>be a white etnonationalist
>fell in love with an asian girl
How do I cope with this feeling?
>be a white etnonationalist
>fell in love with an asian girl
How do I cope with this feeling?
Other urls found in this thread:
By killing yourself
Fucky sucky long time
You're Asian yourself Szabolcs, there is no probaly here. Remember your Mongol roots.
Hungary really isn't the kind of white we need. It more Northern/Western Europeans that need to be based and pure blooded. That's where the recessive traits like blonde/redhair/blue eyes are anyway.
By clogging up Sup Forums. Fuck off.
>tfw blonde hair, blue eyes, 6'3"
Feels good man
Just like the rest of Sup Forums would. Bunch of rationalizing virgins.
Is there anything wrong with loving other races as a man? To me it's what you as a white man were made for, colonizing other women and spreading your seed as far as possible. You are a modern conquistador.
Fuck you, Hungary is white
follow your dreams
Tell her.
>How do I cope with this feeling?
Remind yourself that you're an Asian too
Honorary whites, keep smiling, OP.
stop being retarded. asians have rich culture and are polite and nice, they are allies.
Love is the exact same feeling retards have for crayons
stop being a child
realy makes me thignk.........
Remember that King Saint Stephen and Hungarian Jesus are watching you while you do it with a heathen Pecheneg.
Do you want manlet sons with crooked teeth who can't into sports OP?
Then don't cum inside.
sucky-sucky faiv dorrah
Burn the rice, pay the price.
Asian women are genuine psychopaths. Have fun, dude.
Just don't have kids.
just adopt white children
You're Hungarian
You should be a proud asian ethnonationalist
>t. chink
just make sure you have a girl
happa boys aint nothin to desire
>raises another man's children
Put white eggs in the asian women, breed white men and half asian hapa women....
is this the daily racemixing thread?
>Sup Forums
>white nationalist
kill yourself. Stop clogging up the boards with useless crap.
It won't be for long if weebs like you keep doing this shit
I don't see any race mixing.
Asians are on the higher end of the IQ distribution, second only to Ashkenazi Jews. Have smart babies and raise them with conservative values.
I'll never forget what my wife said to me the first time we met.
"Suckie suckie 10 dollar."
t. 25% white
Nevermind jigaboo-country.
>the eternal anglo will never be a Eurasian warrior
You'll notice when the sex is really really really really boring and bland and there are no pheromones present. Nature will tell you it's not worth it.
Really perforated my waffles
>this is just like my animes!
Stop being an ethnonationalist, and become a radical traditionalist. A Christian Corporatist.
its ok, asians are acceptable, they actually work hard and are way more worth than most africans
>falling in love
The ultimate bluepill.
She'll never love you the way you love her. She is a vagina jew.
Yes, I am clearly a shitskin
Ivan they also eat dog and believe cutting off certain parts of the animal brings good medicine. Not to mention they're butt ugly
if pic related is you guys, you're out of her league
yeah, and white people believe in crystal energy bullshit. there are retards in every culture ya goober
they don't look that bad
would you embarrassing mutts stfu. i swear every time a european talks about race you project like argentina
Heres a (You)
thanks, just what the doctor order :^) my point stands though, the Chinese dynasty was well ahead of its time technologically for a large part of civilization
Hungarybro we are both more Asian then European.
You need to embrace your inner Khan.
Sure waffleland whatever you say. Just make sure Ahmed is tucked in before midnight
Grid your teeth and date a white woman
>Then don't cum inside
You know he already has though
I like the idea but we ought to encourage every type of white to breed so we can outcompete the nigs and muslims. I'd rather have behaving-less whites than non-behaving non-whites.
outbreeding other races is fine. just be sure that you are in love for real before and don't just want to try asian pussy.
Make sure you don't have any kids!
>white ethnonationalist
You have to be 18 to post here
Congratulations. WMAW is the best couple
At this point only east asians will survive against the great african migration
We should muh dick them so our genes can live forever
>when the urge to racemix hits you but you want white kids
Hapas tend to absolutely hate WMs.
Don't want your spawn killing you or other white people as your fucking legacy.
AF are hot as hell, but it seems theres very little that can change the hapa males world view
European and asian is fine,
Most make better wives then white girls anyway.
dis my girl and my bike
pic related
damn i wanna visit finland and give these chinks my white seed
Love is for the weak.
just be like white woman and fuck tyrone in your youth and marry brad when your older
by not having children
>Modern Hungarian-speaking populations seem to be specifically European. Our findings demonstrate that significant genetic differences exist between the ancient and recent Hungarian-speaking populations, and no genetic continuity is seen.
ew gooks are gross
Pick one my mongoloid friend
This is why the white race is dying. Simply refuses to breed.
With a .45 to the back of the head
Honestly mate, love and happiness are fleeting, enjoy them while you have em.
>just be like white woman and fuck tyrone in your youth
thats a meme. most dont. not going to lie though i wouldn't pull out if the girl is hot enough, asian or not.
Hungary is one of the must uncuck country of europe with Poland. STFU burger.
>White ethnonationalism
>has yellow fever
You're describing 30% of shitcunts on Western Australia
God I hate you hypocritical cunts
cherish love wherever you find it
she's not even that good looking
and you're not that ugly for a south European Turk rapebaby
you could do better
maybe she's nice
As lobby as she is Japanese, is okay. They are honorary aryans.
pick one
white nationalist
has probkems with white people like japs and gooks
white doesn't mean european
japs are white but they are not european
you can mix with them if you are a white nationalist but not if you are an european nationalist
>japs are white but they are not european
>you can mix with them if you are a white nationalist but not if you are an european nationalist
nigger, did your autocorrect really just replace long with lobby? who the fuck programs this shit
>caring about the opinion of a bunch of fat social outcasts on a degenerate forum
Live your life and be happy. Your dead ancestors don't give a fuck about you and neither will your great grandchildren.
final solution best solution
Fuck off weeb
They're nips
Neck yourself
you are not white nor european
I swear this whole ethno nationalist movement is full of fucking retards.
The amount of fucking retarded mental gymnastics these fuckwits are willing to play to allow their own degeneracy
Come on buddy, we both know you are not in a position to decide that.
If it is you on the pick. That is not really white my man. More like small brown stain in my underwear colour.