Or is there none?
What is the difference between Gender and Sex?
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You choose your gender
You don't choose your sex
They're synonyms.
Nothing. Gender = Sex
It was only recently "invented" that Gender was mutually exclusive with sex as a justification for mental illness/degenerate indulgence
Gender is subjective and sex is objective.
Gender is literally a social construct, check the fucking dictionary, not a social science dictionary, but the real fucking dictionary. It is the way society views being male and female
sex is the biology part
if you want to pull a fast one on the nu-gender madeup gender dont-mis-gender me people just say you refer to people by the SEX you perceive them to be and not their gender
There really isn't any difference.
For some reason, these idiots have taken sexual fetishes and "scienced" it up to mean completely new genders.
gender is sexual
sex is personal
pls vote for donald j trump for stronger memes
Assuming gender is a social construct, gender expression is based on perception and subsequent expression.
If you perceive yourself to be something that you are not (opposite sex), then you are suffering from a disorder of perception, similar to schitzophrenia, or delusions.
Therefore, if gender is a social construct, then transgender people are suffering from a disorder of perception; they are mentally ill.
The only way to argue that Transgender people are not mentally ill is to discard the notion that gender is a social construct. This leads to cognitive dissonance, whereby the idea the gender is not a social construct and that transgender people are not mentally ill contradict themselves in a logical path.
Conclusion: Transgender people are mentally ill, and therefore should not be allowed to live out their delusions, the same way we do not allow schitzophrenia sufferers from harming themselves or others.
Heh, nothing personal kid.
One is germanic other is romantic origin word for exactly same thing. Most other language don't have synonims.
There is none, the 2 terms describe the same thing (whether you have a penis or vagina)
your sex is whether you have a benis or a vagina
your gender is what you identify as for example there are people who aren't actually boys/girls but actually werewolves and attack helicopters
Truth has been made. /thread
Sex is more solid.
Specific definitions differ.
This is the asshole of the internet, and the degenerates here have for a while construed "traps" as the 3rd gender.
Sex is about reproductive parts. So anyone who's sterile is effectively a eunuch.
Gender includes grammar. This is why the anglosphere is so fucking degenerate, it doesn't really have gender. But china is even worse.
gender is used to conjugate verbs.
sex is determined by chromosomes
Science is just a social construct...like genitals.
Gender is the thing you're attracted to when you want to virtue signal. You've been so domesticated and indoctrinated that you put your pleasure and your social status over anything else when it comes to love.
Sex is the thing you're attracted to, when your love is to some degree defined by the natural drive to reproduce. You know what all humans have in common? They are the product of reproduction. So every human who has ever lived confirmed through his own existence that the most natural thing you can do without dying is making offspring. Meanwhile domesticated gender-lovers are sacrificing the continuation of their bloodlines by embracing an unnatural mindset of putting "social constructs" first.
My sex junk is so oh oh oh.
>tfw all of these anons don't know what the terms mean
You could say that gender isn't real and there's only sex, but the definition of gender adopted due to the women's rights movement is the current mainstream definition. Gender is just a sociological approach to sex, for example if you are a woman you act like a woman and thus your gender in a social setting is a woman. If you are a man and can accurately mimic a woman your gender in a social setting is a woman.
>If you are a man and can accurately mimic a woman your gender in a social setting is a woman.
No, that just makes you a pervert.
noun: pervert; plural noun: perverts
a person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable.
How is that sexual behaviour?
Gender has nothing to do with reality.
verb: pervert; 3rd person present: perverts; past tense: perverted; past participle: perverted; gerund or present participle: perverting
alter (something) from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.
See, we already have a perfectly good to establish what you're explaining. Also, see:
The issue with is, is that he assumes that transgender people perceive themselves as the opposite sex, which is untrue. And again, you have not provided any evidence for how trannies are perverts, you may make an argument that they pervert the meaning of gender.
Gender is between the ears sex is between the legs
You have no idea what you're talking about.
If the magic Fuck You fairy waved their wand wand changed your chromosomes would you think of yourself as a boy/girl different from what you are now? probably not. That's gender.
Up until a few years ago there was none.
Gender dysphoria is not trannies perceiving themselves as the opposite sex. They quite intensely perceive themselves as their own sex, but heavily dislike that, so they aim to ease it to change their own self into a form resembling more the opposite sex to make this perception a lesser problem
>inb4 muh DSM says it's a mental disorder
The DSM also says being nervous to talk to people and being sad for long periods of time are mental disorders, it's a meaningless concept.
