake.

How did he "try" the exorcism?
Jesus man, how long have you been involved in this crazy underworld?
Seriously worried about your health. This is not a survivable worldview for someone to lead a happy or successful life with. My mother is like you and shes probably going to kill herself before 50.
Please try to sort yourself out, I know you have probably held these convictions for a long time but its painful for people who love you to watch you chase these delusions. Put yourself in the shoes of an average passerby and imagine you're that person, then someone else is telling you this and youve never heard it before. Give it some critical thought.

No. Sad to hear another one lost to Christian fearmongering though.

What "fear"? Thinking about going to heaven makes me chill as fuck.

In Greek, Harpazo. In Latin, Rapture. In English, Caught Up.
Christians have been saying for centuries the Rapture would come, followed by the Tribulation.
When all Christians vanish, and the prophesies of Revelation start coming true, you don't think anyone will convert? It'll be too late to be caught up, but if the choice is beheaded by the Antichrist and go to heaven, or join Antichrist and go to hell forever, a lot of people will convert.

>thousand year rule
>thousand year Reich

>exposed the usury, deceit and manipulation on the part of the Jew, overturning the money changers tables in the Temple, that den of Satan, telling particular Jews they were the sons of the Devil, and moreover, he had become popular among the people and a true threat to the hegemony of the wicked Pharisees. For this he was murdered.

>Hitler was aware of the Jewish influence working to impoverish and enslave the people. He was articulate and passionate and earned a devoted following.

>He overturned the tables of the Bankers just as Christ had done to the Jews in the temple. He spoke Truth and challenged the hegemony of the Jews, the New Pharisees, the Bankers.
>Just as Christ attempted to cleanse the Temple, Hitler was attempting to cleanse the world.

>Just as the Pharisees chose to free Barabbas and murder Christ, the West chose to ally with Stalin and destroy The Third Reich.
>Just as the Jews exercised their will through the Romans, the Jews exercised their will through Churchill, that drunken indebted Zionist puppet.



believe me, I've tried to be objective about this as much as possible, but my only conclusion is that it happened.

I try to take things with a grain of salt, I'm just throwing this out there because OP seemed to want some ideas of the future, like I said though, I'm not gonna force you to believe me.

>exorcism was him commanding the demon to speak and leave under the authority granted him by the blood of christ, it wasn't reading from the bible and chanting a billion verses.

as for suicide, it would immediately end in hell, so I can say I'll never fall down that rabbit hole, and if your mother is so far into it, you might be able to pull her out with that.

You can't even reasonably concieve the Christian version of the afterlife. It is never explicitly defined or stated in any way. For all you know it could be a lake of fire that has a slightly more palatable tingle when you take a dip.

Look at the language though. Being taken away clearly refers to death, not being raptured.

Going by your interpretation of scripture, Jesus would return before the the tribulation. He isn't coming until the end, to prevent the extinction of man.

Assumably the antichrist would be coming up with a more plausible reason than just a |they rapture happened"

Everything is bullshit. The sleeping bovine masses don't care though, hence nothing will change except to get worse.

what was he saying tho

Yup, and many will believe him. But many will not.

It is, actually. "Now if we are children, then we are heirs--heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory." God made us in His likeness to bring us into His family. And as members of the family of God, we will share in His rule of creation.

Chewing is pretty redpilled I'll give it that. We'll see what happens.

no it says we are alive when the rapture happens right here

when we are transformed our body just changes into spiritual body

1 Thessalonians 4:17
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

>Jesus would return before the the tribulatio
i believe in pre tribulation rapture

but then he comes back at the end of the tribulation again and then everyone who took the mark of the beast goes to hell

"THE" antichrist is not biblical.

Antichrist literally means "those without Christ."

What IS biblical is FALSE PROPHETS. Clearly this is Obama and Trump, who have collectively deceived virtually everyone.

The Beast, and The False Prophet that calls for his worship. And YOU knew that already.

The beast is two headed.

Obama and Osama.

The false prophet, Trump, runs cointel to make the birth certificate question go away.

If the suicide argument is the only portion of the argument you cared to take issue with, you're already too far gone.
Please don't bring any children into this world and raise them to fear the world the way you do, living in constant turmoil under such a radical belief system. My little sister has had her chances of a normal life ruined irrevocably because of this madness. You need to sit down and reevaluate how you see the world from the ground up. Really sit and think about it. It's painful to watch you post on and on about these things because you see them as incredibly valid threats to your livelyhood. I imagine you feel as though you are always under assault. The whole of the world is against you. Just sit down and think about it all. How you arrived to these beliefs, what you've gained from it. What value it has.

Do you think Obama was born outside of the US? I don't know where I stand on that. I know he has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood though.

he asked it to identify itself, it responded with "Jezebel", he tried to cast it out and it told him to essentially fuck off, he asked why it was there and it appears this guy had a strong attraction to a woman, and he basically went on in detail how much he loved/wanted her, so he eventually cast it out and told the guy to repent.

>dog was barking crazy, I was terrified for no real reason (it looked/sounded odd, but for some reason I was deathly afraid)

>Trump claims to be Christian, and I believe him. Pence is obviously Christian.

Evangelicals aren't christians. Divorce is prohibited in real Christianity, sex until marriage as well, vanity, being a neocon, etc

This is why neither of them are real Christians.

All that Jesus, Satan, Obama, Reich happenings are fucking boring AAAAND will not happen