What did CNN mean by this?

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Du30 needs to kill more muslims

But Putin IS better than Obama

>giving turkroaches praise
He had me til that one


Why are they "rogue" leaders?

When asked his thoughts on Albanian PM Edi Rama, Trump responded with "who?"


Obama crippled your piece of shit country you filthy Russian shill

Those are people who rule their countries with an iron fist.

Nothing bad about it. Except for Kim and Erdogan who fucked up with both the EU and the Emirates, all these countries are doing perfectly fine and don't bend backwards for every little fucking thing and minority.

Because CNN said so. Don't question it. It's settled science.

>Kim: "a smart cookie"
not praising his policies
>Erdogan: "I give him great credit"
For what? What's the context? Comment is useless without it.
>El-Sisi: "fantastic guy"
not praising his policies, just him as a person
>Putin: "better than Obama"
a goddamn fact
>Duterte: "very friendly talk"
not a compliment nor praise of policy

For real?

Nah, I just wanted some Albanians to get triggered enough to comment.

Better than Obama is such a low bar though.

Maybe half of them would stop being cunts if they got a compliment once in a while

>butter em up and get something out of em

I cant believe its taken fucking decades upon decades for someone to try this fucking christ

Go to bed Hillary

Ah, I happen to be one and I didn't know who he was myself.

Oh no! The president was diplomatic when discussing foreign leaders he is in sensitive negotiations with!

The only two I disagree with are the first two.

Kek, (((they))) dont even hide it anymore

Obama praised Fidel Castro. Trump is sincerely praising them and acknowledging their talents, not kowtowing to them. Obama fondled Fidel's nuts and went to Cuba to disgrace America.

If you're going to attack Trump for this, then why didn't (((they))) attack Obama for doing the same?

>rogue leaders


That's against their narrative, goy!

>But Putin IS better than Obama
Im really not sure.

In one hand his foreign policies are great.
Maybe if he knew Obama was a Cuck before Crimea he could have saved Gaddhafi too.

In other hand our civil liberties right now are burning away faster than your after 9.11 without even having a 9.11 accident.
His internal and economuc policies are abhorrent.

It means they are not one of (((them))) and don't do what (((they))) want.

What the hell is wrong with saying he had a friendly talk with Duterte? Would they rather he verbal attack him on the phone?

(((they))) expect Trump to admonish him

nice proxy RIDF

>Putin, Kim
Recently became equivalent of a Turkroach god via referendum and is extremely bipolar on the Syria shit
Led a coup against the Muslim brotherhood and won presidency with 97% of the vote and then proceeded to immediately go on a biking marathon to encourage the public to be more energy efficient. Told Obama to stop supporting niggers in Ferguson and improved relations with Russia
His solution to drug dealers is civilian death squads, told Obama to go to hell, bipolar on China, communism, Muslims and a number of other things

>rogue leaders

this is what Democrats consider strong.

lol @ calling that fat zipperhead a "smart cookie"

This and every other opinion has been debunked.

>A white man will ALWAYS be better than a Nigger.

No Duh.

It means the us is a degenerate country without even knowing.

This just makes Trump look based as fuck.