Really this tbqh
>They quite intensely perceive themselves as their own sex, but heavily dislike that, so they aim to ease it to change their own self into a form resembling more the opposite sex to make this perception a lesser problem
Oh, so like anorexia?
>uneducated, ignorant faggot completely disregards chemical effects on the brain
Lmao @ you ya fucking retard.
Haha, holy shit. What an amazing thread. This just shows how many shills there truly are. They just can't fucking resist giving their opinion on this bullshit.
REAL Sup Forums is in unanimous agreement; transgender is a mental illness. gender and sex are the same thing.
Gender and sex are the same fucking thing. Sorry, no matter how many skirts you put on, or how many surgeries you get, you're still a man.
>REAL Sup Forums is in unanimous agreement
>true scotsmen wear kilts
0/10 stupid ass bitch. Kill yourself.
No, anorexics perceive themselves as eating too much, no matter how much they actually eat, leading to starvation and intense weight loss. Anorexics do this until the point where it's immensely dangerous to their health and don't stop there. Trannies aim to solve the contradiction, which is impossible in an absolute sense, but with coming close or deluding themselves they can ease dysphoria into being tolerable.
Why are you even here? Did you stumble onto a link on tumblr or reddit?
>but with coming close or deluding themselves they can ease dysphoria into being tolerable.
>deluding themselves
Now you're starting to get it.
Just like anorexia, transgenders perceive themselves differently than they actually are, and thus set themselves on a course to correct, however, as you stated, the goal is impossible in an absolute sense, as they will never truly achieve their desire because they are suffering from a form of delusion.
>t.disgusting tranny faggot
i think you should take your own advice there, you degenerate shitstain
Well no, you are approaching this from the wrong direction. The delusion is their solution to their problem, which is seeing their innate sex characteristics as negatives. The original issue is the aforementioned seeing innate sex characteristics as negatives. The trannies that see themselves differently do so because they cannot accept the aspects of themselves that they see as negative. You could see delusion as a potential symptom, but it's not the original issue.
yes you would. because your neurology would literally change into the opposite sex
let this be your guide:
they are etymologically interchangeable- and
I am a queer person.
something changed somewhere...don't know where; looked up the etymology during the shill nye the science goy shit and discovered having been lied to for years.
>posting a guys ass
God can you faggots just fuck off. Sex in missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation is the only proper sex, anything else and you go into the ovens.
sex - your chromosomes and genitals
gender - self-feeling
Basically I think that "male" and "female" are not genders, these are sexes, but there still are onæy two genders - cis and trans
I mean we are talking about men dressed in womens clothing trying to pass as women.
Gender and sex are the same thing, Social Science is trans science in which it is fake. Men have a penis, and women have a vagina. You are a faggot if you fuck a tranny.
I think that about covers it. Sup Forums is being raided by tumblr. So many faggot threads trying to make trannies mainstream. No matter how much you wish, it will never happen, just like Pinochio, you are a real boy.
> The original issue is the aforementioned seeing innate sex characteristics as negatives.
So... there is a perversion of their perception, correct? Or are you telling me that their perception is accurate and should be treated as normal and indulged? You're starting to talk yourself into a circle here.
If you're for indulging delusional people, just say it and we can disagree and be done.
White boys have nicer asses desu
The mental gymnastics these trannies go through must be the reason they kill themselves at such an alarming rate.
gender is not synonymous with sex
the gender = sex was pushed by feminists in the 60s to pave way for transgenderism
gender is a grammatical concept, the word today is a literal radical feminist concept
don't believe me?
"Sexologist John Money introduced the terminological distinction between biological sex and gender as a role in 1955. Before his work, it was uncommon to use the word gender to refer to anything but grammatical categories.[1][2] However, Money's meaning of the word did not become widespread until the 1970s, when feminist theory embraced the concept of a distinction between biological sex and the social construct of gender." en.wikipedia.org
pic related as well, notice the date. books.google.com
by buying into their newspeak and then arguing against it you're literally winning the fight because you've already been indoctrinated by these things.
break free
Is legitimately curious if you people actually believe trans people are just stupid and haven't thought things through or if you're just trolling.
