Japan won!

Lads. How can the west learn from based nippon?

>no niggers, muslims, streetshiters or chinks
> no neo-liberal bullshit
>no obesity
>lowest crime in the world
>highest iq in the world
>women aren't sluts
>high productivity
>high wages
>national pride rising
>long and rich history
>highly innovative
>strong navy
>best vidya
>the jews fear the samurai

Its hard to deny that japan is the most based and civilised country on earth.

Should we elect japanese leaders in the west?

Honestly the only negative is
>no guns
To be fair with no niggers or muslims this isnt that big a deal.

Opinions lads?

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They are cucks. They have a whole island whose only purpose is to breed whores for american soldiers.

>women aren't sluts

lol ... there are estimates that 20% of all japanese women participated in porn

millions of japanese are depressed and kill themselves in staggering numbers

their (((culture))) and societal values turn them into depressed bees who hate themselves. If you aren't part of the club you will never make it anywhere and might be doomed to live in some shack somewhere in Tokyo and serve your masters.

Its one of the most degenerate societies in the world if you look behind the curtain. What is the point of living in this shit hole?

Don't make me slap a jap, you disgusting weeb,


>56% white

their men have the smallest dicks in the world, their women don't shave.
Yeah, they are the best

Bushes are sexy

liberia needs an update to "influence" i mean they even copied our flag......

also to be fair japan and south korea are definitely in our sphere of influence now.

>women aren't sluts

Birthrate below replacement level, same as the West.
Doesn't want to continue existing as it is.
Needs 200,000 immigrants per year.
Where does this sickness come from?

>here does this sickness come from?
Affluence. Instant gratification. Purposelessness.

>high wages
Their minimum wage is 820 yen ($10 NZD) an hour, not high at all. I'm not sure what the living cost is there but the food and amenities is a lot cheaper. It's productive because asians are basically drones who end up taking 2-3 jobs working for 12+ hours every day.

>Where does this sickness come from?
Wanting to be able to afford nice things which multiple children make difficult.

How about sexualizing little children.
Workaholic shame based culture.
High suicide rates.
Less fertility.

Though we aren't in Europe. North Korea is a different story though.

>Though we aren't in Europe.
oh right. we're a non white nation now

Isn't there a nude all-female Japanese band?

imagine a Sup Forums without weebs

>high wages

I can't find any reliable info about Nippon wages. They're not higher than German ones, it seems.

You never been here

fuck off proxy fag

prove you are actually from Japan and not a LARPING weeb

This. It's mostly an economic issue.
Impossible to have a family without both parents working.
Most Japanese don't like the idea of having sons if the women can't be dedicated full time to them.

>Most based and civilized country on earth

They shit on each other. And film it. They love shit. They shit on themselves, their family, their food, their neighbors dog, fucking everything. Those slant eyed mother fuckers love shit more than life itself. They take 'shit eating grin' to another level. They eat and breath shit and do enemas to make their shit even shittier because in Japan you can never have enough shit. Japanese culture is all about pooping, shitting, and crapping. Poop must permeate every aspect of your life. You dont exchange numbers in Japan when you meet someone you like, you just bend over and shit right into their hand, they take that turd home, sniff it, munch it, watch TV with it and then decide whether to accept your courtship. It's fucked up man, they love shit so much, poop poop poop fucking everywhere. They should literally be called Japoonese for their god forsaken love of stinky shit. It's unbelievable and now I gotta shit. Hopefully a Jap doesn't pop out from behind my toilet and offer to eat my shit as soon as it plops in the water. I'd probably puke everywhere but won't because that would only turn on the sick minded Jap because they fucking love puking too. Disgusting.

japan sounds based and im glad they are keeping out the shit skins and the muslims, well same thing, however the number one cause of death in japan for people under 30 is suicide. I guess when all this passes over japan will still be japan though

>What is the point of living in this shithole?
Ironic Ahkmed, truly.

>>women aren't sluts

You haven't been here, have you?

>says the country promoting BLACKED

not bad stats you got there, way better than europe

I'll go work there as engineer soon and marry my qt 3.14 nip gf. Live a safe and peaceful life at the countryyard of japan for maximum comfyness

>>high wages

they can't hold on for much longer