I mean I get it, really I do, my fellow gentiles. The temptation of getting a liberal scalp is tempting. #FireColbert Kek
But in doing so, have we become what we loathe so much? Liberals? Remember #CancelColbert? We have literally become Suey Park. At least she understood alliteration.
Communism, globalism, both are destructive ideologies hellbent on destroying the human race. I care not how we take them down, so long as they die once and for all
Jackson Torres
we don't actually care about what he said retard, we just want to see our enemy destroyed
Caleb Martinez
>we're using the left's tactics against them >we liberals nao?
fuck off rabbi.
Angel Adams
Saul Alinski Rule #4
Ayden Davis
No you ding dong, shoahing a liberal demi-god will serve as good jumping off point as to why outrage anti-free speach culture is insane. If only conservatives fall victim to this shit the left will do it forever without introspection. Also who sent all you assblasted Colbertfags over? This is literally one of the most half-assed Sup Forums ops in a while and it's kicked up a storm as bad as RWSS.
Jeremiah Bailey
Who cares. If the tactics work they work. The number one thing holding cuckservatives and tradconartists back is not stooping to their enemies level. Fucking Sean Hannity is telling people not to boycott at the same time people are literally trying to ruin Fox with similar scummy tactics. Sorry Seanny Boy but that isn't how this generation plays.
Logan Campbell
Libs do this because they think they're the vanguards for the social justice crusades. We do this because we're bored and it's fun.
Jacob Butler
"Nazism, nationalism, both are destructive ideologies hellbent on destroying the human race. I care not how we take them down, so long as they die once and for all" quoth the leftist
Robert Phillips
Listen up, niggers, this guy got it. We have no principles. We am become liberals.
Wyatt Parker
That's not unprincipled, that's just making sure the same rules are applied to everyone. You actually sound less like a concerned tad/pol/e and more like someone who wishes we were as easy to predict and push around as cuckservatives. Keeping my eye on you famalam.
Parker Morgan
Obviously. They've been fighting dirty for over half a century. To beat them, we have to fight even dirtier, and we have been. They've seized every traditional outlet of information sans talk radio, while we've taken hold of talk radio and the most influential outlet of them all: the internet. And it will only be by spreading the memes of ethnocentrism across the web for all eternity that we may emerge victorious
Asher Lewis
Get out Stephen.
Jack Wood
Okay? We are enemies and the left will do all within their power to sabotage the right. By being "noble" and riding a high horse is what will let the left win.
Everything is fine! He's cool with the Podestas and Clintons. Everything is great, he's the voice of the voiceless.It's free speech when it's that side, hate speech on the other side. Look at the Colbert report gay joke videos being taken down rapidly on youtube and comedy central.
David Torres
Isaac Reyes
We have always used their shit against them when the opportunity would present itself.
Lincoln Miller
>my fellow gentiles Lel. But no, using censorship and intimidation doesn't make us liberals. Salem witch trials, the SA, McCarthy. We are more like them than like liberals. Liberals are gaywads.
Henry Baker
You dont get it #FireColbert has the only purpose to force dems and "progressives" to play by the rules they try to enforce on everyone else. But apperantly this is now suddenly bad if you ask "progressives" lel "its only ok when we do it duh!!" lel
Nathan Gomez
We're not trigger by him. We just want to see people in the spotlight taken down a notch.
Jordan Morgan
Jesus you faggots are terrible at shilling
Evan Butler
He can apologize for a chinese joke, but not for a slander towards people who actually support him? He said sucking dick makes you evil, but it's a fucking insult to anyone who sat through his homophobic bullshit through the years. I watched real gay characters get criticized, while colbert got laughs at their expense.
Dylan Flores
The only danger in bashing colbert using anti-gay rhetoric is that it endangers the board's anti-gay ideology, that's about it.
Adrian Cox
>make them play by their own rules They opened Pandora's box
Noah Davis
fuck off cunt shill if you question it youre an obvious shill because everyone on Sup Forums fucking gets it only retarded liberal faggots skulking on this board trying to sow discord make threads like this. Either you want Colbert fired or you shut the fuck up when someone makes a gay joke you aids-infected cumglazed fuckhole slave faggot
Ryder Richardson
>muh principals Have fun losing.
Adrian Robinson
You're right.
Chase Roberts
you have to be a really green newfag to think anything would change the anti-gay ideology, Sup Forums is rife with boipussi posters, fags and traps porn posted constantly but it has not strayed from fagbashing and smearing the queer you closet homosexual
Landon Davis
Nobody gives a shit. Leftards fired the first shot. They always act like immoral pieces of shit, but expect others to treat them well. When it is between us and spoiled little trustfund fucks, they'll wish they stayed in their safe spaces when we are done and everything is ashes.
Once again leftists don't know what they demand until they get it.
Brody Hughes
Principles. The principal is the school administrator and he's your PAL. Get it?
Jordan Carter
STFU fucking nu-Sup Forums. Freedom of speech applies TO ALL people. It's not just for your opinions.
These kind of bitch tactics usually benefit the one with the target on his back anyway.
No one cares about you getting triggered so bad over what some late night show host said that you actually want him fired. You're literally doing what crybaby liberals do in these "situations".
Go be a child someplace else.
Jesus, you guys really activate my almonds. Fuck you
Dominic Thomas
"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.
Owen Baker
Oy vey is that the best you can do Schlomo, you sound like you're from the_donald
Jaxson Foster
The (((Alt-Right))) and Liberal degenerates are 2 sides of the same coin.
Both are special snowflakes that get easily triggered and try to shut down free speech in their own ways.
Mason Cook
>That image This is the real reason why Russia hates Syria. They're trying to protect this secret from getting out. You can't just flaunt your multi-dimensional technology out in the open like that.
Jace Gonzalez
Why do i smell reddit here?
Henry Brooks
this post had reddit written all over it we need a global filter on famalam too
Chase Garcia
1. You shouldn't care about gender, sex, race. Be weary of those who do. 2. Care about values that bring us together, get rid of hatred or things that promote values built on hatred. 3. Embrace difference. 4. Deny authority power over person.
Following these values, Colbert deserves to be fired as he breaks these values.
Cameron Diaz
No, because we are holding them to their own standards, we aren't actually trying push liberal legislation or anything like that.
Essentially we are making jim jones drink his own look aid.