It's somthing that completely consumes you from a young age. Transition is the only path.
Sex and gender are synonyms meaning a group of male or female traits. These traits include physical properties that can't be changed.
Some of you like the idea of pretend being real but I'm afraid the world doesn't work that way. Perhaps a remedial kindergarten class would help? You can't wish the definition of gender away anymore than you can wish yourself into a different gender or sex.
You may be able to mutilate yourself but that just makes you a cripple.
How is it a perversion of perception? It's in the same vein of disliking how your nose looks, just more far-reaching and more intense.
Gender is your biology.
Sex is something you make with a the opposite gender.
I think some are genuine. Cousins friend when I was very young transitioned from female to male and she was defintely meant to be a man and that was waaaaayyy b4 all this shit started. but a lot of the times it just seems to be failed males who just turn to the tranny shit to seem different.
Encouraging them is as bad as encouraging a schizophrenic that thinks he can fly to jump off a building.
They need retard wranglers to make decisions for them just like all tards. They shouldn't be able to legally consent for medical procedures, much less sexual intercourse, because they are obviously not of sound mind.
Sex and gender are synonyms.
And yes it has other definitions, as does sex, but that's not the context being discussed here.
The etymology of both words and there association with male & female traits predates feminists.
>Encouraging them is as bad as encouraging a schizophrenic that thinks he can fly to jump off a building.
>They need retard wranglers to make decisions for them just like all tards. They shouldn't be able to legally consent for medical procedures, much less sexual intercourse, because they are obviously not of sound mind.
Sounds like something someone who got beaten and controlled way too much and now wants to control others to make up would say user
No, it is not anywhere near the same vein of disliking how your nose looks. You're off-base now. Wanting to lose a few pounds is not in the same vein as anorexia. These are false equivalencies. You're resorting to fallacies and I've got to be up for work in 6 hours, so I think I'm done here. You're not following logical progression, you're making justifications. Gnight, Estie.
>you don't choose your sex
only if you are europoorean who gets raped my mudshits all the times
Happening,shills want this thread to slide get in
Sounds like common sense to me. Somebody that thinks they need to mutilate their body because they think they should be something else is obviously mentally retarded. Anyone that can't take care of themselves mentally or physically needs a care taker. Since they are obviously mental, then this should be obvious.
As much as the whole issue of gender is a big deal to a lot of people, it can get attention on a lot of boards, like, I dunno, /lgbt/, /soc/, /lit/, and so on.
It's clearly showcased inconceivably much on this board, making it very clearly somehow a troll kind of thing.
Must be nice telling yourself that something is "obvious" in order to prevent your fragile ego from taking a hit when people disagree with it, I prefer to stick to reality though. The reason these people choose to mutilate themselves is to achieve an ideal and not because they have impulses or whatever, you can still become a tard wrangler for downies in order to feel the power and significance you never felt as a child though
Sex is a biological reality. Gender is a social-science concept that should never have escaped academia.
In the middle of the 20th century some academics were like
>hmm nowadays blue is considered a masculine colour and pink is a feminine colour, but there were times in the past this was the other way around.
>This must mean that colour preference is not inherent biologically to the sexes, but something social that can change between culture
>let's call this social aspect of sex "gender" and study it
Fast forward to 2017, genders has somehow become the standard word for sex and people have lost their minds.
Schizophrenics do not experience urges either.
They are just fucking nuts, just like trannies. The faggots that experience "urges" are the pedophiles.
All should be locked up and the key thrown away if there is no responsible person making decisions and taking responsibility for them.
>If you are a man and can accurately mimic a woman your gender in a social setting is a woman.
(((Science))). The whole idea of trans people trying to pass themselves off as the real thing is a terrible idea. That goes on a lot more than people think. Female to male trans-things can be difficult to spot. Pure psychopathic and narcissistic behaviour.
It was an example to demonstrate how the perception itself is not perverted.
My point is that they aren't delusional, just have a different philosophy and they dont believe in human rights. For ex you and me would say that if a girl rejects you then she has the right to do that, where as trannies think people dont have the right to decide who they are with when it comes to being with them, thus i believe they should all be gassed / killed instead of imprisoned or have wranglers.
Don't be surprised that they band up and start shooting / lynching people that refuse to do as they wish because they really believe this is their right to do.
