So I have a Mezzican dodging me on recent work

I subcontracted some concrete work recently to a guy/ company. Not much but 3 separate jobs spanning 9 residential driveways and about 27,000 shekels in work. The first two went off without a hitch. On the third contract he finished the work, i paid him, and that should have been that.

Well on that final contract he stole my concrete blankets then hasn't answered my phone since. Been 3 weeks now. He also provided a false SSN in all 3.

I have his email, DL#, vehicle registration, fake SSN (a dead guy from MT),license plate numbers for every vehicle and trailer/piece of equipment he owns, his wife,children's, sisters and mothers names, and each local company he holds an account with.

I've been playing this construction game a decent amount of time and had never been fucked. Hundreds of subs at this point. I gave him plenty of time to get back to me (crazy shit does happen). I am legitly livid and want my blankets back at the least.

What do?

P.S. I have all that info through normal business practice and social interaction with him. I just wrote it down because his type are known pieces of shit.

Suggestions welcomed

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let him know that you know, give him the option to play your game, and then report him anyway. They call that a decisive victory

Yeah but I only want to do that in person.

His laborers are all illegals too apparently. I didn't talk to them but they don't speak English and he brags about paying them $75/day when in my area a basic laborer starts between $12-17 depending on the company/current demand.

post it obviously

nice rolepay faggot but no one cares. kys

Call ICE

The only option is to call ICE. Do it, document it, and report back with the results. I know a guy who got a shit-stirring leftist rabble rouser deported. The guy's a fucking hero in my mind.

You could be a hero too. Get that shitskin kicked back to his home country.

Lul. I post about all the degenerate shit I deal with at least once a month with a similar moniker.

Are you jealous you make $8 an hour with a useless bachelor's degree slaving for David Brock and his Pedogate buddies?

How's life? Are you jealous a half cocked fool makes almost double you do right out the gate at 18?

You know exactly what to do...Start tweeting the president.

start lawyering up, send him official looking letters and such to have a record of him not getting back to you
also maybe that'll scare him ad he'll give you your shit back
if not call the appropriate business tribunal and hope the fagget hasn't changed name and moved country

That's a good option. But I want my fucking blankets back as well.

I'm past petty. There's nothing petty about stealing another company's equipment.

Obviously I'm calling ICE on not just he and his entire crew but also those he introduced me too. I keep tight records of everything I do including social interactions between myself and Mezzicans I don't know.

Maybe mail his dox to his mother? Get his entire family to flee? That'd be rather satisfying but I want my shit back.

Give it to ICE

cmon doxing his mother would be really petty

> Maybe email his dox to his mother

not if it gets the blankets back

ups sry i can't into reading compreshension

you have enough on him that he cant bolt, if thats what youre worried about. just tell him he has a day to come to you and report him right after you tell him that

>I'm past petty. There's nothing petty about stealing another company's equipment.
laborer here. this makes me see red. people who steal tools that you need to work are the lowest of the low in my book.
>unfortunately I'm not surprised

Blackmail his family about reporting him to ICE. He's obviously illegal and has committed fraud. Just get your blankets back and then report him anyway

Forget the issue, you were already saving a lot of money just because he's mexican, you can lose some shitty concrete blankets and still make a big profit.

Come to think about it, there's something about your story that doesn't add up, people who get paid 27k usd won't steal shitty materials just because, I bet you fucked the guy over somehow

You're talking these things?

I'm assuming you made at least 15% off his work... who fucking cares?

Don't call him again, bad mouth him to anyone you are around that it is relevant to and move on.

General Contractor here and for that small amount of money it's not worth the time/resources and drama imo.

Who cares? What a non-starter.

A bone is just a bone until two lions decide only one of them is leaving with it.

Muhammad, they ALL have to go back

I put over 100k in my pocket last year and I personally didnt find the need to take time to hunt down mexicans for a few tarps but whatever dude... do your thing.

You probably can't get your blankets back but you can prevent him from ever doing that to another business. Also send his family and workers back for breaking our laws.

Hey do you need a website built for you business?

>knowingly contracted illegal labor

you deserve to lose your property, you piece of shit

It is all in whether he takes it personal. Me personally if you steal from me I will NOT let that shit slide. Little thing...big doesn't matter. It's the principle.

Happens all the time especially around Mezzicans.

Thank you for what you do fellow pol tard without laborers jobs can't be competed. Which area of construction?

Your fault for hiring a fucking illegal spic. You should have known better, just accept your loss and move on


You know nothing whatsoever. He's probably your cousin or something.

What happened is he assumed I'd let it go. But six hundred bucks is six hundred bucks. If you think any business ppl willingly piss away money for no reason then no wonder you live in a shit hole. You don't know shit.

Sounds good bro, hope that works out well for you. Night muh dudes.

Looks like it's time for someone to go back. Do your civic duty.

Something similar.

> why do you care?

Because it's my shit and I don't work 100 hours a week 6-7 months of the year for the last 6 years building my company to be stolen from. My peer/friend fired an entire crew over $400 and shut it all down the last two months last year because he could swing it and refused to pay ppl who stole from him.

You're grossly underestimating how important trust is in the industry.

>I don't work 100 hours a week

The only true thing you posted

Nice job.

Apparently we're much different people.

Where do you live where a 15% margin on residential concrete driveways is acceptable? I'm fully insured and bonded and shell out a fuck ton monthly for WC/GL/VGL/etc and if im not clearing 40-50% margins I'll sub it out to someone else and clean my hands of it.

>Googles Concrete blankets
Oooooooooh, I see.

I'm going to sleep. Thx for the advice.

I'll decide what to do by Monday and will post an update around the same time once action has been taken.

you know what to do...
ICE ICE baby

OP, as much as I also hate illegals of the Mexican variety, you're encroaching on criminal behavior, namely harassment.

I would suggest you to stop seeking your own form of justice, and just report him, his business, his family, his friends to ICE with a detailed report. Perhaps it would help if in your area, you can go visit the ICE place in person and talk to some people there. Do not forget to make another post on Sup Forums to keep us updated.

>pays 27K for someone to do a job

>let them use your equipment/tools


Do you like getting cucked because that's getting cucked. Did you work along side of them too to help them out faggot?

Oh man I love this by the way since I work in the industry. I sure hope you have those receipts or any documentation that those blankets were yours or he was using them or else you are just bothering this guy :^)

Call ICE - no fucking around with taconiggers like that!


That's what you get for being part of the problem, fuckwit. Muh mexicans stole my shit.. hopefully he knocks up your seester

I'm retarded but what do you guys mean by "margins" and needing 50 to 60% of it

the margins are the bits on the side of the driveway

Make America Great Again

Knowingly hires illegals instead of a white man and paying a white man's wage.

Op you deserve to have your tounge cut out