Daily reminder to all these Eurofags that the only reason your countries can afford to have universal healthcare is...

Daily reminder to all these Eurofags that the only reason your countries can afford to have universal healthcare is that America pays your defense bill, and protects your pathetic countries from Chinese and Russian aggression.

But you even managed to fuck that gravy train up by letting tent dwellers overcome you. I just you just can't fix stupid.

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Because nukes don't exist

Bullshit, we only need to to a couple billions more to pay our defense quoto of the Nato since Trump asked us to do.
No big deal.

We have both universal healthcare and private healthcare.
If you don't want to wait you pay.

But someone here really likes to suck on pharmaceutical cock huh?

Sure, nukes exist, you'd still lose. You live packed like sardines in tiny cities. They have vast expanses of land, and they don't care if their people die. Also, your leaders are so cucked they wouldn't have the willpower to use them, even in the face of certain defeat. They'd get on their knees and suck micropenis for forgiveness before dropping a nuke.

Sorry, which is the only country to ever use a nuke in war again? Oh right......

Nato quota isn't enough to stop Russian or Chinese aggression. NATO forces wouldn't last a week without US infrastructure and leadership. Your armies and supply chains are weak, and everyone knows either Russia or China would have you licking communist boot in a New York minute.

you could have universal healthcare for about 1/30th of your GDP.

Yeah, big deal you fucking cuck
Do you really think that we care about who controls who?
Do you really think we care if you are the one in control or the chinese are?
It doesn't matter in the least.

You literally ruined the world.
You create the mess in the middle east and WE have to take care of it.
You gave the jewish powers and EVERYONE is suffering for this.

So fuck off and go back in the trailer park fucking your sister.
America is not special and like every empire it will stop existing sooner or later

Yeah, and that's a waste of money. I want the fatties, drunks, smokers etc to die off. But that's not the point, the point is that the only reason your country can afford these "luxuries" is because your daddy keeps you safe at night from the Communist threat.


>fight in iraq
> for european defense

Oy vey, i wonder who could be behind this post

>we only need to to a couple billions more to pay our defense

This is only because the USA spends so much on their defense. If the USA only met the NATO quota and nothing else, the world would be such a different place that it would be impossible to imagine. But we'd likely be on World War 4 or 5 by now.

Fuck you, you kike pawn. Nobody wants you here

Why do ypu morbidly obese dumburger fucks not get it?

Offering a very basic level of health care keeps a lot of the workforce working rather than being sick.

It pays off.

It doesn't matter NOW because everything is peaceful and stable.

But that is going to change soon.

Are all Eurofags actually this clueless? You're like a horse with blinders on munching from the feedbag not realizing you're headed to the glue factory kiddo.

We didn't create the mess in the Middle East, France, Germany and England did. Not that you'd know anything about history since your countries is so fucking shameful they probably burned all the textbooks in 1946. Your country loves collaborating with totalitarians, so I suspect you'd do what Italians always do and play to whatever side is winning at the time.


Shots fired

Mexico came back strong

>We didn't create the mess in the Middle East, France, Germany and England did.

American education Ladies and Gentleman.

No one said anything about fights, we're talking about the deterrent of a standing army.

People love to brag about the European education system, but you tards are 0/3 in this thread, you don't even have basic inference skills.

>america is the only country that exist

The sucking of American cock here is disgusting.
Nobody denies the contribute americans gave during the world wars
But if you don't realize that we live in a costant fear of war because it suits them you are unreasonable beyond any point
America was losing power and control before 9/11 then boom, the world needs america to defeat enemies that don't exist

> I just you just can't fix stupid.

>massive waves of immigration from the middle East and north africa to europe before Saddam was ousted during operation get that oil

Yeah nah m8

I bet you'd love to go back under Russian rule. All the smart people left your shit hole country in the 1930's.

You don't get it, we want them dead.

You don't pay ours. We also didn't take your Marshall Aid.

Corporate has to suck their pity penny so they can pay Kim Kardashian to perform, that ass ain't paying it's own surgery honey

universal healthcare is obligatory, there is no opt-out. and it is shitty as fuck, extremely inefficient and the private insuramce is just an optional extemsion so you get a room with less than 12 people in it in the hospital.
health care needs to be 100% private and optional, and there needs to be free competition between doctors and facilities.

Are you unaware of the colonization of the Middle East in the early 1900's and the deals that went on before and during WW that lead to the Israel/Palestinian conflicts? NO?! European education ladies and gentlemen. Sad, very sad.

Not only that.
we fucked your bank sideways and not a single fuck was given that day

Jesus you are dense, the issues in the Middle are over 100 years old and rooted in the colonial division of trade, up to, and including, deals made with natives to control petrol and rubber during the WW. Are you actually this fucking dumb?

Fins don't understand what a deterrent is.

So far, every eurofag in this thread is an actual certifiable retard with a 6th grade understanding of the world.


One of the worlds largest militaries protecting the worlds largest people.