They specifically don't draw a clear separation between the two. Because then they can draw on the scientific association of "sex" for their meaningless bullshit term "gender"
Wrong. I don't know how I would be able to convince you of that but the truth is that trans people can be perfectly logical.
The only reason anyone chooses a life like this is because you literally can't keep living as a man and would kill yourself if you had to.
Transition helps take the dysphoria away, trans people are mostly normal people. And most normies are just retarded.
Its a mental illness but transition is the treatment and with it trans people can live relatively normal lives. It's not like it destroys your ability to think. It's just that you can't fight dysphoria and the only way to not want to die every second of every day is to accept yourself for who you are and that you need treatment, so you transition.
>For ex you and me would say that if a girl rejects you then she has the right to do that, where as trannies think people dont have the right to decide who they are with when it comes to being with them,
This is completely untrue. You're getting sjws confused with trans people. Sjws who think their "stargender" or some shit think like that and they are just retarded cultists
The modern definition of gender was created by left-wing (((social scientist))) and pedophile John Money. Before him, there was no distinction between the two terms.
>This is completely untrue. You're getting sjws confused with trans people. Sjws who think their "stargender" or some shit think like that and they are just retarded cultists
Make friends with trannies and you'll see that what I said is largely true. They don't feel bad about manipulating or stealing people because "i'm transgender" they're quite sociopathic and narcissistic in nature
I'm trans.
And there are a lot of narcissistic trans people and some sociopaths, but there are a lot of narcisistic and sociopathic normies too. Judging all trans people by the few you met is kind of dumb
lol, thanks for proving my point about trans people.
it's all for the goal of sex you dense fuck. it's sexual behavior. enough said
the only main functions in a human's life is to reproduce and stay alive
Why not ask that twin John Money experimented with by bringing him up as female?
Oops, he killed himself.
How does any of what I said "prove" trans people are emotionless murderers?
I just want a future for white people
>hey let me sterilize myself
>I am doing it so I can reproduce
you think you're special and different (like you implied in your earlier post) and betraying your narcissistic and sociopathic traits.
It's not really about sex. If it was just that I could have stayed as a gay guy. Being trans means you have a mental illness that makes you feel like you need to be a woman on ten deepest level in your brain. It's not somthing that you can just fight, the only reason you do this is so that you can accept yourself and live.
I may be a little narcissistic but I'm not a sociopath.
I'll pick up if you don't mind. I think you've made a great case so far and it makes sense.
Dysphoria (origins unknown) can emerge in different ways, one of which is gender dysphoria. When this occurs, there's a strong perceptual attribution of negative characteristics to said construct, in this case gender. While normally your gender coincides with your sex, these people do not have this perception and they begin to hate themselves for it. In order to cope with it, they turn to the other gender to alleviate their anxiety. This doesn't need to be female/male however, as many of these people flee to identify themselves as anything BUT their original gender, which is why we have 76 genders, because each of these people is an individual and can come up with their own version to help alleviate their dysphoria. Often times, this results in a delusion, which means outside people view such a person as acting abnormal.
Okay, did I misconstrue anything here? Because from the literature I've read this is about as right as it can be. If so, what do you propose we do? Currently we treat anorexics with medication and therapy, meaning we try and raise their self-esteem and use CBT to help them get better. Clearly this is different to what we do with trannies, who get SRS.
We all think we're good people. My suggestion would be that you try to hide your personality traits so you'll have better chances in an argument next time.
>What is the difference between Gender and Sex?
Everyone on Sup Forums has a gender, but no one on Sup Forums has sex.
Ugh I bet her cunt and asshole smell like shit..
You're retarded.
I'm not the best person but I'm not a bad person. I try and help people whenever I can.
narcissists are known to help people for ego boosts.
I'm not the smartest in the world but at least I don't disprove myself by betraying the traits I claim to not possess
Sex is what you're born as. Gender is your LARP persona. If you don't LARP, then it's just your sex.
Whatever dude
I don't care if you think I'm a shitty person just because I feel good about myself when I help people
You'd probably not like most Americans.
Trannies are treated with hormone therapy primarily. I'm a libertarian so I propose we don't do anything, let people take their own risks and let other people exclude them from their properties and communities. I personally don't want to ever see unpassing trannies, so I'd happily move to a place where they don't exist. But on the substantive portion you are right on most things, except gender needs to be correlated with sex, which is why there can't be 76 genders.