Women making false rape accusations

Guys, my sister almost ruined a man's life with a seemingly false rape accusation. Investigated it myself, and turns out he was right. Wat do
inb4 kill self

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Cmon faggots, this is real shit

Rape your sister.

Thanks Australia

Anybody got any real advice?

Go on a killing spree and become a poster child for Sup Forums while redpilling normies before you start massacring every individual

Yes, rape her, violently, let her know what it is really like, she will never throw around false accusations again.

But I'm more of a protector brother than a hurt you brother

she's a slut and you're get brother haha habe fun going to the mall and running into more guys she's fucked

>Plant hidden recording device on your person
>Engage sister
>Confront her with inconsistencies/evidence
>Solicit confession she lied
>Hold and forward evidence to police if she tries to frame him

Thought about Mr. FBI

Confront her, show her your disapproval and explain the selfishness of her actions. Make her repent or break off contact with her. Let her know she's either doing the right thing or losing a sibling

I am so sick of seeing her face holy shit stop it

Got any female relatives?
Not your mom, maybe another sister or cousin. Casually mention it to them, how the guy talked to you and gave you evidence and she's ruining his life. Then say..."i don't know though, i want to believe her but..." Then throw in a "dont tell anybody" wordword will get around. Your sister will look like a stupid ass and you won't look like the insensitive brother.

go to your local mosque and hire someone to teach her what rape is really like

>turns out he was right
Explain yourself. Who was right? Your sister was right that she was raped? Or the guy was right that he didn't rape her?

She already repented and said she didn't want to lose me as a sibling. I'm all she has for family

Not FBI, but thank you

Fuck off Akmed

Beat me to it you cunt.

I think you're underestimating how vapid cunts are in this day and age. If he goes through with your plan, I guarantee she's gonna pick the lose a sibling path.

Guy was right

Hate to say it, but my sister did the same thing. There's not much you can do unless you want to fuck up your entire family. It's basically a lose-lose. My family got fucked because of my sister mainly, and now no one talks to each other anymore and I've long moved out (and obviously am in Japan now).

Then the next step is confession, actually following through with the repentance. Anyone can say they're sorry, righting wrongs shows that they are

You can't be around someone like that who would send someone to prisons and ruin their life for what was certainly an arbitrary and insignificant reason.

Now fuck off and stop being a cuck

This is the only acceptable thing to do

Pud da benis in da bagina


>obviously in Japan

Mind blown

theres not a single muslim in my country leaf, can you say the same?

Illegal in Aus

Enjoy the pokey

why you posting jews here? you some kinda jew lover?

False rape thread?

Thats perfect as soon as she grins like "your not gonna hit me" she gets whacked.

I can tell you that your statistics don't lie mate. Remember when Freedom lost the election?

Jews are based.

Go to the police and just tell them you know for a fact she is lying and give them her true whereabouts at the time.

Secretly record her admitting she lied about it. Then give the recording to the guy.


Cover for the public eye


Legit CUT some part of her body off, her right leg or something, bitch deserves to be permanently scarred, jesus fuck.

I seriously hope you beta orbiters aren't still following this coalburner?


This is probably the best case.

Then formally apologize to the guy by taking him out for a beer.

Then rape him.

tell us the full story faggot. also, get your sister to drop the accusation.


gather evidence: text messages, photos of diary, recordings*, whatever it takes to sink her story.

this happened to a mate of mine and he almost lost everything until the girl's mother read her diary boasting about how she set the poor user up. his life's still pretty much fucked though. the girl: got disowned, but otherwise, zilch.

(* I am not a lawyer, look into the validity of this kind of evidence.)

Tl;dr but the title hits close to home

Why are anglos always so retarded? Lauren is not Jewish.

why do your women look like this?

it's time to bestow your rightful wrath upon her cuntery.

>grandparents escaped holohoax
>jewish last name
>dies hair blonde
>fucked up Jew face
>mocks white genocide
>writes Pro-Israel pieces
>totally not jewish guise!

you're a real dumb motherfucker.



She dropped it.

Here's full story:
My sister is upset, says she wants to drink and chill so I buy us a bottle of tequila. We start pounding shots, and we're sharing shit with each other. I ask her about "Guy" and she tells me nothing happened. My dad's girlfriend comes in (guys mom) and suddenly she's saying she was raped.

Is he still facing charges


Where did this whole coal burner thing start?

ah, forbidden love between step-siblings, eh? now we have it.
>literary meme territory ahead, lads.