Nice digits.
Upboated for troof.
No really though. OP has a point. PAY UP MOTHERFUCKERS.

Based Austria puts a point on the board for the Euros.

Im quite well aware of the divisions of the ME, and yet we didnt have mass immigration from the region to Europe until you guys and Tony Blair decided was ripe for some nation building. You're protected by the Atlantic from Said migration, we arent.

Why is it, while being the most intervening, destabilizing country on the planet, you can NEVER admit to any wrong doing? I like the american right in a lot of ways because you guys still have intellectuals, but i have to agree with Noam Chomsky on your war record.

Which is why I don't want UH, the fatties need to die. It's pretty simple.

Stop trying to take away our only mechanism for eugenics

And guess what ?

All that shit was contained until you Guys started sucking Israels Cock and started to support every shitstanied islamic group who just called themself " Freedom Fighters ".

By the most amazing part about you guys is how obsessed you are with us Europeans besides telling on this mongolian basket weaving board every day how little do you care.

This thread is the perfect example for that.

You could be protected from said migration with guns and fences if you weren't total cucks, so we're back to square 1 huh?

That's not historically accurate. Your ignorance and stupidity inform a world view devoid of nuance and understanding of cause and effect.

You guys cant even protect yourself from feral Niggers and the mexican invasion besides having guns and fences.

We just put a tax on alcohol and cigarettes and it costs us nothing if they want to be degenerates they can pay to kill themselves.

>Implying Yanks or NATO would do shit if we were invaded
You had fucking plans to nuke us if the Cold War went hot

It wasn't contained, this was going to happen as soon as the older regimes died off and their power structures collapsed without the cult of personality around them. Jesus, do you eurofags live in giant bubbles? It's cringe to listen to this ham fisted takes on how the world works. Then again, systemic lack of understanding of other countries is a German thing, I remember some german leader who thought he understood England, and got btfo due to his total lack of understanding....

Germany is a joke and so are your takes. Leave the discussion to the adults, in the West, where things actually matter. You're old news.

Woops, wrong reply

The point is there wouldnt be any need for said fences and guns if it wasnt for the Iraq war.

But you do fit the bill for a jingoistic 'murriga spouting idiot.

It is a fact we wouldnt have mass immigration if it wasnt for the invasion of Iraq and the destruction of Libya.

Wew butthurt burger. No healthcare for you faggot.
>muh army
Army serves interest if israel and elites, you dont matter at all

fuck off. don't you have a wall to build?

Dumb fin still doesn't know what a deterrent is.

Wrong. The whole region was ripe for this, regardless of the invasion, these regimes would have fallen.

I don't want healthcare, i want the fatties to die. I'm just mocking your cuckhold life.

>If you don't want to wait you pay

You pay either way, Mario.

What the fuck is a Croatia?

>this was going to happen as soon as the older regimes died off

And who forced that ? You and your fuckiing Soros funded NGOs because you and your retarded Presidents believed every fucking islamic state would turn the same way as Germany after WW2 just by shoveling " Democracy " up their throat.
Happens when you get your history education from the backside of a cereal box.

We see how great that worked in Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and the same would go for Syria but thankfully the Russians stepped in.

>russian agression

I don t feel like im being aggresed . Also if you faggots wouldn t be in europe we would get nukes ourself . Problem solved. As long as nukes exist war will never happen

Wrong, the euros through colonization and the introduction of mass jewish migration.
Careful there Fritz, I hear angry Germans don't last too long since '45.

>daily reminder to americunts that Europe is paying for all the failed wars that americunts cause in the shit skin east.

In our case the deterrent is not you. It's the wider international community.

Think about Ukraine. NATO didn't actually do much but increase troops in its own member states. Ukraine is also just as shitty as Russia when it comes to dumb politics, a failed economy and corruption. Finland however, is a liberal democracy, with some not insignificant goodwill around the world. Were we to be invaded, you'd have the entire UN General Assembly up in arms.

Meatball marinara doesn't know what a deterrent is.

I'm being serious, do people really think that America's intervention in the Middle East wasn't purposely planned to result in the current situation?
Literally every part except for Russia's intervention in Syria was planned.

We protect our interests just fine thanks, so does France.

You say that without any reasoning. Al Assads father passed his power down peacefully to his son, Saddam still had many years left, so did Colonel Khaddaffi. Both had sons that could have taken over.

In any case the war did no good whatsoever, zero, zilch. For the sake of the argument lets say the there would have been a regime change, why would the chaos have been worse Than what the, illegal by the way, invasion caused?

Israel would have been wipped out long ago, but your jewish master in Washington D.C and California know how to use their " Freedom " puppets.

Its as always: You guys invade a country like you would storm a newly build Mc Donalds but you have no idea what do afterwards, except storming the new burger place, always leaving a trail of a fucking mess behind.

Your ignorance is not as good as my knowledge, as you leftist globalist cucks like to say. If you think Russia is scared of nato.....



