>Sweden is the most cuc...
We're the most alt-right country in Europe. Checkmate /pol
>Sweden is the most cuc...
We're the most alt-right country in Europe. Checkmate /pol
Sweden is Alt-Wrong actually
Yeah sure thing boss. On a related note how many muslims are balls deep in your wife right now?
Sweden is the garbage pit of the world. Seriously, you guys would gladly accept anyone in, no matter the nationality, race or criminal past.
'the fuck is wrong with you? Fucking blow the shit out of your retarded government
would you say there is any truth to the article's assertion?
Stop asuming shit, you fucking abo. I'm only here for a few weeks.
Who would of thought ground zero would have the most reactionary.... reaction.
>going to France for any reason
At least if you were born there you'd have an excuse. You must be an even bigger fuckwit than I first suspected.
I'm actually from Israel. So I travel wherever the fuck I want, I owe own this land after all.
Post nose for proof
buzzfeed is always right desu
ingen big deal din babbehora
France does much better than your shithole of a country. Hell, even East Europe is better than you cucks. You'd practically suck every single cock waved at you and pe proud about it.
Why are you linking directly to buzzfeed?
>France does much better
Macron now owns your arab-colonized country.
why are you even here
>44 sticks
>not 14 or 88
Sad desu, also what's the flower?
Not my country, Achmed. My country is the only one and rightful ruller, Israel.
Sweden Democrats party logo.
Like I said, Macron now owns your arab-colonized country.
Fucking faggots. Kek. Could they not have chosen anything less threatening?
>he other Swedish partner is Red Ice, a video and podcast platform featuring white nationalists from around the globe.
>Red Ice
Red Ice working with Spencer? I thought they hated Spencer.
They had a national front-style torch but decided to go with the flower for several reasons:
1. It's traditional for Swedish parties to adopt a flower logo, only the anti-nationalist cuck-parties don't.
2. They were still being referred to as Nazis back when they choose it so normalized imagery really helped them win the metapolitical discussions.
3. The flower in question is the Hepatica nobilis, a flower that was historically used to "mend wounds".
Fuck off.
LOL, cognitive dissonance
Nah, they are employed by Spencer to work on altright.com.
Sup Forums doesn't realize that the extreme immigration sweden has had have acelerated the situation enough to the point that sweden is the most likely western country to go fascist.
meanwhile the rest off the west is being replaced at a slower paced so people ain't going to react fast enough
The problem will never be solved, this is forever.
Only a Sith believes in absolutes
>most likely country to turn fascist
The culture of cuck in Sweden is too strong for this to happen. If people cant even go on manifestations for SD, how the hell will people turn to fascism?
SD will be the biggest in the next election, i guarantee they will atleast be part off the government ruling together with M.
When that happens people will realize that SD is a cucked party that is just like the rest and they will turn to something more radical sooner or later.
Ethnic tensions will only increase and when the economy finally hit rock bottom shit, when the government can't even give gibs to the shitskins, shit will happen.
think off it like Weimar Germany
Nah, you are too far gone.
OK, the context does help. I thought they were just being gay
Most alt-right? When did that happen?
When you called DK a nazi country when we voted the now cucked Danish Folk Party to be the biggest party in DK? Or when you again called us "nazi" for refusing to take in more refugees and you welcomed them with open arms? Or was it when a sandnigger ran over your people for being to "alt-right"? Fuck of degenerate.
Thanks senpai.
How the fuck is SD a right wing party?
It's literally Sp with a more normie friendly leader.
I love my swedebros. We are all going through the same jewish kill whitey with immigrants phase with each other
whose propaganda have you been listening to?
Meanwhile in Sweden, while you can't even watch youtube videos of your national anthem in Germany.
Since when bibi controls france?
Why the fuck are they trying to link Mjollnir with the alt-right?
God forbid Nordics stay in touch with their own culture and heritage. Fuck I hate BuzzFeed and I hate the fact a bunch of glorified pussy millennial jackasses have convinced the world their howling indignation is fucking journalism
They ain't right wing. They are social conservative with a nationalistic groundform
kill yourself for direct linking that clickbait shit
>paper made of polypropylene