>grandparents escaped holohoax
No, they escaped the Nazi occupation of Denmark
>jewish last name
Not a Jewish last name at all, you're retarded
>mocks white genocide
That was in 2015, now she supports ethnonationalist movements
>writes Pro-Israel pieces
Not really

I'm super pissed, because she straight up told me nothing happened then told her the opposite. Confront her today, shit gets heavy and I get both sides of the story. He has gps coordinates and full length text convos of them together. She won't even let me see her phone

Is "Southern" a Jewish name? Or is it a corruption of Südlichsteinburg?

Always, ALWAYS carry a digital voice recorder that can record 24 hours or more of audio. dump it to a hard drive every night.

This will be your alibi.


Holy shit. Is this real? I really hope it isn't.

your entire post destroyed by one pic.
i mean, every single fucking point you gave is destroyed with ONE god damn meme.

how much are they paying you to lose to me?

If she doesn't admit to everyone that she lied, she's a degenerate whore and there's no saving her

Her original name was "Simonsen" and this fucking moron thinks that's a Jewish name, even though it means "son of Simon" and names like that are very common in Nordic countries.

give us proof or just shut up

if you cant be bothered to greentext the story nobody here gives a shit to help because we dont know what the fuck happened

wrong. see see

I can't tell if you're joking at this point or whether you're really a sub-70 IQ individual. Most surnames in the Nordic countries have some kind of Biblical name attached to them, it has nothing to do with Judaism you moron.

>Most surnames in the Nordic countries have some kind of Biblical name


This is what it's come to, lads.
Spoilt little princesses and cunt fucking parents leaving their lads in jail to teach them a lesson, then plebbing it out on R. like a fucking gimp.
Cuntdad should just take out a hefty life insurance, leave the lot to the son then jump off the nearest fucking bridge. Dick should have been castrated at birth. As for the little slut, no doubt she'll get what she deserves nogwise, we've seen it all before.

For you to believe she is Jewish you'd have to believe at some point she suddenly started lying about not being Jewish and that she forged a DNA test for that purpose. You'd have to be an /x/-tier paranoid retard.


I can tell you that the surnames "Simola" and "Simonen" are very common in Finland, derive from the same "Shimeon", and have absolutely nothing to do with Jewishness. It's just Nordic people taking names from the Bible and naming their kids after that.

Destroy that bitch.

Scroll up.
But I've seen enough to make up my mind

>"Shimeon", and have absolutely nothing to do with Jewishness.
I gave proof Shimeon derives from Hebrew, and that its a Jewish surname.

Please provide proof that its "just Nordic people taking names from the Bible and naming their kids after that."

If you can't offer proofs, you lose.

>Please believe my claim without any actual evidence!

Go ahead. I'll wait.

rape your sister, blame him

Simon is a common name for Christians too so how does this prove anything?

I fucking live here you retarded anglo, you're just going by what is the case in your country. There are almost no Jews in Finland yet names that derive from Hebrew names are extremely common like "Simo" (Shimeon) and "Jaakko" (Jacob). Because when Christianity came to the Nordic countries people took names from the Old Testament.

I like how you ignored the part about how you'd have to believe she suddenly started lying about not being Jewish.

My name is Matthew. So obviously I'm Jewish because it comes from a Hebrew name.

You god damn kike

Are you really so stupid that you don't know how to work around this?
Turn on the recorder, start recording something 100% legit, then "forget to turn it off by accident" and proceed to have the conversation with sister.

>Fucking rat your sister out she is fucking degenerate and part of the reason the world is failing real talk dont let her ruin that mans life....

>my proof is I live here!
>take my word for it!

im getting real bored defeating you cunts in these threads. its the same attack/defense every time, and I always win and you fucks always look retarded and uneducated. might make these redpills static so I dont have to keep defeating you in discussion...


Only a leaf

i can google a long list of people with the name Matthew that arent jews

Simple question: Do you think she forged a DNA test just to deceive people to think she is not Jewish? Are you really insane enough to believe that?

Jesus conquered the world through getting everybody named after dirty ass jews.

I still haven't seen a picture of her feet.

that joke went over your head

Post more sexy Lauren Southern.

We need meme sildiers to help us hackbthe french election get in here

Call her "cringey" next


here is a nazi with a similar family name. Your point means shit you moron

any proofs it's her dna test?

here's the evidence she's a jew:

>mocks white genocide
>jewish (ashkenazi) last name
>grandparents escaped holohoax
>shills for Israel

And your evidence that she isn't a Jew is what? Her word? A picture of a DNA test that may or may not be accurately her's?

Not sure if you're a shill or just enchanted by her Jewish tits.

You're not even French, Romania.
Quit trying to hijack my thread with your irrelevant country.