It wouldn't have been worse, it would have been about the same. We just accelerated the process.

Eurofags get their panties twisted when they realize they won't be able to have that state mandated four day work week and mandatory month vacation and early retirement once we leave you to your own devices. I'm glad we're stopping babysitting you failures. Enjoy getting rammed up the ass with Putin's dick you hogcunts

Germans are actually this retarded. No wonder you're getting cucked by people who worship a child fucker,

You what? Wrong reply? What the hell do you think I'm arguing?

You couldn't even do imperialism right and lost two world wars how about you shut the fuck up kraut. You're almost as bad as the Jews with how you twist the economic thumbscrews of your fellow Europeans

Ah yes the typical american discussion: Once you guys have no arguments you go back to the one thing that always goes through your mind besides easting yourself to Death: other guys dicks.

Well no wonder coming from the country which makes the biggest amount of interracial and cuckoldry porn.

the big problem with our belief that the 'luxury' oof universal healthcare is sustained only because the USA is covering the defense of europe is that the UK both possesses the archetypal example of a universal healthcare system and meets its NATO obligations and has a top tier military with global reach.

Says the guy living in a country that accepts more sandniggers than any other on the continent. Fuckin kraut scum why don't you go goosestep into a lake

>forced to face with the reality that his country is shit and that without the US they would have no means to defend themselves
>"well you know what? Fuck you! Maybe I WANT russia and/or china invading my country! In fact I would LOVE IT!!!"
>Fuck you stupid Americans for inventing islam!!!
i feel sorry for europoors sometimes
must be shit not being american

Again, no reasoning whatsoever. Just your opinion on nothing apparently.

But keep thinking your foreign interventions is a benign thing. You're either a neocon, a liberal or a troll, im not sure which is worse.

Well then what do you care ?
If everything is going so downwards for us Europeans you Burgers couldnt care less.
Instead you create these threads every day like some obsessed lover who got rejected and is now telling everyone how doesnt care at all.

>implying Russia could actually get across Europe.
They have no navy that is worth anything and can't get anywhere without help from allies and Tug boats, their logistic ships are non-existent, they'd have to march across Europe by land with air support.

The Uk's position once again keeps us alive, but this is all irrelevant since it would be a war with nuclear weapons which means everyone dies.

You seem to have forgotten that all your military does these days is fight wars for the kikes.
And the only reason we got this many mudslimes
invading our shit is because you faggots literally destroyed the middle-east.

nobody told u right wing retards to waste $6 TRILLION invading Iraq u fucking retarded Republicans

Top tier military lol you're a shriveled up fetus of an empire give me a break. Eurofags still living in delusion, you won't be when you won't have Americans defending you against Russia.

I am sorry go you say that again ? Your mumbling wasnt clear, probably because your Wife screamed so loud when Tyrone fucked her in the background.

I've laid out plenty of points, you've refuted none of them and everything you've said thus far is factually incorrect.

Since you can't reason like a human, you must be belittled like an animal.

Fuck off Kraut, do something useful and drive your mom to the refugee camp for "cultural training".

Yeah, we should stop doing that and use the money on getting rid of non-whites and conquering space.

>muh the russians
go kys faggot



Jesus, you europeans are so fucking ignorant it's an embarrassment.

lol it is going downhill for you kraut scum, can't wait for Berlin to be put to the torch. The Soviets should've killed every last man woman and child in Berlin and done us a favor in 45. Only thing worse than a kraut is a Jew and it's not by much

I cant refute bullshit because that would get me on your level which means i have to cut out half of my brain.

How come their governments all spend less of their GDP on healthcare then?

You think all the power structures that took over in the collapses weren't already there? kek

>Only thing worse than a kraut is a Jew and it's not by much

Oh Shlomo will be really sad hearing this when his sends your ass into another war or enriches you with a new Jewlywood production.

How's that petrol state fairing Vlad? Reading this in the bread line?

>Americunts non ironically believe they are so exceptional their occupation is something good and their vassals should praise them and happily pay money for occupation.


This article is bullshit
>He thinks America isn't part of NATO
>Implying Russia would ever actually attack NATO
>Implying by full scale attack EU countries the conflict wouldn't go nuclear within hours.

Russia has no navy worth a damn, the only thing that makes them so scary in military power is their nuclear arsenal is larger than Americas and their missile tech is world leading.

>I just you just can't fix stupid
how did Sup Forums come to this?

A good eugenics program must be State funded.
Aussies get free screening for a whole host of genetic diseases. Thousands of defective fetuses are aborted each year.

It is glorious.

But USA are the aggressors....

lol we aint fighting your wars anymore kraut what part about this don't you get? Also I'm rich I don't fight in wars so why don't you polish my boots a little more I want a real nice shine schlampe

Because Op is a fucking 14 year old getting is political knowledge from Call of Duty games.

Trump can and will fight the wars they cant. It is our purpose.

LARPing as your countries defence forces. How embarrassing.



Good lord. You have 0 reading comp skills.